She's Mine

Chapter 2

Disclaimer I don't own Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

Shiba Miyuki = Shiba Yuki

Shiba Tatsuya = Shiba Tayuya


"Yes, Yuki-niisama."

Currently, the Shiba Siblings were laying on Tayuya's bed. It was midnight and the moon was shining ominously over their residence. The curtains that obscure the room from the outside world allowed some rays of moonlight into the room, directly onto their bed and those lights were casted directly upon the siblings. The silvery rays of the moon glistened upon the sweat that accumulated on their bodies intercourse. This, combine with their afterglow, give them both a sort of ethereal appearance.

"Did Chichi call you?" Yuki asked, gazing at the woman resting on his chest.

Tayuya merely shook her head before giving her brother a look. "Did he upset you in some way?"

'Yes,' Yuki replied in his thoughts but did not verbalized it. "No, he did not. I was just wondering why that failure of a man does not even recognize the achievements of his wonderful daughter."

"He does not consider me his daughter. He would not contact me unless something comes up in FLT that requires my immediate attention and even then, that would depend on his mood or the severity of the subject matter." Tayuya stretch her arms before gingerly wrapping her arms around her brother's muscular frame, holding him close and pressing her naked body on his muscular frame. "He is still upset that mother left most of her stocks under my name and that I refuse to transfer those stocks to his. Like that would happen. He is an inadequate researcher and engineer. His business skills are also subpar."

Yuki let out a harsh laugh after hearing that. Yuki has no respect towards his father for he has no influence in raising him or his sister. In fact, Shiba Tatsurou could be describe as an absentee father in a good day.

"Okaa-sama made a good decision in leaving her stocks in your name. Chichi would have driven FLT to the ground if he became the majority stockholder of the company."

"I'm surprised that Okaa-sama left something in my name."

FLT was the company that was founded and established by Shiba Miya. When she passed away, it was expected that Shiba Tatsurou, being her husband, would become the majority stockholder of the company.

But during the will reading of Shiba Miya, that misconception was utterly destroyed.

It surprised everyone when the lawyer of the late Shiba Miya announced that all of the stocks that were under her name were to be transferred to her one and only daughter.

That effectively forced Tayuya to get involved in the affairs of FLT, which also caused a great improvement, both in monetary and acclaim, in the company as a whole.

Regardless, this angered their father and her mistress, though Tayuya could care less about them.

"In the end, Okaa-sama acknowledged you." Yuki commented with a blissful smile as she thought of his mother's first, last and only gift to his beloved.

"I think she did that in order to spite our father." Tayuya replied while drawing circles around Yuki's chest.

"Please don't ruin the perspective that I have of Okaa-sama." Yuki chided his sister with a chuckle, earning him a small smile from Tayuya.


"Yes, Hime…"

"Let's go out on a date tomorrow." Tayuya requested unexpectedly.

Immediately, Yuki's eyes widen in surprised.

Yuki and Tayuya were brother and sister, but they were also lovers, something that siblings should never be. Still, regardless of being siblings, whenever the two go out, no one looks at them with any judging eyes. This is because of their contrasting looks, with Yuki having exceptional, Adonis like good looks, while Tayuya having an appearance of an ordinary, average fifteen-year old girl.

Regardless though, the numbers of times the two went on dates were only handfuls. This is because of the responsibilities that they both have as members of the Yotsuba Clan, with Tayuya having to care for FLT and Yuki having to take many lessons in preparation for his ascension as the next Yotsuba head.

Still though, those handfuls of times they went on a date were enjoyable for them.

It should be noted that in those handful of times that they went on dates, it was Yuki who asked Tayuya out.

This mark as the first time Tayuya asked him to go out with her.

Seeing the surprised expression of her brother, Tayuya giggled, a rarity for her. "It is the responsibility of the man to treat his lover and to show her a good time." Tayuya leaned to her brother's ear and nibbled it teasingly. "Make me fall in love with you again and make me want to offer my body to you the very next night."



Yuki shivered as those words sends shivers of excitement down his spine.

He loved and enjoyed whenever his sister speak with him like that.

"I will deliver." Yuki swore with a hoarse town.

"I expect you to, as I expect you to have me moaning your name at the end of our outing tomorrow."

Tayuya flashed Yuki a grin that oozes sensuality and the words that escape her lips increased Yuki's sexual drive.

He took and made love with Tayuya one more time before they descended to the land of dreams.


