Hey guys! This is my last Chapter of Jack's Sick Day! Thank you all your positive reviews! Same Disclaimer.

Tooth fluttered down North's workshop lost in thought. She was thinking about how many times she had shunned Jack. He may be 3019 years old, but he still is a sixteen year old physically and mentally. He only had a mother for sixteen, and he only had the Guardians for three years. The other three hundred he spent alone. Tooth imagined what it would feel like. She was immediately accepted in the guardians when she was made into the Tooth fairy.

Tooth started to head back to North's office. When she made it to the door she decided that she was going to apologize to Jack for how cruel she had been. Tooth gently turned the door knob and quietly opened the door. When she peered inside she saw that North had left and Jack was sitting up his ice blue eyes wide open. Relived that North was not there, Tooth walked in further. She smiled at Jack and he smiled back. She walked over and sat by Jack on the couch. Jack looked at her with curiosity shining in his eyes. Tooth took a big breath and began.

"Jack I'm sorry that I left you alone for all those years. I must've been hard. You had no family to take care of you when you were sick or hurt. I just left you for three hundred years. I could've come and visited you but I didn't. I'm so so so sorry." Tooth said. Tears started to roll down her face. Jack looked at her. He was shocked that Tooth had apologized. Finally Jack replied.

"It's okay."and pulled Tooth into a hug. Tooth at first just sat there, but then she returned the hug. They sat there for a long time. Finally Tooth pulled away.

"Oh my. I forgot to ask how you felt!" Tooth exclaimed.

"Much better, and this time it is for real. I think that I just needed a nap." Jack replied and then smiled showing off his perfectly white teeth.

"That's good. Do you feel up to taking a shower?" Tooth asked Jack.

"A shower would be great." Jack said. Tooth then stood up and stretched.

"Thank you for forgiving me." Tooth said as she pulled Jack into a quick hug.

"Your welcome." Jack smirked.


North stretched and stood up. He looked at his watch.

"Svätá Krava! I've been asleep for two hours!" North then remembered Jack. He quietly walked out of the room to check on his workshop. He saw Tooth flying around aimlessly. He saw her expression she used whenever she was thinking hard about decided to go see what she was thinking about. He was walking toward her when he saw her quickly fly towards his office.

"Oh no! She is going to wake Jack up!" North thought as he ran down the hall. He went to his office door and stopped. He heard Tooth crying.

"Why is she crying?" North wondered. He put his ear to the the door and heard Tooth say

"...you were sick or hurt. I just left you for three hundred years. I could've come and visited you but I didn't. I'm so so so sorry." The only sound heard was Tooth's sobs. Then North heard Jack.

"It's okay." he said. North was stunned. He thought that Jack would have held a grudge. Being the sixteen year old he was, it was uncommon for him to forgive so easily. North peeked through the peephole on his door. He saw Tooth and Jack hugging. North smiled.

They stayed like that for awhile. Then Tooth and Jack started a small conversation. North was too busy thinking over what he had us seen to notice that they were moving towards the door to get out. Just in time, North jumped away from the door. What Tooth and Jack saw caused them to burst out laughing. They saw North leaning against the wall trying to look casual, but he was failing miserably. North then smiled and pulled Tooth and Jack into a big bear hug. Tooth shrieked in surprise, Jack giggled and smiled, and North belly laughed. When they finally broke apart North said

"Let's show you the shower Jack." Jack nodded.


Jack sighed as he turned the shower on. As he stepped into it he thought about how his day went. At first, his day was rough. Then it was good. Then rough. And now it was excellent. He was overjoyed when Tooth had apologized. He had never really had a grudge on the Guardians, he just wanted to feel accepted. Somehow, an apology made him feel like he was fully a Guardian.

When Jack was fully clean, he stepped out of the bathroom that led into his room, and saw a fresh pair of clothes on his bed. He looked at them and put them on. They were a pair of navy blue jeans, a light blue shirt, and his hoodie. He went out of his room and strolled around the workshop looking for Tooth and North. He found them in the meeting room looking at the big globe. The lights were shining all over today. Jack quietly walked over and stood in between North and Tooth. They looked at Jack and smiled. Jack smiled to. They then all turned back to the globe. After a while Jack started to feel hungry.

"Should I tell them?" Jack wondered. Before he could say anything though, his stomach grumbled. North and Tooth both looked at Jack. Jack smiled sheepishly.

"May I have something to eat?" Jack asked. North chuckled.

"Of course you may Jack." he said. "How about some chicken broth."

"That would be awesome." Jack replied. Tooth led Jack to a chair while North asked a yeti to make Jack's food.

When Jack's food came, they all sat next to each other. They all told stories of their past, their funniest moments, and other things. They all talked even after Jack was finished. Eventually it became late and Jack was getting tired. His eyes were drooping. Soon his head fell back against his chair and he started to snore softly. Tooth and North saw this and smiled to each other. North scooped Jack up and brought him to his bed. Tooth pulled back the covers and covered Jack with them.

"Goodnight Sweetie." Tooth said as she kissed Jack's forehead.

"Goodnight Jack." North said before he too kissed Jack's forehead. When Tooth and North left the room, they smiled at each other.

"We make a great set of parents." Tooth said.

"Indeed." North replied