I suppose if I'd known what I was getting myself into, I would have left it alone. Of course, when you're bored out of your mind, you tend to do stupid things.
An example would be signing up for a visit from Tolkien elves in plush form; it'll be fun, I thought. Little did I know I was in for the ride of my life.
I suppose that I'd better stop whining, and get to what actually happened, and how it happened, and why it happened. The answer is, thirteen years ago, when I was sixteen, I signed up for the program, fully realizing what could happen.
Although to be honest I didn't think that it would. I should have listened to my mother's warning not to order things online, especially things from obscure, sketchy websites. Except, I was sixteen. What sixteen year old actually listens to her mother? Certainly not me.
I have written my dream for you to read. Interpret it how you will, even now I do not understand what it truly meant. I suppose the best way for me to remember what happened is to write it down.
The girl ran through the woods, feeling the wind in her hair, the smell of fresh air. It was a welcome change to living in, wait, where was she from? She'd forgotten, which was strange, because normally she was rather wary of forgetting things.
She felt an abrupt change of scenery as she found herself in a courtyard, where she saw three very tall men talking. She edged closer, curious as what the conversation was about.
We all know that 'curiosity killed the cat,' but this young woman simply didn't care; she knew 'that satisfaction brought it back.'
"I am tired of dealing with their incessant whining and arguing," the shorter of the men said. "You'd think that after spending time in Mandos' halls they could at least learn to get along," he finished, quite annoyed.
The tallest man stood for a moment thinking about what had been said, before remembering something that had been done before. "If you are willing-" Here he paused. "- We have as of late been employing the use of the F.A.U.L.T.T.Y. program."
The bearded man spoke up: "But the eldest has already been through that program, and passed with flying colors. Why would you subject him to yet another trial run?" he questioned, slightly confused.
The shorter man nodded, "It will allow them to hopefully grow closer, and heal the rifts between them. Granted, they never got along all too well, but having all shared the same burden of responsibility, let us hope that they will understand." He paused before adding, "Let it be done." With that Finwë sealed the fate of his children.
The tallest—by his tone, their leader nodded, "Aulë, if you will prepare the packages and educate the others on what will happen." He paused, smiling. "I believe I already have a caretaker in mind."
Manwë Súlimo turned his head towards the gate and smiled kindly. "Why longer in the shadows? Come," he said, beckoning the young woman forward.
She hesitantly stepped out of the shadows, slightly surprised that they had heard her. She was also surprised at how his words sounded like a rhyme.
She mentally cursed herself before saying the first thing that came to mind: "Ollo, uh, I uh, hello?" She stumbled forward, fidgeting with her hands.
"Do you know who we are?" questioned Aulë.
She nodded hurriedly. "I think so, but no, this isn't right, you're not real," she stammered. "But, if you were, well, you are Lord Aulë-" She pointed to the taller man. "-Manwë Súlimo, high king of Valinor, and if the stories are right-" she said, pointing to the third, "well, aren't you supposed to be dead?"
At this the shorter man, laughing, replied, "No, two Ages is quite enough time to spend in the halls of Námo."
She blushed, realizing that she probably sounded quite ridiculous, but to be fair you would as well if you found yourself in the presence of an elf and two of the Valar.
"Don't you think it's time you returned home?" Manwë said, turning to look down at the young girl. "You have spent time enough here. It is not yet your time to find yourself in such a place as this. Return to your home; you shall receive what is yours."
Beep, beep, beepity beep came the incessant blaring of Emma's alarm clock. Moaning, she turned over, eyes wide as she stared at the clock. Six-thirty a.m., it read: time to start another day.
"That was a weird dream," she said, rubbing the last bits of sleep out of her eyes as she swung her legs over the side of the bed.