At 3:00, Dr. Kimura came in with the discharge papers and went over a few instructions. He needed rest and to drink lots of fluids. Water, juice and Gatorade were good choices. Only liquid and soft foods for the remainder of the day, but there were no other dietary restrictions after that. It was OK to have a cup of coffee in the morning, but for the first few days try and limit it to just one, especially as long as he had any headaches. He needed to call and schedule a follow-up appointment with her at the end of next week and at that time she anticipated she would clear him for active duty.

Morgan had asked her to bring in some clothes for Spencer when he had called, he didn't mention that his clothes had to be destroyed and all of his other belongings had been decontaminated. Reid changed into the sweat pants, t-shirt and converse she had brought him. He smiled at the choice of mix-matched socks she had picked out. All of the items had been at her apartment and she had not needed to stop anywhere on the way to the hospital.

When he was ready to go, they ordered a wheelchair for his release and told her to meet him at the front entrance with her car.

On the drive home, she asked the question she was hoping she knew the answer to, "Did you want to go home to your place or mine?"

He reached over and held her hand while they were at a stoplight at the exit of the hospital. "Your apartment. When you mentioned going home earlier, that is the only place I thought of going." She smiled and looked like she was going to cry again. She couldn't even speak to tell him how happy that made her.

When they got back to her apartment, she was excited to see the new closets and wanted to show him all of the work that had been done. JoAnn had called her around lunchtime to see how Spencer was doing and told Chelsea that she was planning to stay and make sure everything was done correctly. Chelsea had tried to protest, but JoAnn had insisted.

When they walked in, she realized that JoAnn had also put everything away after the closets had been done. First she showed Spencer the office. There had been a single unused clothes rod across the entire double closet, now the closet was full of shelving from floor to ceiling and nearly empty.

"I've been waiting for the best moment to ask you this, but I don't know when the best moment will come. I'm just going to ask. Would you be interested in moving in here with me? I'd really love to have you here all of the time and you're already are here most nights…"

He cut her off with a kiss and told her "Yes. I can't think of anyplace I'd rather be. I don't even think of my old place as mine anymore. I feel comfortable here with you."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a long kiss. "You are making me a very happy girl." She smiled as she told him all about the closet changes she had made. "I was hoping you would say yes, and I planned the closet changes for your moving in."

They were still standing at the entrance to her office and his arm was wrapped around her waist as she told him "Look how much room there is in this closet for your books and the other items you have stored in boxes at your place. I thought you could bring your favorite chair and floor lamp and put it in the corner. That chair," pointing to a blue fabric wingback chair, "is not anything special and I know you love to read in your chair. You can read while I'm at my desk."

She was now excitedly talking about him moving in as they were walking to her bedroom. "I really want this to feel like our place; not that you moved into my place. Let me know what pieces of furniture you want to bring over. We will work out where to show all of your display pieces you have out in your apartment. Maybe we can put your writing desk in the master bedroom?" she continued to talk about his stuff.

"Stop." Spencer laughed as he sat on the side of her bed. "All I really want is to be here with you. I appreciate you trying to make me feel at home, but I already do."

"I'm glad, but I want this to be your place as much as mine and all of your personal items are a part of that. We will fit things in all over the apartment. OK?"

He smiled a thanks as she started looking around the room. The only things still on the floor were the clothes that needed repair. They had moved all of the items to be sent to the thrift store to the guest room last night. Chelsea went across the room and opened the doors to the walk-in closet. JoAnn had neatly put away all of her clothes more efficiently than she would have herself. She mentally made a note to send her friend a gift for all of her help and support.

Looking at the closet, it even surprised Chelsea how much room there was. There had always been extra room to accommodate the clothes Spencer had stored here, but with the new construction, it had been efficiently set up so half of the closet was empty except for Spencer's things. Her clothes were on one side with slots filled with her shoes and shelves for her jeans, hats and some other items. From where Spencer was sitting he could see inside the closet as she pointed and told him, "This whole side is open for your things." There was one small section with a long hanging area and most of the space was an efficient double hanging section. There were slots for shoes, and even a few pull out drawers for watches, socks and other under garments. Spencer was almost speechless. "I can't believe how much room there is." Spencer thought it looked like something out of a home magazine.

"I tossed out a few of my college outfits, things that didn't fit right and things I never wore. I should have done that a couple of years ago, but never had the motivation before. But most of the space is just because of good planning. I really hoped you would say yes."

She told him about the guest room closet. It was redone in two different sections. One half was planned to stay completely empty to accommodate guests' belongings when needed. The other side had been set up to store winter apparel. She told him there was plenty of room for both of their winter coats, boots and other items.

Spencer didn't know what to say. "Thank you for everything. I'm very glad you were at the hospital today and I can't believe you did all of this for me."

"For us," she corrected him. "JoAnn was a huge help and we had a good time. Now I feel terrible that I was having fun while you were…" she paused and said, "not well." She knew he understood that she had a good idea of what had happened and that he couldn't talk about it.

Spencer smiled at her and said, "I'm glad you were having a good time. I was thinking about you and knew with everything going on, you wouldn't try to call me. I would not have been able to answer and it would have made me sad."

He was thinking how lucky he was that she was not pressing the issue of what had happened the day before. He was not able to talk about any of the details of how or why he had been sick. In most cases only a husband or wife would actually get a call if an agent was involved in any national security issue, but Hotch had made an exception for Chelsea. Hotch was a very good profiler and knew that once Chelsea would be happy he was well and not push the issue of his illness. He thought having Chelsea around would be good for Reid.

The only question she asked on the drive home was if he had been given any pain medications. She was very aware that even one dose could compromise his sobriety and she needed to know if she should call her grandpa when they arrived home. He said he had been in pain, although he did not tell her how bad the pain had been, but he had insisted on no narcotics. She laughed when he told her that he thought he even scared Dr. Kimura a bit when he forcefully declined any medications.

He was still sitting on the edge of the bed when he pulled her down close and started to unbutton her blouse and kiss her. She pulled back and told him she didn't want to get him over tired and he needed to rest. He just smiled and said, "I've been in bed all day resting and I've been thinking about doing this since you first arrived at the hospital this morning."

She kissed him back and helped him remove both her blouse and his t-shirt. They moved to turn down the bed. All thoughts of moving his belongings out of their minds. They were only thinking of each other and they were both glad to be home.

Author's Note: I hope you liked my ending. On the show it looked like Morgan was the only one that cared about Reid getting sick or that he nearly died. I always believed that the others came to visit; it just didn't make it in the episode so I wrote it myself. :)

I also posted a One-shot called Home at Last. It is a cute follow up story about Spencer moving his things into Chelsea's place. The third book is called The Support of Family and Friends and you can link to it on my profile page.