Still aching from the activity that he and his sister partake last night, Yuki awoke to the second day of his high school life, and it was quite ordinary.

Even though he had started to attend high school, it didn't change a thing in his life other than advancing another level of education.

He looked at the empty space at his side. Yuki would have preferred to have his sister still slumbering by his side but he knew that she has responsibilities as well as training that she must partake every morning, so he did not have any right to complain.

Still, he missed the warmth that his little sister constantly provides him and the sensation of having her in his arms.

Shaking his head, he did not ponder on those thoughts any longer. He has a long day ahead of him and a very long night that will follow.

He has to survive the day, plan a date, and prepare himself for another love making session when their date becomes successful.

He rose from the bed of his sister and went to the bathroom. He washed his face and put on his uniform, sneering at the emblem of his blazer.

He so wanted to know who started the system that First High adheres to. He would enjoy reaping the life out of that person.

Then he went downstairs to the dining room and saw that Tayuya had started to make breakfast. Which was a surprised. He had expected her to be training at the temple at the moment.

"Morning, Nii-sama. You're quite early today." It was still the break of dawn, and there was no sign of the Spring sun yet.

It was still too early to go to school. The first lesson was at 8am sharp and commuting to school would take roughly 30 minutes, so it would be ideal to leave the house at 7:30am. Preparing breakfast, eating, cleaning up... if we considered the time needed for all this, there would still be over an hour of extra time.

Yuki smiled at the sight of his treasure before walking towards her, a single arm wrapped around her waist. Yuki then leaned down and pressed his lips on her cheeks.

This was such a welcome surprised. "Good morning, Hime."

Tayuya, as if it was her basic body reaction, leaned her body on Yuki's chest. "Breakfast is on the table, Nii-sama. Please help yourself."

"Not without you, I won't." Yuki buried his nose on the crook of Tayuya's neck and inhaled her scent, exhilarated at the fragment of his beloved. "Eat with me."

"I have morning training, Nii-sama." Tayuya tried to reason with her brother while she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"All the more the reason for you to eat." Yuki insisted firmly. "You need all the energy that you can get. That man's training regime for you is no joke." Yuki added as an afterthought.

"I'll just eat after my training." Tayuya persisted. "I am already running late."

Yuki, having enough of the argument, carried his sister to the dining table before gently depositing her on one of the chairs. He took a sip of Tayuya's coffee before proceeding to cover the lips of his sister with his in order to transfer the liquid to her.

Tayuya gripped her chair as she enjoyed the sensation of her brother's lips as well as the taste of his saliva with her favorite beverage.

"I don't get why you like this drink so much". Yuki only enjoyed half the experience, he hated bitter tasting food, but it was apparent that his sister enjoyed it as she kept tugging his sleeve. Yuki looked at her and blushed at the sight of his sister looking at him with pleading eyes.

Sometimes, Yuki often forgets that his sister was still just a child, prone to childish wants and needs.

Shaking his head and deciding that it was his responsibility to fulfill the few wants of his sister, regardless of the fact that he really hated coffee and would like nothing more than to throw the contents of the cup to the sink, the taste of his sister's lips was enough to remove the bitter taste of the beverage from his mouth.

After all, Tayuya's lips were very sweet.

Deciding that this might be the only way for him to his sister stay for breakfast, he raised the cup and took a drink of the warm and bitter coffee into his mouth. He then leaned down and placed his lips over hers. It wasn't actually a kiss, but as his lips parted to let the coffee into his mouth, their tongues gently grazed one another.

Yuki repeated the process, filling his mouth with coffee and then giving it to Tayuya. Soon, he was lingering after each mouthful and they began to do more than simply touch their tongues in passing. It was after one such passionate feeding, that Yuki lifted the cup to her mouth to realize that it was empty.

Apparently the disappointment was evident on his face, until he felt Tayuya's hand reach up to her neck and pull her down into a long passionate kiss that the two of them lingered over.

Yuki was still reeling from it when Tayuya spoke. "That was to say thank you for spoiling me, Nii-sama."

"For you, anytime." Yuki had a goofy grin before his usual expression returned. "Now breakfast and if you're a nice girl, we'll do a repeat of this anytime you brew a coffee."

Tayuya chuckled at this. "Nii-sama is bribing me with coffee." Tayuya had a childish pout that almost made Yuki squeal due to how adorable her sister looks.

