Dear 'To Study Oneself' readers;

I know that it appears that I haven't updated for quite some time, however this is partly because I am now only updating on Archive of Our Own, a wonderful website full of incredibly talented people (such as yourselves) which feels more at home than any other website I've ever posted on in all my 26 years of living.

Yeah. I love that place.

You get it.

On AO3 there are four chapters that have not yet been published on and, should any of you feel like popping over there and reading what you've missed, I'll supply my Archive of Our Own username at the bottom of the page. In case you've never experienced AO3 before - you can leave comments without signing up and therefore giving you a bit of freedom to pop back and forth should you not want to register on a new website.

The choice, of course, is completely yours. I'd just hate for those who are still waiting for an update to not ever know that there have been updates and that there is another to come very shortly.

Thank you to all of those who have read TSO and have taken the time out of their day to review something which, quite frankly, means a lot to me. You all are beautiful flowers of shiny disposition and I'm eternally grateful to you for being such badasses.

So! Onwards!

My username on Archive of Our Own is Lisabeth_Marie - Chapters 47, 48, 49 and – published today – 50 are there for your viewing pleasure. Just search for my username on Google and it should pop up as the first result.

Thank you again, and I so hope to see some of you over there.

Have a wonderful day/week/year/life!