My first crossover... sup guys this shall be awesome. also i just came up with this idea i don't know where this is going.


Prussia's POV

I stumbled through the snow covered forest desperately trying to keep going. My time was running out, but I couldn't give up yet, I had to get away, I couldn't let the others see me like this. I knew I looked like shit, I felt like it, I didn't want the others to see me crying and I didn't want to see them cry either, that would be so not awesome. My legs stopped working and I fell, I tried to get back up, but they wouldn't work, this was it, I was going to die. I didn't want to leave west and the others, but I had no choice, I dragged myself to a tree and rested against it. I lowered my head and silently cried waiting to die, it had finally caught up with me, Prussia had dissolved years ago and yet I was still alive, not anymore though I was dying.

I had been in a world meeting when I felt it begin and had just ran out of it. 'Great' I thought "Real subtle Prussia, good job." I told myself sarcastically. I wondered if anyone would miss me, or would they think it was about time I died? I squeezed my eyes shut as the tears continued to fall.

A cold hand tentatively touched my shoulder, I snapped my eyes open and looked up expecting to see West or something. What I was not expecting to see was someone who looked almost exactly like me, he seemed surprised as well, and we just sat there staring at each other. He had white hair and icy blue eyes kind of like West's, he was barefooted and holding what looked like a shepherds staff he was wearing brown trousers and a blue hoody with what looked like frost on it, and his skin was almost as pale as mine.

"How can you see me?" He stuttered. 'That's a weird question to ask.' I thought,

"Of course I can see you, you're right in front of me." I replied incredulously. His eyes softened and he wiped away the tears I had still been crying. His hands were cold, but warm at the same time. "Who are you?" he hesitated for a while but then smiled and answered,

"I'm Jack Frost." He said. I raised an eyebrow,

"Like the spirit?" I asked, he nodded. When I thought about it, it made sense. I mean if nations could exist, then why not other things? (Don't tell England I said that.) "I'm Gilbert Beilschmidt…" I wondered if I should tell him or not, but he told me who he was, so it was only fair I tell him who I was. "AKA the awesome Prussia!" I smirked. It was his turn to stare at me confused.

"The ex-nation?" He asked, and I nodded. "Well ok then." He shrugged and sat down next to me. We talked about random things and got along really well, I told him about nations, and Jack in turn told me about spirits and his friends. Jack is the guardian of fun and he's one of five guardians, there was: Santa Claus the guardian of wonder. The Easter Bunny guardian of hope, the Tooth Fairy guardian of memories, and Sandman the guardian of dreams. I don't know how long we sat and talked for, but it made me forget why I was here in the first place, that is until Jack asked me.

"I'm dying Jack." I said looking up into the grey sky and smiling gently, it was starting to snow again.

"What?" Jack yelled shooting into the air.

"Get back down here, Jack." I said smiling up at him. He came back down crouched in front of me.

"What do you mean you're dying?" He asked in a quiet voice staring intently into my eyes. I stared back into his icy blue eyes.

"You said it yourself, Jack, I'm not a nation anymore, I should have died a long time ago." I said still smiling, I could feel tears stinging the back of my eyes.

"B-but you're still alive." He stuttered his eyes misting over.

"I know that, and I don't know how, but it's finally caught up with me." I said never taking my eyes off Jack's.

"What about the other's, can't they do anything?" He said a tone of desperation in his voice. I shook my head.

"They've done all they can, and I don't want them to see the awesome me like this." I smirked weakly, as if to prove my point I started coughing violently. Jack panicked and began patting me on the back. Once I stopped coughing and brought my hand away from my mouth, I saw blood, I tried to hide it from Jack but he grabbed my arm.

Once he saw the blood on my hand the tears he had been trying to hold back began to fall. They rolled silently down his cheeks mingling with the snow falling around us, his tears were like small crystals, as clear as ice. I sighed and smiled at him, I could feel my eyes begin to water as well but blinked them away, slowly I reached my hands out to him and wiped away the tears.