"That's apparently the only thing that can make you obey." Yuki replied wryly as the two shared a laugh before starting with their breakfast.


Kokonoe Yakuma smiled at the sight of his favorite student.

Shiba Tayuya was an unnatural girl. She was so different that she can be consider an anomaly.

Shiba Tayuya was a very beautiful girl but only a few can see the full extent of her beauty with one glance. Most must be expose to her constantly to fully comprehend her hidden beauty. The beauty that Tayuya possess was a kin to the taste of fine wine. The longer you look at her, the more beautiful she becomes.

Shiba Tayuya possesses a very magnificent body. In fact, her figure was that of a super model, slender with all the curves that many women would kill for. That being said, her built was both slender and athletic, hidden away by the mundane clothing that she usually wears.

Shiba Tayuya was a failure for a magician. She believes this as well as her family, san for her brother. Yet, when it comes to magic, she was the most knowledgeable. Every aspect of magic, she possesses near limitless and comprehensive knowledge.

Shiba Tayuya was incapable of casting normal spells. It took every drop of her skill just to cast the simplest spell. Yet, the application of her magic was that of a level that surpasses any elites in existence.

Shiba Tayuya's magic was limited and yet, her magic, the magic bestowed upon her at birth, can only be describe as absolute. Nothing can escape her magic.

Shiba Tayuya was an anomaly.

That makes her very interesting in Yakumo's eyes.

Shiba Tayuya was the epitome of grace. Everything she does was simply graceful. Every stride, every motion, every gesture, every time she moves, there was always a subtle edge of lethal elegance to it, an underscore of strength in all of her movements that spoke of the enormous power she was holding back, hidden away deep within her in order to keep everything before and around her alive.

It was strange that such a girl can hold so much power within her fingertips yet settle for the life of a servant.

But for Yakumo, it was for the best. Yakumo loves Tayuya like the daughter that he never had but even he sometimes fears the power that the young teen possesses.



Yakumo cringed at the sound of one of his disciples screaming in pain and winced at the sound of said disciple being taken down to the ground.

For a girl, and Yakumo used that word in the most respectable way possible, Tayuya was very strong, scary strong in fact. Tayuya slim limbs yet she can deliver a punch strong enough to cause steel to bend, something that his lesser disciples were experiencing now.

And yes, Yakumo considers most of his disciples as lesser people when compare to his favorite.

Tayuya moved gracefully and elegantly as she weaves through the number of monks that were attacking her in all directions. Regardless of how many of them charged at her or attack her, they could not land a hit or even grazed her.

Yakumo was somewhat amaze at how precise her movements were. Not a single motion, not a single step wasted. Every move has a purpose.


Another one of his apprentice fell from a single blow from Tayuya. Another thing about Tayuya was that she was terrifyingly accurate with her blows. Every time she swings her fist and every time she throws a kick, it always lands on a vital area. This, together with her impressive strength creates a formidable combination. One blow from Tayuya guarantees her opponent a quick trip to the dream world.

Out of the two dozen disciples that he had task to spar with Tayuya, six had already fell and it was only five minutes through the spar.

"What a scary little girl?" Yakumo commented with a grin.

"She's not scary, just perfect."

Yuki enjoyed watching her beloved during training. The sight of her going through her opponents, breezing through them as easily as hot knife through butter filled Yuki with a sense of adoration.

Yuki takes great enjoyment watching her beloved sister simply move because of her grace and elegance.

And that is why; as he watched his sister practices her ninjutsu and spar with close to a dozen monks/ninjas, his eyes were filled with raw admiration and undying love, and the lust was almost tangible in his eyes.

Tayuya moved gracefully and elegantly as she weaves through the number of monks that were attacking her in all directions. Regardless of how many of them charged at her or attack her, they could not land a hit or even grazed her. Yuki knew that his sister was not doing this on purpose nor was she aware of her movements in a combat but his sister, as she dodges all blows, seemed to be dancing with all the grace and fluidity of a ballerina.

Yuki also enjoyed watching his sister retaliate. Tayuya had a slender yet athletic build. Though she was small and somewhat fragile looking, her physical strength cannot be denied or ignore. Each punch, each kick that she threw has enough power to break wood. Her strength and her master over her body also showed when she was easily able to deflect the blows thrown at him and the fact that she can lift and throw men twice to thrice her size with relative ease.

Yuki could not help but enjoy the sight of his sister fighting. It made him want her more.

While Yuki was undressing his sister with his eyes and Yakumo could not help but shook his head.

