Harrium Potterum non possideo.
Well, I couldn't help myself... In two months, I have an exam in latin, therefore I decided that a bit of practice wouldn't go amiss. But it was quite hard, I worked on this little fic for more than 5 hours.
Since I have the latin translation of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' ('Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis'), I decided to take over the names of Harry, Voldemort and Dumbledore and their declension. However, 'Tom Riddle' will be 'Thomasius Aenigma' (Aenigma means riddle) and 'Professor Slughorn' will be 'Professor Cochleacornu' (Cochlea means slug or snail and cornu means horn). Additionally, the Pensieve will be referred to as 'Cogitatius' (means thought, thought through).
I have added the English translation so that even if you belong to the very few people who don't speak Latin fluently you can actually understand what I have written.
I might have made mistakes! Neither Latin nor English is my mother tongue!
De ordini necandi
Harrius Dumbledorem spectavit. Senex mente captus fuit.
Harrius et rector scholae recens a itinere in (Cogitatium) reversi sunt.
Ibi viderunt Thomasium Aenigmatem eo informationem Horcrucis a Professore Cochleacornu poscente.
Deinde Dumbledore Harrium explanavit eos Horcruxes interficere debiturum esse.
"Me, mediocrem iuvenem, non solum Voldemortem sed etiam istam Horcrucem necare necesse est?" Harrius inquit.
"Ita est. Doleo, at oraculum te Voldemortem delere futurum esse praedicet." Dumbledore ait.
Harri suscensuit. Oraculum Voldemortem sibi necandum esse Harrio non sine auxilio totum laborem agendum esse nuntiat. "Voldemorte me persequente Horcruces mihi persequendus est?"
"Ita est. Doleo, at oraculum..."
"Nonne sed magis idoneus est, si primum Voldemortem deinde Horcrucem necarem? Exinde me ipso Horcrucem necante me persequi non posset. Ubi Horcruces deleti sunt partem spiritum, qui in corpore erat, vestigare possum." Harrius inquit.
Dumbledore Harrium contra intuetur. "Hic erga Voldemortem improbus esset, Harrius. Nonne assentiris? Si egeris, Voldemort facultatem ad te necandum non haberit. Num nihil pudorem possides?"
Harrius grapheum Dumbledoris deseruit, eo de sene demente admurmurante.
About the order of killing
Harry looked at Dumbledore. The old man had gone crazy!
Harry and the headmaster had just returned from their journey into the Pensieve.
There, they had observed how Tom Riddle had demanded information about Horcruxes of Professor Slughorn.
Then, Dumbledore had explained to Harry that he needed to destroy the Horcruxes.
"Me, an average boy, is supposed to kill not only Voldemort but also those Horcruxes?" Harry asked.
"Yes. I'm sorry, but the prophecy clearly states that you will be the one who will destroy Voldemort." Dumbledore answered.
Harry huffed. The Prophecy only said that he needed to kill Voldemort, not that Harry was supposed to do all the work without any help. "I have to hunt Horcruxes while Voldemort is hunting me?"
"Yes. I'm sorry, but the prophecy..."
"But wouldn't it be more sensible to kill Voldemort before starting to hunt for the Horcruxes? At least then he couldn't kill me while I'm chasing his soul-splinters. And when all of the Horcruxes are destroyed, I can start searching for the last bit of him, that bit of soul that was in his body."
Dumbledore looked at Harry dumbfounded. "But Harry, this would be rather unfair towards Voldemort, wouldn't it? If you do it that way, he doesn't have even the slightest chance of killing you. Have you never heard about the term 'fair play'?"
Harry left Dumbledore's office, quietly mumbling about mad old people.
the end