I'm in the process of rewriting this story to make it flow better. Thank you for reading :)

I own nothing but Scarlet and Lily.

I let out yet another sigh from the backseat of Stiles' Jeep as we made our way to the nearest tattoo place. Scott had gotten mom's permission to get a freakin' tattoo at age seventeen, yet I had to wait until I was sixteen to get my bellybutton pierced instead of fourteen when I wanted. I thought it was ridiculous! Getting a bellybutton piercing was so much less serious than a getting a tattoo!

"Have I said that this is totally unfair?" I asked for the millionth time in the past five minutes. "Why are you allowed to get a tattoo?"

Stiles and Scott both ignored me and continued their conversation like I was there. I was used to this after all the years we'd been friends. Stiles Stilinski had been my twin brother Scott's best friend since kindergarten. So, by association, he was my best friend as well.

"Scarlet did have to wait until she was sixteen to get her bellybutton pierced instead fourteen when she originally wanted it…" Lily piped up from her spot beside me. "It is a little unfair."

Lily was my Stiles because she and I had been best friends since Kindergarten, too. She knew about everything happening in Beacon Hills from werewolves and crazy hunters to homicidal lizards. Everyone had to have someone that they could talk to about what was happening in their life. Stiles was Scott's best friend first, I couldn't just steal him away whenever I wanted to gab about craziness.

They just ignored Lily's statement too as Scott parked in the lot outside the tattoo parlor. I made sure my dress was covering my butt before I moved away from the Jeep. I walked into the shop just behind Stiles, leafing through the tattoo books as Scott took a seat in the chair.

"What about this one?" Stiles asked, showing Scott a picture of a lizard man that looked a little too much like a Kanima and waggled his eyebrows.

Lily and I both laughed at him, but Scott just rolled his eyes. Stiles winked over at me before he went back to looking through the book. His lips were pulled up into a small smile that made one grow on mine before I could stop it.

"At least that tattoo has some character, you just want two black bands! That's so boring," Lily exclaimed from her spot by the window. "Why not go with something more interesting?"

"I don't know why I want it, I just know that I do. It's sort of a rite of passage," he tried to explain to us. "It symbolizes something to me."

When the tattoo artist spoke for the first time, it made me jump. I hadn't even heard him come up to us. "Tattoos have been around for thousands of years. The word for tattoo in Tahitian actually means 'to leave a mark.'"

Scott rolled up the sleeve of his shirt and the man set to work on the tattoo after he dropped that wisdom bomb on us. I knew better than to watch Scott getting his tattoo, but it seemed like Stiles was not. I heard a thump and turned around to see that he had fainted when he looked too closely at what was happening.

He was SUCH a lightweight!

We all made our way back to the Jeep after Scott's tattoo was finished. Stiles had an icepack pressed to the side of his head and Scott had a bandage wrapped around his upper arm. My boys were accident prone to the extreme.

"It kind of burns," Scott said, touching the bandage gingerly with the tips of his fingers.

"I'd say so. You did just get a ton of ink jammed under your skin with a needle," I told him, pushing my head up into the space between the seats. ""That's going to burn, bro."

"No! I don't think it's supposed to hurt this bad!" he roared as his eyes flashed gold and he tore the bandage off of his arm despite Stiles begging him not to.

The thick black lines were barely left on his skin. Right after he tore the bandage off, they completely healed up. I couldn't help but stare at it in total shock. I'd seen some crazy things, but that had to be one of the craziest.

"Thank god! I hated that thing," Stiles exhaled.

"Finally your werewolfitude is working in my favor! Your super healing isn't going to let you keep a tattoo!" I shouted, pumping my fist in the air. "That is karma being in my corner! That's amazing!"

Scott huffed and crossed his arms over his chest as he pouted in the passenger seat. Stiles was still smiling when he started the Jeep and started heading towards mine and Scott's house. We stopped at a red light when Lily pointed at the car next to us that had Lydia and Allison inside of it.

"So you and Allison haven't talked all summer?" Stiles asked Scott, completely unaware that she was in the car beside ours.

"Nah, we agreed to give each other the summer…no texts, no calls," Scott agreed, staring straight out the windshield.

"So you don't think she's coming back to school with us this year?" Lily asked, trying to act like she didn't see anything.

