Hello guys time for chapter 2!I just want to thank amythewholockarmy for adding this story to story alert, nobody321 and spellmugwump97 for adding this to their favourites as well as story alerting and Reading nerd for adding this to their favourites and leaving a review ( REVIEW!)

In reply to Reading nerd: Thanks for the review! Its nice to get positive feed back from readers :). The next chapter should be up today or tomorrow, and since I'm off school for a week for half term I'll be updating a lot more often.
Thanks again for the review!

Well I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you soon!

Marvel own The Avengers but, YOU WILL NEVER TAKE BLAZE! Mwahahah!

"BLAZE, WHAT THE FUCK!"Clint yelled at the girl who was still grinning and watching The Avengers reactions. Steve and Thor looked confused, Bruce looked worried, Tony looked like a little kid at Christmas and Natasha looked bored.

"Hawk's a mutant? Awesome! What can he do, teleportation, dose he have super strength?"Tony was smiling like a little lunatic and Blaze couldn't help but be annoyed by him and rolled her eyes.

"He wishes he was that cool."

After letting his eyes flick between Blaze and Clint a few more times Steve spoke up."I'm sorry to interrupt," he said said still looking confused. " But what's a mutant?"

Bruce answered first. "A Mutant," He started not taking his eyes of off the two people in front of him. "Is a person who has a genetic mutation called an X-Gene." He stopped making sure the captain understood what he was saying before carrying on "This gene causes their bodies to develop abilities that regular humans cannot."

The super soldier nodded "So what can Clint do?"

"Extremely advanced senses, especially sight, am I right Blaze?"the team all turned in shock to face Natasha, who was messing with her gun and leaning against a tree.

"Yeah and 6th sense," Blaze added. "That's probably the interesting power he has."

The archer frowned ."Hey! I can hear you."

"Hold on a second" Tony frowned pointing at the red headed assassin. " She knew?" .

"Yeah,"She said rolling her eyes before continuing. "I got it out of him when he found someone we were looking for during a mission without any leads. He'd heard them talking from almost the other side of town."she shrugged and looked around her at destroyed forest, filled with small fires from the aliens crashed ships, before turning to the female mutant with a sigh."Now they know about the whole mutant thing can you clear this up before a forest fire starts?"

Blaze looked around her as if she had forgotten about the battle before turning back to Natasha. "Oh yeah, sure."She flicked her hand and the flames around them flickered before disappearing completely making The Avengers (excluding Clint and Natasha) look at her in surprise and causing Blaze's mischievous smile to return."Ta da!" she said spinning to face the team once more. "That was easy."

"Show off"

"Well at least can do something cool, Mr super sense."Blaze replied still smiling,causing Clint to look at her annoyed.

"Right now if I could punch you, I would."

The girl stuck her tongue out and was about to carry on talking when she was interrupted by Tony. Again."Sorry to-"

"Interrupt but what the hell was that?" The girl grinned "That's what you where going to say wasn't it." Blaze was getting sick of being interrupted by this guy and decided to have a bit of fun. "Well apparently I can control fire and read minds, and your mind really interesting." She couldn't help but smirk as the Iron Man's sarcastic smile fell. " A HUGE section of bad, bad memories and weaknesses in here I can look thro- " The mutant grimaced before turning and yelling at the archer next to her "CLINT SHUT UP AND GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"

He almost snarled at her in response."Well stop poking around in my team mates minds and I will!"

Steve waked over to Natasha who seemed to be the only person not fazed by the situation. "What did she mean by 'get out of my head.'?" The super solider whispered trying not to disturb the fighting mutants.

"Telepathy. He was probably shouting or annoying her telepathically so she would get out of Tony's mind." The assassin replied like it was something which happened on a daily basis. Steve nodded and turned his attention back to the fight.

The archer was still looking pissed at Blaze"Why did you even come here?"As soon as he saw the look of hurt on the girls face he regretted his words. It took several seconds for her to reply and when she did he could here the pain in her voice

"I came to help you didn't I?"

"No you didn't," He sighed "You came to find me and THEN, you helped when you saw the battle I was fighting in."

Blaze looked furious and kicked a fallen tree next to her before spinning and facing the S.H.I.E.L.D agent. " ONE AND A HALF FUCKIING YEARS CLINT AND I HADN'T HEARD A THING FROM YOU! I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU CAN'T GO ROUND TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT MISSIONS BUT YOU COULD HAVE CONTACTED ME!"The ends of her hair which were usually dip dyed plain red, now looked like they were on fire."A PHONE CALL, A LETTER, EVEN A TELAPATHIC MESSAGE TO SAY YOU WERE OK!"

"Blaze, I'm sorry. I was-"

"Busy with the avengers, I know."Her expression softened. "We all miss you Clint. All the guys at the school and myself saw what happened at New York"She looked him eyes " We were ALL worried."

The Avenger sighed thinking about the place he had called home his whole childhood and the people he considered his family. "I miss them too. I didn't mean to make you worry."

"Then come visit. Let them know your Ok." She pointed to The Avengers "Bring your team too if you want." She smiled " I'm sure the kids would love to meet 'Earth's mightiest heroes'."the fire mutant faced the rest of Clint's team still smiling. "What do you say?"

Tony answered first "Meeting a bunch of kids with crazy powers, what could go wrong?"

"Great"Blaze pulled out a phone,and brought it to her ear "Hey Ro, its Blaze." she looked over at Clint with her mischievous grin back on her face "Can you fly over The Blackbird, you'll never guess who's coming to stay."