
Hello! I've been working on this fanfiction for a long time and I finally got it done. There are 6 chapters and I'll be uploading one chapter every week. I was thinking about what would happen if instead of seeing Lucifer, Sam went crazy the same way Cas did. Thus, this story was born. Lots of humor in the first couple chapters. Hope you like it! Please review! It means a lot!


Dean had been out, eating lunch at a diner when he got the call. He had just finished up a hunt that got pretty hairy (literally and metaphorically). He drove back to Sioux Falls where he'd meet up with Bobby, and probably visit Sam. He hadn't seen him in over a week and thought it'd be nice to drop by and visit him at the hospital.

After Cas broke Sam's wall, he had gone into a coma. He never woke up. After a while, Dean and Bobby realized that they couldn't care for Sam properly while he was asleep. So, they took Sam to Sioux Falls general hospital where he would get better care. He had been there for three months and nothing had changed. Bobby kept telling Dean that there was hope, but Dean decided that was bull crap. Sam was the one with all the hope. Dean just didn't have the faith to believe that Sam would live through this.

After spending so much time sitting in the hospital, waiting for Sam to wake up, Dean decided he needed to get out. He started hunting again. Bobby would go check on Sam every day, which Dean was grateful for. Dean didn't find hunting nearly as fun without Sam at his side.

He was almost done with his double bacon cheeseburger when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He took it out and looked at the caller ID. Bobby. The name flashed on and off of his screen as the phone kept on vibrating. He hoped that Bobby was just calling to check in, but he'd just about run out of hope in those past few months. He clicked the answer button and brought the phone to his ear.

"Hey, is everything okay?" There was unintentional worry in his voice. He heard the gruff voice on the other end answer.

"Dean, uh…it's Sam," he told him. Dean's heart dropped. He had been waiting for this call for a long time. It was inevitable. He knew it. He should have seen it coming too. After three months…how could it not have happened? He felt a frog in his throat as he tried to choke down his emotions.

"Is he…?" Dean couldn't finish his question. It was too painful. He didn't want to accept it yet.

"No. No, Dean. He's alive," Bobby told him. Dean let out a sigh of relief. Sam was alive. That was good.

"Well, then what's wrong?" Dean waited.

"He's awake." Bobby told him with not nearly enough excitement in his voice.

"Really? You're kidding!" he said, his heart racing. He had given up all hope. He knew that Sam was gone. He knew he wouldn't wake up. But that day, Sam opened his eyes! It was impossible.

"Is he okay? Have you talked to him? Can I see him?" For a moment, Bobby didn't answer. Dean's excitement switched back to worry. "Bobby…what is it?"

"He's awake. He's perfectly healthy. The doctors say it's a miracle…"

"But?" Dean asked, fear creeping into his voice.

"He's a little bit different," Bobby said. Dean tried to make out his tone. It wasn't grief. It was more like confusion.

"What do you mean different?" Dean's mind was racing now. He was so worried that Sam would die; he forgot that there would still be consequences if he lived. What if Sam can't remember anything? What if he's depressed? What if he turned evil due to all that torture, just like I did?

"I think you should see for yourself. Just get over here as soon as you can," Bobby told him and hung up.

Dean immediately put his phone away, dropped a ten-dollar bill on the table and left without saying a word.

He drove to the hospital as fast as he could. He gripped the steering wheel so tight; he could see his knuckles turning white. His thoughts went every which way. The more he thought, the more he worried. He couldn't stand not knowing. He just wanted to see his brother.

He drove into the hospital parking lot and let the valet park his car. He didn't usually like valets driving the Impala, but he needed to see Sam as fast as possible. He rushed through the sliding doors, up the stairs, down the hall and into Sam's room.

He half expected to see Sam a drooling mess. He was surprised to see him standing up, looking out the window. Bobby was sitting down in the chair next to the empty bed, a disgruntled look on his face. Bobby was the first to notice that Dean had entered the room. He stood up.

"Dean…uh," Bobby didn't know where to begin. Should he tell him everything or just wait for Dean to find out on his own? Sam turned away from the window and saw his brother. His face lit up. He smiled from ear to ear. Dean couldn't remember the last time he'd seen him smile like that.

"Hey, Sammy," Dean's words caught in his throat as he looked at his brother who he thought he'd never see again, standing in front of him, happy and healthy. It was more than he ever could have hoped for. Sam practically ran to Dean and wrapped his arms around him tight. Dean returned the hug. He missed his brother. Sam laughed.

"BEAR HUG!" he cried out. That's when Dean got a little confused. The Sam he knew would never give him a "bear hug." Something was wrong. Sam squeezed him tighter and tighter with his gigantic, muscular arms, almost crushing him. Finally, Sam let go and left Dean practically gasping for breath. Sam looked into Dean's eyes with wonder.

"So…Sam, how are you feeling?" he asked tentatively. Sam grinned.

