I hope you enjoy this. This chapter written by castlefan101. She wrote it a long time ago and never found anything to do with it until now.

This won't be too long of a story and every chapter won't be poetry. This is just a get to know what happen chapter.

Feel free to skip it if it's not your thing. Future chapters will explain :)

She's walking down the hallway, trying not to make a sound.

She doesn't want to be noticed if she can never be found.

So many witnesses and yet no one tries to help her.

Instead they all laugh as she's pushed into a locker.

Her books are smashed into the ground as they smack her face.

She tries to scream for help but there's no escaping this place.

They call her names and rip her clothes.

One guy said he hated her and trust by his actions it shows.

They carried her to the bathroom and tossed her in the trash.

One guy peed on her and for dodgeball she was picked last.

To her face they call her ugly and unloved.

She's waiting for a miracle, help from above.

She looks in the mirror and sees the rumors are true.

She is ugly and the bruise on her face has turned blue.

How'd that saying go? "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me."

The words hurt more than the feeling of being empty.

More than the fact that her parents don't notice

More than the fact that she doesn't know why she was chosen.

More than the fact that she's hurting inside

More than the fact that she's thinking about suicide.

More than the fact that her teachers don't care

More than the fact that whenever she's around all they do is stare.

More than the fact that she's alone in this fight.

More than the fact that they knocked out her internal lights.

The stones hurt her, broken bones heal.

But those awful words will forever taunt her whenever she tries to feel.

She's sees their faces when she cries.

And coming out of the darkness at night.

They've taken away her peace of mind and her sanity.

Now she can't focus on anything she needs clarity.

They follow her home and at night she can hear them laughing.

They stick gum in her hair and one day they used taffy.

As if that's supposed to make up for all the times she's had to cut it.

They call her Chubby Checker because she's a little bit thick.

And whenever they knock her down she always twists.

The girls pull her hair and unsnap her bra.

And as she looks to the left she knows her gym teacher saw.

In the bathroom the guys say they're going to kill her if she doesn't suck them off.

She runs away as fast as she can but she doesn't make it to the hall.

She refuses their request and they kick her into a stall.

They stuff her head into a toilet but she stays strong through it all.

She doesn't give into them she stands her ground.

She only cries when they can't see, when no ones around.

She lies to her parents and says school is great.

She lies again at dinner when she says she already ate.

Maybe if she slims down they'll leave her alone.

"Fat chance," they say then they follow her home.

Weekends are her best friend, her safe place.

The only time she has clarity instead of a crazed maze.

Mondays they spit in her lunch tossed her backpack down the stairs.

How is it that these guys really don't care?

A guy on the track team stole her glasses and ran away.

Then he watched quietly as she stood there all day.

Unable to move because she couldn't see.

She got detention for skipping and the guy got her teased.

They found the glasses on her head and when she said she didn't know they called her mother and then she was punished for coming up with such a stupid joke.

The jocks are protected so of course she can't tell.

They have a YouTube video of her of when she fell.

They beat her up when the video didn't get enough hits.

She mumbled incoherently through the pain and now guess what? "Katie-cat's a witch."

They say no one will ever love her and they're right.

Maybe it's time she gave into this life.

They've taken her pride, her heart, her personality.

Not to mention her laughter, her happiness and now she's a tragedy.

On earth day they poured dirt on top of her head.

When she told the teacher this is no doubt what he said.

"Kids will be kids" and that's the end of it.

No phone call home, no trip to the principals office.

Just a shake of his head and a simple "stop it."

For telling on them she was thrown off the bus.

There's no escaping this torture, it's all too much.

Spit balls in class, ice cubes in the halls.

This time she didn't stand her ground, she couldn't smile through it all.

She cried and she ran, unaware of what's going on.

She ran home to a house where she knew everyone was gone.

She can't take it anymore, she's lost her grip.

She holds the full pill bottle with a tight fist.

She stares into the mirror as she takes the first pill.

Already she feels relief so she takes another.

Large white round pills that belong to her mother.

She took the whole bottle and then laid down.

Comfortable in her bed she's ready to die now.

When she falls asleep she dreams of peace.

But when she wakes up all she hears is sobbing and "beep...beep"

Why did they save her? she doesn't want to be alive.

At school they call her an attention seeker and a snitch who's full of lies.

When will life get better, that she doesn't know.

"One day at a time" but they go by to slow.

She stares at the clock, counting down the minutes until it's time to leave.

Oh God no. Just leave her alone, leave her alone please!

They bang her head against the wall and lift up her shirt.

Spray paint her locker and fill her water bottle full of dirt.

When will this torture end she doesn't have a clue.

Her mother says they can't leave, they have to much to lose.

What about what she wants? What about her needs?

"I hate it at school, don't make me go back mommy please."

Mother says she's taking the jokes to seriously and she should just make friends.

She said that to them one day and guess where it ends?

With her nose bleeding and glasses cracked.

And her back at the hospital with an arm cast.

She absolutely done, she doesn't care anymore.

She tried to kill herself again but with something that's more for sure.

On the top of an apartment building she's standing on the edge.

That's when he appeared and promised to be a friend.

With bright blue eyes and a kind face

She trusted him to take the pain away.

"Friends forever" is what he would always say.

Until he left one night and she hasn't seen him to this day.