"Yuki-kun, shouldn't you show some restraints. It would not do your reputation any good if people discover what you and Tayuya-chan do in close doors." Yakumo light scolded the young teen.

"Sensei, you should know by now that she and I do not care what other people think of us." Without removing his gaze from his little sister, Yuki replied nonchalantly. "And if they knew the full scope of my love for Hime, then all the better. No more hiding, no more subtlety, I can kiss her in front of everyone or anyone." Yuki added wishfully.

"Still, until that day comes, control yourself." Yakumo told him firmly.

"This is already the extent of my control. Believe me Sensei; if you and your disciples were not here, then I would already have Hime sitting on my lap with her lips occupied by mine."

"Your libido for your sister is disturbing, Yuki-kun."

"Just because no one would even consider dating you, Sensei, does not mean you have the right to comment on my relationship with my Hime."

"In my defense, I do not have a face like yours, Yuki-kun."

"And yet, as much as this leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, you are my Hime's first and only crush." Yuki glared at the Ninjutsu master due to the smirk that was on his face.

This random truth upset him a bit but she also knew that his Hime was upset at the fact that he used to have a crush with their mother's guardian, so he does not have the right to hold it against her as she does not hold his early attraction to the late guardian against him.

"Well, I do have great charms." Yakumo boasted, ignoring the glare that Yuki was giving him. "Girl's tend to develop crushes on their fathers. Considering that I am the closest thing to a father to her, she having small affections for me is understandable."

"Our father is worthless, so I think I would concede to that idea." Yuki nodded his head while a small smile graced his lips. "And you did take good care of us."

"You can still continue your training under me." Yakumo offered with a fatherly tone.

"Concentrate your attention to my Hime. As interesting as Ninjutsu is, I do not need to master the art. The basics are enough for me. I am versatile enough." Yuki refused his offer but his tone projected his gratefulness for the offer.

"Still, if you're interested, my temple is always open for you." The two then stepped aside to avoid a flying body that was thrown at their direction. The two did not show a reaction as the loud sound of a body crashing through a wall echoed within the temple grounds.

"I am sorry for that, Sensei, Nii-sama." Tayuya approached the two, mindless of the bodies that lay unconscious within her feet. Regardless of the half an hour spar, Tayuya did not have any sweat in her body and her traditional training attire was not, stained, wrinkled, or damage whatsoever.

Yuki shook his head before pressing his lips on hers. "No worries, Hime." Yuki assured with a smile.

"It brings me great joy to see my favorite teaching my disciples how devastating a woman can be." Yakumo commented, smiling at the sound of his disciples groaning.

"I think I distorted their view of what a woman is." Tayuya commented, looking at the several men that she had knocked out.

"Nonsense, nonsense, Tayuya-chan. Regardless of who the enemy is underestimation base on gender is a sure way to get killed in combat." Yakumo exclaimed with a nod. "So, Tayuya-chan, are you up for a spar with me?" Yakumo asked with a playful grin as he went into a fighting stance.

Tayuya shook her head. "My apologies Sensei, but Nii-sama and I have classes for the day. It would be bad for his reputation if he is late in his first day." Tayuya bowed her head in apology but Yakumo merely waved it off as he relaxes his stance.

"Tomorrow then and I expect to see you in your uniform." Yuki whacked Yakumo across the head from that statement as well as the lecherous glint in his eyes.

"Remind me again why I allowed my Hime to train under a pervert like you."

"I'm the best and you only give Tayuya-chan the best."


First High School was a beautiful and awe-inspiring school. It has all the resources and technology to nourish top class magicians and the staffs of the school were elites of the elites.

However, Yuki hated the school. Though this was childish of him considering that he has yet to official attend First High, he already decided that he hated the school, and not because he was lazy when it comes to academics.

Yuki was an honor student, from elementary to middle school; he was one of the best students of the school that he had attended.

He hated First High School because of the stupid and unnecessary labels it put on the students.

First and Second course are separated onto different floors, which was an unnecessary insult and slander in Yuki's eyes.

"Yuki-niisama, second course is along this way." Tayuya informed her elder brother as she let go of his hand. "I'll be going now." Tayuya bowed her head as she prepared to depart to her class.

"I don't like this." Yuki plainly told his sister, the gentle tone that he always has whenever he is with his sister absent in his voice.

Tayuya had predicted this and merely patted her brother on the cheek affectionately. "Compliance is the most ideal course of action, special for both of us."