"Would you if you went through all the stuff that she did last year? I'm sure this town just reminds her of it all," Scott told her, still not looking away from the windshield.

"I'm sure she's coming back," I said, gesturing with my head to them when Stiles' eyes met mine. "Don't you think so, Stiles?"

When he saw what I saw, his lips pulled up into a big smile. "Scar's right, I'm like 99.9% sure that she's coming back to Beacon Hills. Like, I would place all the money I have on it."

Scott caught on to what he was saying and turned his head to see what we all saw. He yelped when he saw the girls and hit Stiles' shoulder until he accelerated forward. Lydia seemed to jar out of her trance and drove forward, too.

"Stiles! What are you doing?!" Scott shouted at him, making the boy swerve on the road. "It looks like you're following them!"

"Dude, what do you want me to do? There aren't any turns and I can't stop driving!" Stiles shouted back, making me flinch.

Despite what he said, Stiles stomped on the break and stopped the Jeep in the middle of the street. It was a good thing I threw out my hand or I would've smashed my face against the back of Stiles' seat. I let out a frustrated groan and heard Lily echo it, the boys were so stupid!

Neither of them knew that I'd talked to Allison over the summer to see how she was doing. She was very much still interested in Scott, she was just trying to find some sort of closure. She wanted time on her own to work through everything and I didn't blame her.

"They stopped in front of us! What does that mean?" Scott shouted again, running a hand through his hair.

I saw that he was right, their car was a couple feet ahead of us and at a total standstill. The Jeep's headlights illuminated the car enough that I could see both of them talking quickly and with their hands. The sudden smashing of the animal through their windshield scared me so much that I screamed.

I pushed the others out of the way and ran as fast as I could up to Lydia and Allison. I made sure the two of them were okay, but was quickly moved away when Scott placed his hands on Allison's shoulders and Stiles wrapped his arm around Lydia's shoulder.

I tried to ignore the uncomfortable twinge in my stomach that that caused and moved to stand by Lily. I couldn't hold in my gasp when I saw how big the deer was, still twitching slightly before it fell completely limp. Her windshield was completely smashed to bits now.

Scott was standing beside the car with his hand pressed against the deer's side. "It was scared. Actually…terrified."

"I saw its eyes right before it hit us and it looked crazy," Lydia said, her voice shaking as she remembered.

It took a little bit to calm everyone down, but after we did we all left. The ride back home was really quiet. Scott was lost in thought about Allison and Stiles thinking about Lydia I was sure, so that meant Lily and me were alone in the backseat with the silence.

"Do you want to stay tonight" I asked her, turning my body as much as I could to face her in the cramped seat. Then louder I said, "I'm sure Stiles can give us a ride on the first day. I mean, I can't have helmet hair. Won't you?"

His brown eyes met mine in the rearview mirror and I saw his lips pull up into a snarky smile. "Of course, I'm the resident chauffer, right?"

"Never mind, asshole," I told him, following Scott out of the car and stomping into the house with Lily on my heel.

"I drove here, Scar. It's okay," she reassured me as soon as we were in my room, but I was already rolled up into a rant.

"He is literally the world's biggest asshole! I can't believe he's Scott's best friend!" I shouted, throwing my hands around.

"You know you're just mad that he was all up in Lydia's grill earlier. He wasn't any more of an ass tonight than he ever is," Lily told me as she took off her boots.

I just flipped her off as I grabbed my pajamas before tossing another pair at Lily. I was dressed and she was just pulling her top down when Scott burst into the room. She shrieked and made Scott look over, thankfully seeing nothing.

"I'm sorry!" he exclaimed, covering his eyes. Then he looked at me and said, "Stiles didn't mean anything. He was just kidding, he told me to tell you that he'd be here to get both of you in the morning."

"I don't care, Lily drove here earlier," I told him as I twisted my hair into a bun on top of my head. "Now if you don't mind, Lily and I need to go to bed. It's getting late and we need our beauty sleep for the first day of school!"

Scott ignored my words and wrapped his arms around me. "I know you've got a thing for Stiles and it hurt to see him comfort Lydia. I could hear your heartbeat stutter back on the road."

I sagged against his chest and returned his tight hug with my arms around his waist. "He's still an asshole."

Scott laughed as he let me go and left my room, pulling my door shut behind him.

Thanks for reading. Review maybe?