"Come on, the awesome me doesn't want to see the others cry, what makes you think I want to see you cry?" I snickered. Jack looked up at me and smiled a small smile, then he grinned (a very mischievous grin I might add) and put a hand behind his back. I looked at him curiously albeit warily and tried to scoot away from him, that smile was seriously starting to freak me out. Suddenly I saw a flash of white and the next thing I felt was cold, I yelped and wiped the snow off my face all the while pouting and glaring at Jack. He was currently on the floor laughing his ass off, and it was starting to piss me off. "Damn it, Jack! Way to ruin the moment!" I yelled making a snowball and throwing it at the idiot on the floor.

"Sorry, sorry! It was just too good an opportunity." He said trying to catch his breath and getting up off the ground brushing the snow off of him. Then his face fell, the moment of laughter was gone and we both knew it, I could feel myself begin to slip away and knew I didn't have much time left. I admit I was scared. I began coughing again, this time harder than the first, Jack pat me on the back waiting for the attack to stop. When it did I didn't even need to look at my hand to know there was blood. Slowly I raised my head to look back at Jack, he smiled at me, that bright smile that made you just want to smile in return. "I'm not gonna let you die alone Gil." He said his voice filled with truth. I smiled a large true genuine smile and with the last of my strength I threw my arms around him.

"Danke, und es tut mir leid mein Freund." I whispered in his ear, I could feel him tense under my sudden action, but then he relaxed into the hug. He buried his face into my jacket and I could feel his tears soaking into it. I began to cry as well, but I smiled, the snow fell lazily around us, it was so peaceful. Then it all went black.

Jack's Pov

I was flying through the air and laughing with my friend the wind. Recently I had joined the Guardians and defeated Pitch, I felt like I could rule the world. I had a new family and I would never let them go, that included the kangaroo. I was flying over the forest when wind tapped me on the shoulder in that weird way she has. I looked down to the forest floor and noticed someone sitting against a tree. 'Strange' I thought I flew down onto the snow covered ground and walked up to the figure. He had white hair and pale skin, he looked a lot like me. I could tell he was crying and crouched down in front of him. 'I may not be able to talk to him, but at least I can be here.' I thought, I didn't know what was wrong but it was obvious that this guy shouldn't be alone. Tentatively I put a hand on his shoulder not expecting any sort of reaction. Then he snapped his head up and looked at me. He looked almost exactly like me except for the crimson eyes, we just sat there staring at each other in a tense silence. I was amazed, he could see me, and finally I spoke.

"How can you see me?" I stuttered, he looked at me confused.

"Of course I can see you, you're right in front of me." He replied incredulously. I stared at him for a second, his eyes were filled with pain and sadness, but mostly loneliness. I could feel myself relax and I softly wiped away the tears he was still crying. "Who are you?" He asked staring at me, I hesitated for a second 'should I tell him?' I asked myself 'well he can see me… I may as well.'

"I'm Jack Frost." I finally said, he raised an eyebrow.

"Like the spirit?" He asked, I nodded. He seemed to be thinking about something then he spoke again.

"I'm Gilbert Beilschmidt…" He said, then hesitated before continuing, "AKA the awesome Prussia." He finished. I observed him for a moment to see if he was lying, when I saw that he was telling the truth I decided to just confirm what I thought he said.

"The ex-nation?" I asked and he nodded. "Well ok then." I shrugged and sat next to him. We talked about anything and everything and found that we actually got along really well. I told him about being a guardian and my friends, (*cough*family*cough*) and he in turn told me about being a nation. He used to be the human personification of Prussia and his friends are all representations of countries. There was: Ludwig Beilschmidt, his little brother, who represented Germany, Francis Bonnefoy who represented France, Antonio Fernandez Carriedo who represented Spain, and so on. He said that every single nation has had their fair share of wars and heartbreak and so on, but they tried not to hold grudges against each other, because they're pretty much family. I thought that was sweet, but one thing confused me. If everyone was currently in a world meeting, why wasn't Prussia there? So I asked, his face immediately fell and he looked up to the grey sky where I noticed it was starting to snow.

"I'm dying, Jack" he said. It took me a moment to process what he said, I wondered if I had heard right.

"What?" I yelled shooting up into the air in surprise.

