Flushed(My Way)

Disclaimer - I do not own MBAV, I really wish I did though!

Important A/N for taini - Do you want me to add Siren Song and Halloweird? If so just say so in the review! Thanks for the suggestion!

A/N: Hi, I'm back! Now I'm doing the episode Flushed, and I've got a twist I hope you all will enjoy. Now if you don't want to know my explaination as to why I went away you can move beyond that line below. Now if your still reading I'm very touched that you're reading why I left for a few months. Well, first off you guys know that I had that boyfriend a few months ago, well I was going through one of those slumps where I was thinking I would never find love. Partially because my ex-boyfriend, James was being a total ass. He tried to say he wanted to be friends, but then ended up being a total jacka$$! I regret what I was thinking of doing and almost tried to do. If you catch my drift. The thing that stopped me was my wonderful dog, Apollo. As I was sitting in a bathtub, he just looked at me with this cutest look. I started thinking, what will happen to him if I was gone. So I pulled myself together and called my mom. Mom called my doctor and they decided maybe I should go somewhere. I refused to go to a hospital, because of Apollo and I didn't want to leave him! Mom and my doctor understood and they agreed to send me to a friends house out in the country. They had internet, but my doctor said it wouldn't be wise to let me on. Cause facebook is where James was messaging me and I go on facebook regularly. I have now blocked James so I'm ok. I want you all to thank my puppy, Apollo for giving me a reason to live! :) Now I am very touched if you read of what I just wrote. Thank you very much! Now please enjoy chapter one!

Chapter One Bad Hair Day

Ethan and Benny were in the shower at Benny's house. Benny had just finished rinsing Ethan's hair, and now Ethan was massaging shampoo into Benny's hair. Ethan was enjoying the shower, as was Benny. But suddenly the water turned off. Benny looked at the shower head and then at the knobs. He twisted them in both directions but nothing happened. Ethan went down to find out what had happened. Grandma Weir had no idea but assumed the water line must have busted. She said she would call the water company. Ethan then went up to tell Benny the bad news. He slipped inside the bathroom to find Benny sitting on the toilet, but not using it.

"I'm sorry, Benny! Grandma said the water line must have busted. I guess you'll have to comb the shampoo out of your hair," Ethan said with a sad smile.

Benny gave a smile then pulled Ethan on his lap, "Don't worry about it, babe! I'm just happy you're here!"

Ethan gave a smile, "I'm happy I get to see you everyday now!"

"Yeah, just wait til we get to move into the guest room! Grandma promised to have it ready by next week! My room is slightly too small for us," Benny noted.

"Then we can go about turning your room into a nursery! I can't wait to paint the room!" Ethan said excitedly.

Benny gave a smile, Ethan had been very happy since Grandma Weir had asked the Morgans to let Ethan move in. Since Benny and Ethan were getting married after graduation and they were having two babies soon, they needed a nursery. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan agreed to let Ethan live there but had to visit off and on. Ethan had no problem with it though. Benny apparently was lost in thought for a while because, Ethan was now snapping his fingers in front of his face.

"Benny, you with me?" Ethan asked.

Benny blinked then said, "I was just thinking! I better get dressed and get this shampoo out of my hair. At least you don't have to have a bad hair day like I do!"

Ethan gave a sad look but then gave a wicked smile, "You better get dressed, before I dress you!" Ethan then walked toward the door swaying his hips to keep Benny's attention. Benny's eyes were glued to Ethan's butt, he licked his lips at the thought of what Ethan had said.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" Benny said with a smirk.

Ethan turned and gave a teasing smile, "I wont do it if you talk like that!"

"It's not nice to tease a wolf!" Benny said using his super speed to pop in front of Ethan and pin him to the door. "Because I can get to you faster than you can run away!" Benny started kissing Ethan's neck, Ethan moaned in his throat which only turned Benny on more. Benny kissed a mark on Ethan's shoulder and then bit it. Ethan's eyes rolled in the back of his head and he moaned even more in pleasure. Benny smirked against his neck.

A knock on the door and a voice made Benny pull away, "Benjamin Weir and Ethan Morgan, you two better break it up or you'll be late for school!" The voice of Grandma Weir came.

Benny gave a sheepish smile at Ethan, "Sorry, Grandma! We were just messing around a bit!"

"Get dressed and get to school!" Grandma Weir said in an amused voice.

Ethan snickered as he heard her walk away, "Well I guess we don't get to play!"

Benny sighed, "We could ignore her!"

Ethan gave Benny a disapproving look, "I'm going to the bedroom to get ready! You better comb your hair!"

Ethan left the bathroom and Benny glared at the closed door. He needed to get rid of his problem before it caused him more trouble. Benny removed his towel and decided to relieve himself.

*Later At School*

Ethan and Benny were walking through the halls of White Chapel High, almost everyone was pointing and laughing at Benny. Ethan gave Benny's hand a squeeze when he growled at a jock! Sarah and Erica came up to them, Erica looked at Benny and snorted with laughter! Benny growled at her and Ethan held his hand tighter. Erica continued to laugh!

"What happened to you?" Sarah asked.

"It looks like he's going for nerd of the year award," Erica snickered.

"Erica!" Ethan and Sarah said.

Erica laughed again then said, "Ethan I want you to help me and Sarah with something!"

"Erica he's a sophomore! I thought only seniors do what you want us to do!" Sarah said.

"I don't care! Ethan needs to learn how us seniors treat the freshmen!" Erica said while rubbing her hands together evilly.

Ethan then looked slightly scared, "What exactly am I supposed to help you all with?"

Erica just smiled and pulled Ethan with her. Benny watched as Sarah ran after the two. Benny shook his head, normally he wouldn't want Ethan to be alone with vampires, especially not Sarah. But since it was Erica, he didn't mind that much. He knew Erica wouldn't hurt Ethan! Sarah on the other hand had already proven she would hurt Ethan. Benny shook his head, but knew Erica would protect his mate.

Rory then showed up and stared at Benny, "What happened to your hair, dude?"

"Me and Ethan were in the shower and he was washing my hair then the water shut off! Our whole neighborhood has no water!" Benny said.

"Is Ethan's hair the same?"

Benny shook his head, "No, I had done washed his hair out!"

Rory gave a smile, "Well at least Ethan's ok! Sorry about your hair dude!"

Benny smiled back, "Since when do you care about how Ethan looks?"

"I don't normally, but with his emotions on a rampage I don't think we can afford him running off again!" Rory said with a look that was serious!

Benny laughed, "Did you forget I gave him a potion to help control his emotions?"

"Oh, right!" Rory said slapping his forehead. "But still better him be happy than in a bad mood! I mean, Ethan gets pretty scary sometimes when he's in a bad mood! Almost like you when someone whistles at Ethan! I mean one time Ethan begged me not to tell you about this jock who grabbed his butt!"

Benny's eyes suddenly turned dark, "What?"

Rory looked like a deer caught in headlights, "Uh... nothing! I didn't say anything!" With that Rory ran off down the hall! Benny growled and ran after him.

A/N: There's my chapter one! I took out the scene with the chick getting eaten because I felt like I could make this a bit more different. I'm uber sorry about my cousin Sarah not thanking all of you all like I do, but yeah she can be a brat! Your thoughts?