Ch. 1-The Edge

"Princess Asami! The Black Rain are attacking us!" Her stepmother, a beautiful Ninetales had woke her up.

"What?" Asami thrust herself out of her bed, and looked outside. The tribe had come to attack under the cover of night, and the guards had looked unprepared. "I'll go help them, Konachi!"

"No, stay here, dear! You might get captured!" But it was too late. Asami's psychic abilities could be a huge asset to the rest of the warriors. She raced down the steps to her bedroom, and telekinetically flung open the door to see chaos. She nearly avoided a flamethrower, then retaliated with psychic, causing the Charizard to clutch his head in pain. She quickly launched a shadow ball at a Gallade, who went flying back after impact, only for him to get back up. Suddenly, she was knocked backwards, and landed painfully on the ground. She pulled herself back to her feet, to see an Umbreon looking at her.

"You're the princess, aren't you? We have all come here to try get you. You're not getting away!" And with that, he lunged at her. Thinking quickly, she ducked down, then back flipped neatly onto his back.

"How did you…"

"They never told you, this princess can fight back!" And with that, she kicked his head, sending his legs crumpling to the ground. She looked up, and, on top of one of the castle walls, she saw her father, Gotsume, firing down thunderbolts onto the intruders. Gotsume's star shaped tail summoned bolts from the sky, and launched bolts. But they were all seeming to miss one Pokemon, a Vaporeon who looked about her age. He was nimbly dodging all the attacks, and was racing towards Asami. She sighed, and used psychic on him, expecting him to collapse like everyone else. Except he didn't. In shock, she backed up, and stepped on the Umbreon's tail, who groaned as she did that.

When the Vaporeon saw the Umbreon, he shook his head, and poked him in the side. The Umbreon opened his eyes, then got up, glanced back at Asami, and ran back into the fight. The Vaporeon moved on without a word, walking menacingly towards Asami.

She was sure she would have been done for if a thunderbolt hadn't struck the Vaporeon right at that moment. He collapsed immediately, and fell down. Nearby, the same Charizard saw him, and let out a roar. Immediately, all the attackers stopped fighting, and silently moved out of the castle walls. All except the Vaporeon.

The Luxray jumped down from the wall and went to his daughter. "Asami, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Good. The Vaporeon didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, father."

"Okay." He looked at the limp Vaporeon for a second, then said, "Take 'em to the cells. Let's see if we can pry some information on the Black Rain out of him. Then we'll chop him, and no problem."

Two Machokes came and dragged the limp Vaporeon to the prison. Asami yawned, but didn't think she could sleep if she wanted to. Her father turned back to her. "About tomorrow…"

"Dad, I don't want to talk about it." 'It' was the day she was not looking forwards to. There had been a tradition that on every princess' 15th birthday, she will be met with suitors. Within one month, she must choose which one to marry. The problem was, she didn't want to be married, at least not yet.

He frowned at her. "Asami, rules are rules. I had to choose your mother…"

Asami's mother had been a Sylveon, a very pretty one by what everyone had said. "You're becoming a very beautiful Espeon, and I'm sure someone handsome will come your way. But head back inside."

Ammy nodded, then slowly walked up to her room. I don't want to get married! I'm still so young! And all the other guys are going to be older than me, probably. They just want me for the sex and for the bloodline! "Arghhh!" she said, not intending it aloud. A Raichu who walked past her looked at her funny, and she blushed, and said, "Sorry!"

She flopped herself onto her bed, then knew exactly how to release her anger. She would terrorize that Vaporeon who had cornered her! He would feel fear! She quietly picked up her knife between her teeth, and walked down to the prison cells.

Inside, the Vaporeon was tied to a wall, face up. He father was talking to him, but to no avail. "Look, just tell us where you guys have made camp." But the Vaporeon's head still looked down.

"Let me help," said Asami. She carefully put the knife on the ground, then started speaking. "I can easily make your life hell right now, so just tell me, where are you guys staying?"

Still no response. She put the knife between her teeth, the held it to his crotch. "Tell me, or you're not ever having kids. Ever. And don't think I won't do it!"

But his head still looked down. She turned to her dad. "Whenever we do that, the prisoners always start squealing!"

But deep in her heart, she knew she couldn't hurt this guy. He hadn't done anything to her yet. "Do you understand us?"

Still no response. Exasperated, she sighed, then said, "You know, this isn't over!"

She got up, ready to walk away. But out of the corner of her eye, she saw his eyes move, quietly watching her walk out of the door, before closing again.

Quietly, she sat outside, and watched the fountain slowly pouring water onto the rocks below. She thought about tomorrow, and who would come. Would there be anybody whom she would find attractive? Who was similar in personality to her? Who was even the same size as her? She closed her eyes, then sent a silent prayer to the stars. Let me find somebody who matches with me…

The next morning, she felt a little bit better, and also felt a little bit bad. She snagged an apple from her breakfast, and raced down to the prison to find the Vaporeon sitting inside a cell, no longer tied up. When she came near, he barely opened his eyes before closing them again. She quietly rolled the apple through the bars, then said, "I'm sorry for what I did last night. I was just frustrated, with everything that's going to… well, it was very cruel of me to take out my frustration on you. So I'm sorry."

She sat up, and got ready to leave, when the Vaporeon sniffed the apple, and, so subtly that she almost didn't see it, nodded at her in thanks.

