
Liz's heart nearly stopped. She drew in a shaky breath, staring anxiously at the four pregnancy tests in her trembling hand. If it had just been one she might have been skeptical, but four.

It was real. There was a baby inside of her.

Liz threw them into the garbage can, feeling tears well up in her eyes. A baby. It was all she'd wanted for as long as she could remember. But Dennis's baby? She could hardly believe it. Of all the people that could've ended up knocking her up…

And it wasn't even the fact that the baby would be part-Dennis that bothered her. No, it was the fact that if she told Dennis, he would want to be involved in the poor kid's life. Liz would be forced to spend the rest of her life with a man that called her 'dummy'. But if she didn't tell Dennis, it meant that she would raise her child alone.

Before, Liz hadn't minded the idea of single parenting. She had even considered it. But now that it was really happening, it made her heart race and her stomach churn.

Tears ran down Liz's face, and she made no effort to hide them. She just shut her eyes tightly, trying to block out the world around her.

Liz suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, followed by a familiar, concerned voice. "What's wrong, Ms Lemon?"

Liz looked up. Through the blur of tears shrouding her vision, she could make out Kenneth, who was a mere smudge of blonde hair and dark page jacket. "Nothing's wrong, Kenneth." she muttered, running her arm across her face to dry her tears on her sleeve. "I'm fine."

"Oh, don't lie to me. I know when people are sad." Kenneth said gently. He gestured to her face. "You're crying."

"Alright, I'm sad. But there's nothing you can do for me."

"Are you sure? A smile can fix anything." Kenneth gave her a wide grin, and Liz couldn't help but smile herself, staring at the ground. "See? There you are, Ms Lemon. Now, what's wrong? Talking about it helps, too."

"Well, alright." Liz sighed. Kenneth dragged a chair over beside her, and she began. "Kenneth, I… I'm pregnant."

"Oh, that's wonderful!" He clapped his hands together. "That's what you wanted, isn't it, ma'am? A baby?"
"Well, yeah." Liz nodded. "But… the father is Dennis."

"Dennis?" Kenneth frowned. "He wasn't very nice."

"I know, and that's the problem. I can't tell Dennis I'm pregnant because he'll want to be part of everything, which is not going to happen. He'll be a terrible influence on the kid. But…" Liz's voice caught, and she felt fresh tears roll down her cheeks. "...I don't want to be alone, Kenneth…!"

"Oh, Ms Lemon, you'll never be alone!" the blonde page said emphatically. "No, never!" He leaned over and took a Kleenex from the box on her desk, and wiped Liz's tears with it. "Don't worry about that. I'm sure Mr Donaghey will be there for you, and of course I will, too."

"That's very sweet of you." Liz sighed. She felt bad for forgetting about her friends. Of course they wouldn't leave her by herself, especially not now that she had a baby on the way.

"Come here." Kenneth said softly, opening his arms. Liz edged forward and collapsed onto him. He wrapped his arms around her, and Liz exhaled slowly, trying to relax. It wasn't working. Tears kept streaming down her cheeks.

"I-I think I got your jacket wet." Liz mumbled, fingering the material ruefully.

"That's alright, Ms Lemon." Kenneth pulled away from her, and she saw that he was still smiling. "Do you feel better now?"

She nodded. "Yes, thank you, Kenneth."

"That's what friends are for." He beamed. "I'll see you later, then. I have to go. Tracy said he wanted me down in his dressing room at two-thirty so he could shoot apples off of my head!"

Liz frowned. "Uh-"
"Don't worry. I have a very small head." Kenneth reassured her. "I'm sure he won't hit me. Well, goodbye, Ms Lemon!" The blonde page headed merrily out of her office.

Liz picked up the Kleenex and used it to dab at her eyes. Kenneth was right. It was all going to be okay.