"I feel great! I feel like everything is perfect. Seriously. Come on. Look!" Sam gestured towards the window. Dean gave a confused look to Bobby. Bobby nodded sympathetically. Sam took Dean's hand and walked him towards the window. Dean followed him. Sam pointed out the window.

"Look down there. See that tree?" Dean nodded. "A squirrel lives in that tree right there. I was watching him earlier. He was so fast, Dean! Do you know how high squirrels can jump? Because, this squirrel jumped all the way from the ground, up to the tippy-top branch. That's like 8 feet! Almost as tall as me! It was amazing! I know he probably has a squirrel name, but I don't speak squirrel, so I don't know it, but I've decided to call him Dean." Sam winked. "I named him after you. What do you think?" Dean was speechless. He now understood what Bobby meant when he said Sam was different.

"Uh, Sam. I think I'm going to have a little talk with Bobby. Can you wait here?"

"Ooh. Sounds secret. What are you going to talk about?"

"I just need to ask him some questions."

"Ooh! I know a lot of answers to questions! Maybe I can help! Like, I know that there are about 278 different kinds of squirrels in the whole world!"

"No, I just need to ask him some questions about…being an old guy."

"Oh. Are you worried because you're getting pretty old and you want to be prepared? Have you started getting gray hair or something? Or have you been having trouble making it to the bathroom on time, because I was watching TV and this commercial came on and I think it could really help with your problem."

"No, Sam. I'm fine. I just need you to wait here for a minute, okay? Here," Dean pulled out his phone and gave it to Sam. "Play a game on my phone." Sam took the phone and stroked it with fascination. He smiled down at Dean.

"Okay," he said cheerfully. Dean turned and motioned to Bobby to talk to him out in the hall.

"Okay. What happened?" Dean asked, almost angry.

"You know just about as much as I do. He's been like this since he woke up."

"But why?"

"Well, you remember what Cas said. Those memories musta' done a number on his head. After being in the cage that long, can you blame him?" Dean sighed. He didn't know what to do with his new brother. At that moment, Sam banged on the window from his room and made eye contact with his brother.

"TRY ACTIVIA! JAMIE LEE CURTIS SAID IT TASTES LIKE REAL YOGURT!" he shouted through the thick glass while pointing to the TV. Dean nodded at his brother and gave him a thumbs-up. Sam returned the motion and gave Dean two thumbs up. He seemed very proud of himself. Dean returned to his conversation with Bobby.

"So what do we do about him?" Dean asked Bobby, afraid that he already knew the answer.

"I don't know what we can do. Maybe…we could get him some help?"

"You mean drop him in the loony bin? No. All they'd do is drug him."

"Well, then I don't know what else to do but…"

"But what?"

"But…just accept that we're not getting the old Sam back. That this is how he's gonna be."

"What? No. We have to do something!" Bobby rubbed his beard.

"I don't think we can, son. It's his soul that's damaged. Not unless you have a soul healer on speed dial."

"I used to," Dean said clearly thinking of Cas.

"Look, I'm just saying, he's still Sam. He's different and maybe that's something we'll just have to live with. He's still your brother." Dean knew Bobby was right, but he didn't want to accept it. Dean went back into Sam's room, declaring that conversation over. Dean found Sam crouching in the corner with his eyes covered and counting down backwards from thirty.

"Five, four, three, two, ONE! Ready or not, here I come!" he shouted. Then Sam began searching the room.

"Uh…Sam. What are you doing?"

"Playing hide and seek, what does it look like I'm doing?"

"Okay. Who are you looking for?"

"Your phone," he said simply.

"You lost my phone?" Sam looked at Dean as if he had four eyes.

"No. He's hiding."

"But you hid it, right?" Sam put his hands on his hips.

"I did no such thing! That would be cheating!" Dean rolled his eyes.

"Then where is it?" he asked.

"I don't think you get the point of hide and seek," Sam said as he searched under the bed. Dean crouched down on the floor with Sam.

"Sam, how are you feeling?"

"I told you. I feel great."

"Sam…what do you remember?" Dean asked. Sam paused and thought for a moment.

"I remember a lot of things. I remember the first time I watched a Star Wars movie. I remember that time you took me to a baseball game when I was twelve. I remember meeting Jess for the first time. She was wearing a purple shirt and jeans and she had a butterfly necklace on. That was back when she had straight hair, but I liked it better curly."

"Yeah, Sam. I kind of was wondering if you remember Cas and what he did."

"Yeah, I remember that." Sam said nonchalantly.

"And…do you remember the cage?" Dean asked worriedly. He knew that was a dangerous question but it had to be asked.

"Yeah, kind of. It's all a little fuzzy. I remember Lucifer, and Michael, and Adam. I remember all the fire. And I remember that Lucifer was being really mean to me. And then I remember Death coming to get me. Oh, and I also remember not having my soul." Sam said.

"You remember all that?" Sam nodded. Dean was shocked at how much his brother remembered. No wonder his brain was fried.

Next chapter will be up Thursday! Thank you so much for reading! Please review if you have a minute. Thanks!