"Your execution is planned in 2 days, so there's no need to thank me."

If he heard her, he didn't show it, and started eating the apple, in quick, tidy bites. Asami was shocked. Every bite was practically placed, in a spot where he could get a lot out of minimal effort. It was pretty interesting. She shook her head. This guy was sent to kill her, so she got up and walked away.

She headed inside and washed off everything, by orders of her father. "You have to look stunning," he had said.

When she walked down, one Houndoom was waiting. She looked him over. He stopped to look at her, and rushed to greet her. She smiled at him, but immediately thought about how he looked at least 10 years older. Weird…

The Houndoom came up. "I'm Prince Chu. Pleased to meet you. You look lovely, Princess Asami."

"Th… thank you!"

Chu was nice, and polite, but everything seemed forced, almost unnatural. She was grateful when her father gave her a chance to leave for awhile, and she took a walk outside. She didn't know what to choose. More suitors would come later. With a pang of loneliness, she realized she didn't have any close friends. Her best friend up until a year ago had been Mitsuki, a Glaceon, but she had mysteriously vanished…

"Oh, Arceus, what should I do?" she said with a sigh. Looking at the sun outside, she was surprised to see it setting already. It seemed just like an hour ago that she had visited the Vaporeon. She went into the kitchen, and picked up another apple, and decided to visit him again.

When she got there, he was sitting in the exact same position as when she had left. He opened his eyes, and blinked as she approached. "Hey. You know, I've wanted to ask you something. How did you avoid psychic? Normally, most pokemon collapse at it. You didn't even seem affected."

He quietly stood up, then, for the first time, spoke, in a calm, quiet voice. "You're Princess Asami, right?"

"Yeah. The one you were sent to take out, you know. Who are you?" But that was it. He sat back down, and started eating the apple, in the same efficient way.

"Thank you," he said afterwards.

"Oh, no problem at all. Alright, since you won't tell me your name, how old are you?"

He looked up thoughtfully, then replied, "Fifteen. Turned it seven months ago." He stretched, and Asami caught a glimpse of the muscles underneath his skin ripple. Then he disappeared.

"Dammit! I can't believe it… we're such idiots!"

She raced to her father, who was still talking with her suitors. "Dad, the Vaporeon escaped!"


"Yeah, he vaporized! We forgot about that!"

Her father groaned. "Then we can't go after him. That's tribal land. We'll get killed if we go there."

Chu looked at Asami, then, with a wicked smile, said, "How about Asami and I go fetch him? C'mon, it's just a little Vaporeon! And the two of us won't draw much attention. We can blend in!"

Asami internally begged her father to say no, but he nodded. "Go bring him back here, preferably alive. Good luck."

The Houndoom beckoned her, and she reluctantly followed. They crossed the plain which led to the mountainous and forested terrain. The moment they got into the trees, the Houndoom grinned. "You look sexy princess, breathing hard from all that running. And that's not all that's hard, dear…" She quietly backed up into a tree. She knew that this Houndoom was stronger physically, and she couldn't use her powers on him. "C'mon, babe. You'll enjoy it so much, you know it! Just suck it for me, honey!"

"Don't call me honey! Ahh!" She had no choice as he forced it into her mouth. She cried a little bit as he thrust his hips, half choking…

"I'm almost there! You're doing great, sexy! Oh…"

As quickly as he had started, he stopped. He fell to the ground, soaking wet, knocked out cold.

She quickly spat all over the place, tears still streaming down her face. "Blech!"

She quickly ran away, deeper into the forest, without thinking, crying over how she had been taken advantage of. Suddenly, she felt herself getting tired. She looked around, and saw a nearby stream. She took a few sips from it, then quietly looked around. She had calmed down, and thought about what to do next. If she found the Vaporeon, maybe she wouldn't have to get married, and she could live in peace. Suddenly, she felt like she was being watched. She looked backwards, and saw nothing at all. Then, slowly, rising from the stream, she saw a fin… and a tail… and then an entire Vaporeon rise from the stream. He slowly walked towards her, and felt herself freeze as he walked towards her.

"Why so scared? I helped you escape from that Houndoom, you know. But, you should be very careful. And I'm afraid you're going to have to meet the rest of the tribe now, princess."

He led her along the stream. She would have ran, except she didn't know the way back. This Vaporeon was her lifeline to home. They arrived towards a small fire surrounded by grass huts all around it. She recognized some pokemon who had attacked the castle earlier, such as the Umbreon and Charizard.

"Hideki! Look who's back!"

A large Absol silently walked over to them. Asami was shivering, not from fear, but from the cold. "Kenshin."

The Vaporeon bowed his head. "Yes, chief?"

"Good work. It is your job to dispose of her, in whatever way you find proper. Is that clear?"

"Yes, chief Hideki." Asami froze. Dispose of? Are they going to… kill me? Would he do that? He was willing to do it before, but he saved me… He beckoned her with his tail. Suddenly, she felt chains being strapped around her neck and feet, but didn't look to see who was putting it on. "Follow."

The two of them walked slowly out of the camp, and stopped by the stream. He sat down, and looked up at the stars.

"Kenshin. That's a nice name," she said. "Are you going to kill me?"

He didn't respond. He turned towards her. "Don't fight it. It will be better this way." He opened his mouth, preparing to assassinate her with a close range hydro pump. Asami closed her eyes, and braced herself for death.

How is it? R&R!