AN- Sorry guys about not updating. I have had a lot of things going on. I do not own the characters.

Chapter 6


I was awakened by the banging on my door. I stood up and slowly walked to the door and opened it. Lissa stood there looking giddy. " Lissa what is so important that you had to wake me up before I even have practice?"

"We are leaving for spring break today." I looked at her questioningly. " yea I know we don't technically get out for three more days but I got it approved that we could leave early. I decided I was taking you somewhere for your birthday. So we have to get you packed." She rushed over to my closet and we started packing.

"Does Dimitri know that we are leaving early?" I asked.

" Not yet Christian is on his way to tell him." I nodded and continued to pack. We talked about what I was going to name the baby and what we were going to do after graduation. Once we finished packing. We went by Lissa's room to get her luggage then headed to the landing strip.


Lissa woke me up and told me to pack then go tell Dimitri to pack and meet her, Rose and the other guardians at the landing strip. I packed quickly and then I headed to Dimitri's. As I walked I thought about how Rose was going to get through this. She didn't know but Lissa and I are going through the same thing sort of. Lissa is pregnant. We wont be having the ridicule that Rose and Dimitri have. We have two people who will be needing more protection. Where we are going in Russia, to Baia, where there where a lot of strigoi attacks. I reached Dimitri's room and knocked on the door.

"One minute." said a feminine voice. Oh this is not good. The door opened and the last person I thought I would see stood on the other side.

"Aunt Tasha." I just stared at her.

" What are you doing here Christian?"

" I'm here to tell Dimitri that we have a flight to catch. And that Rose is waiting on him." She giggled.

"Well he told me that he was coming to be my guardian."

" He can't he has a baby on the way with someone else. He is not leaving her to go with you." I said storming into the room. Dimitri lay on the bed asleep with nothing on but a sheet. I walked over to him and set him on fire. He stood up and tried to put the fire out. Patting himself down, I finally took the flame off of him and punched him. " How dare you. You have a baby on the way. Why would you do that to her. To them." I said yelling at him. He looked at me confused.

" What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how you and Tasha had sex and you didn't even think what it would do to Rose. We are leaving now. I suggest that you get dressed and pack. And you," I said turning to Tasha, " You are to leave and do not come back around Dimitri until you have learned to control yourself. You should never have come here." Tasha looked at me shocked.

" You can not tell me what to do. If he wants me here then I will be here." she turned to Dimitri and stared him in the eyes. " You want me to stay don't you."

" Yes, I love only you Tasha." He replied in a robotic voice.

"That is not how this works. You can not use compulsion to get what you want. Now leave. I never want to see you around again." That was one of the hardest things I have ever had to say. She was the only family I had left. Then it dawned on me that I had a family with Lissa and Rose. It may not be perfect but it was still family. She just stared at me so I took her arm and dragged her to the door then slammed the door in her face. " Now you get up, get dressed and pack. I will expect you to tell Rose and apologize." I said.

"Christian you have to know that I didn't do anything with her. I would never do that to Rose. Please believe me." I shook my head.

"Get packed we head out in ten minutes."


Christian stood by the door while I packed. It took me about eight minutes to get everything I needed. We walked to the landing strip in silence. We arrived to the landing strip to find Tasha yelling. As soon as she saw us she took off in the other direction. We walked up to see Rose crying and Lissa as well. Christian ran over to Lissa and held her to him. I started to walk over to where Rose was and she had the saddest eyes. When I reached for her she turned away.
" Why would you do that to me, to us. Why with her." she sobbed.

"Roza please let me explain." She looked at me trying to decide if it was worth it to let me explain. Just then Alberta came by telling us to board the plane. Rose pulled away form me as we walked to the plane. My only thoughts were what have I done. We finally got everyone settled on the plane. Lissa and Christian sat in the middle with two guardians with sitting in front and behind them Alburta and Guardian Volkov. He and I graduated from St. Basils the same year. He was better known as David.

I walked to the back of the plane where Rose sat and tentatively sat beside her. As the plane was taking off we didn't say a word. Once we were allowed to unbuckle and move around is when I turned to Rose. "Roza, please you have to believe me when I say that nothing happened. She compelled me to think that I was going with her. To agree to be with her." I was starting to ramble. She placed her hand on my arm.

"Dimitri I believe you but that doesn't make what she said and did any better. I don't want you to be around her ever again. If you can't do that then we can't be together."

"I will never see her again if it means I can have you and our child then it will be done." I placed my hand on her belly. I could feel the barley there baby bump. She smiled and kissed me. She laid her head on my shoulder and we drifted off to sleep wrapped in each others arms.


How dare my own nephew telling me to never come around again. Dimitri will be mine one way or another. I raced over to the landing strip. Rose stood by Lissa talking. The guardians were setting up and getting everything into the plane. This is my chance. I walked up to Rose and she looked at me. "Hey Tasha."

"Dimitri will never be yours. He has agreed to become my guardian and have my children." She had tears in her eyes.

"NO! He would never do that."

"Well Bitch it has." just then I saw Dimitri and I took off. I knew he would not come after me. I finally reached the cabin I was staying in and took out my phone. I dialed the familiar number, he picked up on the first ring.

"Tasha, what a long time it has been. Why the call now?"

" I need you to get rid of Rose Hathaway. She is with your son."

"That's all I need to know. It will be done." The phone call ended. Now all I have to do is wait.