Rose loses her phone DPOV

"Later Belikov" I nodded and began walking towards me and Roses apartment. We had been living together for just over 9 months now and we had been together (officially) for almost a year. I was going to surprise her by coming home early, Christian had ordered me to take the evening off and spend time with Rose, an order I would gladly follow. Once I got to the door I quietly put my key in the lock and opened the door, I wasn't expecting the sight that met my eyes. It was a mess the table was on its side, the couch cushions were scattered all over the room and there were books and DVD everywhere.

"Rose" I called out

"Bedroom" She yelled back, she sounded frustrated. I headed towards our bedroom and found her standing in the middle of the room surrounded by pillows, duvets, books, our laptops and clothes that had all been thrown on the floor.

"Did a Strigoi attack while I was out?" She turned her head and shot me a Hathaway death glare.

"Not funny" I stepped over various items on the floor and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Roza what's wrong?"

"My phone, I can't find it anywhere"

"Your phone?" I glanced around the trashed room then back at her "You tore our home apart for your phone?" She pulled away from me.

"Dimitri, you know how important my phone is. They call me on it if I'm not there and a Strigoi attacks. If I don't have my phone Lissa is vulnerable" She was so stressed, it made me wonder how long she had been searching.

"Calm down, Have you tried calling it?"

"It's dead"

"Well have you looked in your bag or you jacket pockets? That's where you usually find it"

"That was the first place I looked"

"Under the bed, you know it sometimes falls off the bedside table"

"Checked there, I'm telling you I have looked everywhere, it's gone" I looked around again and then pulled Rose in to hug

"You need to relax, you're too worked up about this" I felt her take a deep breath "How long have you been looking?"

"I don't know at least 4 hours" No wonder she was stressed,

"There is no way you are going to find it in this mess, how about we tidy up then look again without destroying the house, hmm?"

"But" she looked up at me

"But nothing, come on" I was about to let her go when she said

"But I was the one that got the house in this state; I should be the one to clean it up" Wow,

"Who are you and what have you done with my Roza?" she looked confused "My Roza would never offer to clear up mess without help even if it is her own"

"You have been working all day, it's not fair for me to ask you to come home and tidy up after me"

"You didn't ask, I offered" It wasn't just the phone that was upsetting her there was something else I just didn't know what "Come on, let's get to work" we both began to organize the clutter in the bedroom and once that was done we moved on to the living room. I watched Rose as we worked she was still clearly worked up. "Rose?"


"Are you alright? You seem tense"

"I'm fine" she said almost defensively

"Honestly?" I put my hand on hers, stopping her from picking up the DVDs. "Roza" She looked up at me "You can tell me"

"It's nothing, it's just…" she trailed off

"Just" I prompted

"It's just my mum promised she would call today and she's gonna think I'm ignoring her call" Now it made sense. Rose and Janine had started to talk to each other again a few months ago and although Rose would never admit it she desperately wanted to have a good relationship with her mother.

"Janine won't think that, she will think you're working"

"I have my phone on when I'm working remember" I looked more closely at her now, as I looked at her eyes and cheeks there was evidence that she had been crying, I held her

"Roza, I promise you she won't think that you are ignoring her" I could feel her slowly starting to relax in my arms "If you want to you can use my phone to call her, okay?" She nodded in to my chest

"I just don't want to ruin things between me and her again, she had a hard enough time getting over me and you being together"

"Yes I know" It would be an understatement to say that Janine had been absolutely furious when she found out about me and Rose. She had done everything in her power to separate us but in the end she saw that we truly love each other, it had taken her a while but when she finally calmed down her and Rose started to patch up their relationship. "Roza you're not going to ruin anything, everything's going to be alright, you'll see" she nodded again

"I love you Comrade" I smiled at the use of my nickname; it was hard to believe that I had once hated it.

"I love you too Roza" She pulled away

"This mess wont tidy itself" my smile widened in to a grin

"Let's do this" We had the living room back in order in 10 minutes when we were done I turned to my girlfriend "Do you want my phone? Or do you want a coffee first?"

"Coffee then phone, please"

"You sit down then"

"You sure you don't want me to make it?"

"Positive" She smiled and sat down on the couch while I walked out to the kitchen. As I turned around to open the cupboard something shiny on the side caught my eye, I walked over and moved the cups in front of it out of the way I looked again and nearly laughed at what I saw.



"Come here a minute"


"Just come here"

"I'm coming, I'm coming" I could hear her voice getting closer "What?" She asked as she entered the room

"Rose, what is this" I held up what I had found

"My phone" she ran over, I handed it to her "Where did you find it?"

"Right here on the kitchen side"

"Oh my god it wasn't"

"It was" I watched as her face when red from embarrassment "Oh Roza what am I going to do with you"

"Kiss me?"

"I could do tha…" I was cut off as she pressed her lips to mine, I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her back. It was perfect moments like that I know I would remember forever. She pulled away from me

"I gotta go put this on charge, love you" She ran out of the room

"Love you too" I chuckled and continued making the coffee. When I came in to the living room with both our coffees I found Rose sitting on the couch with her book

"What are you reading?" I placed her coffee on the table and sat down next to her

"The fault in our stars, Lissa recommended it to me" she picked up her coffee "Thanks"

"You're welcome my love" I picked up my book and we sat reading in silence until Roses phone started ringing. I watched as she answered it

"Hello" She put her book down "Hey mum" Rose stood up and unplugged her phone from the charger "Yea I'm good, how are you?" then she mouthed to me 'Going in to the bedroom, I will come back when I'm finished' I nodded as he walked away "Sorry, I lost my phone" I smiled and turned my attention back to my book.

So what do you think? (Yes I know the ending was rubbish) Next one is gonna be short.

Please Review

Lissa xXx