"Get back down here, Jack." He said smiling up at me. I lowered myself back down to the ground staring at him in disbelief never taking my eyes off of him and crouching down in front of him.

"What do you mean you're dying?" I finally asked in a quiet voice, I couldn't believe it. He stared back into my blue eyes with piercing red ones.

"You said it yourself, Jack, I'm not a nation anymore, I should have died a long time ago." He said still smiling his gaze never wavering.

"B-but you're still alive." I stuttered, I could feel my eyes begin to water.

"I know that, and I don't know how, but it's finally caught up with me." He said still staring into my eyes. I could feel my anger begin to rise, 'Why hadn't anybody come looking for him?'

"What about the other's, can't they do anything?" I asked desperately, he just shook his head.

"They've done all they can, and I don't want them to see the awesome me like this." He said smirking, then he started coughing. I began to panic but tried to hide it and just pat his back. Once he was finished coughing he pulled his hand away from his mouth, I thought I saw something and grabbed his wrist.

There was blood on his hands, the tears I had been trying to hold back began to fall and I roughly sat back down next to him. He sighed and blinked rapidly, then he reached over and wiped away my tears.

"Come on, the awesome me doesn't want to see the others cry, what makes you think I want to see you cry?" He snickered. I smiled at him, then I got an idea, I grinned and put a hand behind my back creating a snowball. He looked at me nervously and tried to scoot away, when the snowball was perfect I threw it at him. He shrieked (A very manly shriek) and wiped the snow away. I couldn't hold it in anymore and fell on the ground laughing my ass off, the look on his face was priceless! "Damn it, Jack! Way to ruin the moment!" He yelled at me throwing a snowball of his own at me.

"Sorry, sorry! It was just too good an opportunity." I exclaimed gasping for breath and getting up brushing the snow off of me. Suddenly the reality of the situation hit me 'My friend's going to die.' I thought and my face fell, the moment of laughter was over, and I knew he knew it too. I wondered if he was scared or not, if he was he didn't show it. He started to cough again, this time harder than the first and it scared me but I tried not to show it and just pat his back waiting for it to pass. When he was finished he pulled his hand away from his mouth and neither of us had to look to know that his hand was covered with blood. Slowly he looked back up at me and I made a decision, I smiled at him. He smiled back at me, the brightest smile I had ever seen on his pale face. "I'm not gonna let you die alone Gil." I said truthfully. His eyes filled with tears and in a surprise move he threw his arms around me. I tensed but then relaxed into the hug.

"Danke, und es tut mir leid mein Freund." He whispered in my ear, I didn't know what he said, but I knew he was sincere. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes and I buried my face into his jacket letting them fall. Something wet hit my shoulder and I knew he was crying as well. The snow fell lazily around us and I just wished this moment could last forever.

Then my world came crashing down around me. Gilbert went limp in my arms and stopped breathing. Slowly as if he were a broken doll I placed him on the ground and lifted his head onto my lap closing his eyes. A small and blissfully happy smile adorned his features, and it was almost like he was sleeping.

"Gil?" I asked hesitantly shaking his shoulders, I knew that there would be no response but I couldn't believe it. "Gilbert!" I yelled shaking him harder, there was no response, my tears fell freely down my cheeks but I didn't bother to stop them. "Gilbert, please! Do- don't be d-"I couldn't finish sobs wracked my body as I held my new friends limp body close. I checked for a pulse even though I knew there would be none. Then reality sunk in. I screamed his name and sobbed my heart out, it couldn't be true. The person I just met, my new friend, my best friend was dead.

I don't know how long I sat there just holding Gilberts limp body to my chest sobbing, but finally I set him down. My tears fell freely down my cheeks and hit his pale face with that smile still in place. Slowly as if in a trance I stood up, grabbed my staff and walked away, not even noticing when wind embraced me.

... Don't kill me! I made myself cry when i wrote this. But guess what? Prussia's not dead! ack spoilers shh you never heard that. Bye until next time!

Also before i forget

Danke, und es tut mir leid mein Freund= thank you, my friend, and i'm sorry

That's probably wrong i used Google translate, feel free to correct me.

There's not supposed to be any pairings in this but you can think of it like that if ya want.