"It doesn't mean I have to like it." Yuki said, noticeably calming down by the touch of his sister. "Your worth is much more than anyone in this school and the fact that you are labeled as replacement leaves a foul taste in my mouth." Yuki fought the urge to snarl but his displeasure was clear as day.

Tayuya could only sigh. Her brother truly possesses a temper as fiery as an inferno, which is somewhat funny considering the element that he favors.

"Nii-sama, I beg of you, comply." Tayuya pleaded with her brother, her normally emotionless tone having a touch of warmth and her eyes that lacks life having an edge of softness.

His sister appearing like this before him completely erased the displeasure that he was feeling. He nodded, conceding with the request of his sister. "For you, I will endure."

'For now.' Yuki thought darkly.

Tayuya knew that her brother is still not willing to drop the subject but for now, she would settle with him temporarily putting it in the back of his mind. Looking around and finding there was no one watching them, Tayuya leaned forward and gave her brother a kiss on the lips. It was brief, their lips touching for but a blink of an eye, but it was enough for the two of them.

"I shall see you soon." Tayuya whispered, loud enough for Yuki to hear before leaving her brother's side and making her way to her first class.

Yuki followed her sister and sigh dejectedly when she had disappeared from his sight.

"Always," Yuki whispered angrily to himself as he turned around and headed to his class, located on the floor above. "There is always something that is keeping us apart."

Yuki held down the rage that was building within him.

Yuki would be at his best behavior, be the perfect prince that his mother nourish, not because it is expected of him but because he forbids himself to give his most precious sister any form of trouble.


"Good morning." Yuki greeted everyone occupying the classroom. His voice was stern yet smooth, cold yet welcoming. He also has a fake smiled that made his boyish charm shining vibrantly in the eyes of everyone who laid their eyes upon him.

All the boys were gawking at him and most of the girls were looking at him with love struck eyes.

Yuki resisted the urge to stalk out of the room and hurl. Instead, he proceeded to head to his seat, with grace and elegance that befits his pedigree and image.

'My seat is around here somewhere.' Yuki thought while consulting with his phone. 'There,' Yuki thought as he spotted his assigned seat, in front of two girls chatting with each other. He noted faintly that one them was seemingly in a panic.

"Excuse me please." Yuki said, asking for permission to the girl in front of him to give way so that he could occupy his seat.

The girl in front of him looked at him with a stun look, and Yuki could already see that she was trying to speak to him, her eyes having a look that he was all too familiar with. Again, it took Yuki all he has not to roll his eyes. His mother taught him to treat women with politeness and respect, regardless of who they are and how appalling they are.

'Fine, let's get this over with.' Yuki gave the girl a gentle and disarming smile, which was fake but is very hard to determine. His dashing good looks was enhance greatly.

The girl before him fainted and Yuki almost cursed her because of it.

'Why can't all the girls in the world be like my sister?' Yuki thought darkly as he took his seat, no longer sparing anyone in the room a glance.

"Honoka, here's your chance to introduce yourself." With ears enhance with Ninjutsu training, Yuki was able to discretely hear the words that the girl seated in front of him said.

Yuki resisted the urge to snort.

'Fangirls, really?' Yuki thought in disbelief. 'Can't believe I am obligated to be civil with them? '

Yuki noticed that there was a spark of determination in the brunets eyes as she took a step towards him.

Only for her to step on her own foot and fell down.

She would have hit the floor hard but Yuki decided to spare the girl the humiliation.

With his hand glowing, he willed the girl in an upright position.

Everyone who was watching was impress.

Though it was a simple, singular-process spell, it was still performed without the use of a CAD.

Before anything else could escalated, Yuki stood up and offered a hand to the girl. "Shiba Yuki." Yuki introduced himself politely and neutrally.

The girl before him blushed before shakily taking his hand and awkwardly shaking it.

"Mitsui Honoka." The girl introduced herself with an embarrassed yet elated smile.

Yuki gave her a nod of acknowledgement before letting go of her hand and offering it to her friend. "Who might you be?"

"Kitayama Shizuku." The other girl introduced herself, completely mimicking the tone of voice of Yuki. "A pleasure."

"The feeling is mutual."

With introduction finish, Yuki took his seat and ignored everything around him, wishing for lunch to come quickly so that he could be with his sister.

The only thing I can guarantee is that next chapter would be 10,000+words long…..