Canada wakes up to find both England and France in his room, waiting for him. Together. And not arguing. Well...kinda.

Chapter Two: The Awakening

The next thing Matthew knew was warmth. As his mind slowly started emerging from a foggy haze, and his senses returned, he next heard voices murmuring in the background. Am I in heaven? He asks himself. He couldn't bring himself to care much, until his hearing sharpened, and he heard a voice coming from his left. That voice.

"And when I get through with him, he will never sit again."

"And once never is over, I will take my turn," another voice growled out menacingly, this time from his right.

Oh. Not just that voice, but those voices.

So obviously not dead, then. Huh, imagine that. All that work. He couldn't bring himself to care much either way, as long as he was left alone. He was so warm and comfortable, although his arms did sting a bit…

But wait…

My arms sting…there are those voices…

I am so dead.

But why are they here? How did they know? Kumajirou couldn't have told them, he was sleeping when I came home, and he can't even remember my name, much less where and who to go to for help. I remember Arthur coming in just before it all went black, yelling something…not that I could care much, but wait, what am I even thinking! Bloody enfer, they are both here and clearly upset! Why does it matter how they know! How do I get out of this! Ok, just pretend to be asleep, and they will leave eventually…it's not like they really cared that much before when I was awake…

"We know you are awake, Matthew Francis, so stop pretending, sit up, and try to explain yourself to us!"

Matthew stiffens further with shock, gasps, and then shoots up in bed, only to weave and almost collapse. Francis reaches over to help him, and props up a pillow for him to lean against while glaring at Arthur.

Arthur refuses to look at him, but does stay quiet as he continues to glower at Matthew.

France rolls his eyes at the both of them, before reaching over to grab the glass of ice chips and water sitting next to the bed.

"Here, Mathieu, I am sure you must be a little disoriented after that abrupt awakening," he says holding the glass out for him to take, while glaring at the still-glowering Arthur. He looks back at the younger nation to see him looking around confusedly, and feels a flash of concern added to the already considerable amount. He stands up to get close enough to hold the cup for him, and gentles his voice before saying, "Just take a few, slow sips at a time."

Mathieu complies, taking slow, gentle sips confusion evident in his eyes as he looks first at Francis, a quick glance at Arthur, and then down to the bedsheets. After about a minute, he pulls away, and France quietly says,

"Good job", and puts the glass on the table before sitting down.

Mathieu just looks at him, confused, questions in his eyes, and so Francis asks him,

"What has you so confused, Mathieu?"

Mathieu continues to just looks at him for a moment, and then whispers in his quiet voice,

"I just…I mean, I don't understand…why are you here?"

As Francis tries to take a deep breath before responding, Arthur jumps to his feet and explodes.

"Why are we here? Why are we here?! Why do you think we are here, Matthew Francis Williams? We are here because you decided to play tic-tac-toe on your arms, legs, and body, with a knife! We are here, because you almost died, Matthew! Do you get that? I came in, and found you, bleeding, on the floor, in a pool of your own blood…with a knife sticking out of your own dang neck, and you want to ask us why we are here?!"

Canada whimpers, and hides himself back in the bed.

France lets out an irritated huff before barking to his brother.

"Arthur! Go and take a walk! You are only making him more upset!"

"I'm making him upset?! We have been out of our minds with worry, and he has the gall to ask us why we are here!"

France too stands up to match his brother's height, his own anger risen.

Which is part of what lead to the problem, Arthur, and we will address that with him until it is clear, but we can only do that once he is healed! Which he needs rest to do!"

"I'm sorry Arthur, didn't mean to make you angry." A quiet voice comes from the bed, making both of the older nations turn to face the small-looking country in the bed, dwarfed by blankets.

Seeing him so hesitant, Arthur finally takes a deep breath and tries to reel in his temper.

"I know you didn't, Matthew," he responds with an angry sigh, "But the fact is, everything about this makes me upset." He takes another deep breath, then turns to Francis yet speaking all at once to everyone and himself. "Maybe I do need to go calm down." He looks up, his face scared towards his brother, wide and vulnerable, and then to the younger nation in the bed. His whispers softly, yet audible to all in the quiet room,

"You scared me, Matthew." Matthew looks down in shame, unable to meet his foster father's sad face still lined with residual fear.

France steps forward again. "Go, Arthur. You can come back in a bit, just… calm down a bit. He's here, he's fine, and we will make sure to keep him that way."

France sees him hesitate, and tells him about the other niggling concern he has had since his arrival. "While you are at it, you might want to go check up on your other little colony out there," France says as he angles his head out the door and towards the waiting room.

Britain looks at him, surprised. "What? Is Alfred still here?"

France nods affirmingly.

Arthur looks puzzled and curious. "I thought I told him to go home…" he says absentmindedly to no one in particular. He nods briskly. "Right then, I'll go talk to him. I'll be back," he says to his watching brother, who nods in understanding. He turns to go out the door, but before he exits, he turns back with narrowed eyes and a fierce glare to the nation lying in the bed, watching everything with wide eyes.

"And don't think I'm done with you yet," he says. "I will be back."

Mathew just nods and gulps, and France sighs before he gives him a kick to get him out of the door.

"You won't be seeing him until you calm down some. So get going Arthur," he says. Arthur, with one last glare towards the occupant of the bed, exits, darkly muttering something about nations with no sense, leaving Francis and the young Matthew alone in the room.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the really, really long wait everyone! Here's chapter two! I have the next part pretty well planned, so expect another update soon.