Disclaimer: I do not own Frozen.

All mistakes are mine.

This is just an idea I had. If people like it I'll expand on it more (looks at you with hopeful face).


"Anna…are you sure this is what you want?"



"…very well. I will send a messenger to Arendelle to inform the Queen of your departure."


It has been almost two months since she left her kingdom. Her heart was wracking nervously in her chest as her ship neared the fjord of Arendelle. She started to hate herself for agreeing to this, but she knew there was no other way.

Anna's mind drift off to way she came here in the first place. Her own kingdom was a fairly small one compared to Arendelle, so when her father the King sent a messenger to Arendelle to negotiate something regarding politics or trades (Anna couldn't care less at the time), they were surprised that Arendelle agreed to it quickly.

Of course there was a catch.

The Queen requested that they trade their princess; if not, then Arendelle wouldn't accept their requests.

You see, there was something about this queen that was different. The Queen of Arendelle was notoriously known for her sorcery—Snow Queen, they called her. Rumors had it that she could conjure blizzards with the wave of her hand, and she had complete control over snow and ice; but that was not all. She was also known for her liking in women.

The Queen of Arendelle ruled her kingdom alone and no one dare order her to marry (no one dare ask for her hand either). Rumors also said that she had many 'concubines' of different status. Everything about the Queen was outrageous, but still, no one said no to her.

So when the Queen requested that Princess Anna come to Arendelle, Anna had no choice but to go. She was happy that her father was outraged by the request and didn't want her to leave, but she knew she was royalty before she was herself, and she knew that she couldn't let the subjects of her kingdom suffer—in short she exchanged her own freedom for her kingdom's safety.

A voice shook her out of her memories. "Princess Anna, welcome to Arendelle." She looked around and realized the ship had long docked the port. Anna turned towards the voice and saw a man bowing at her. "My name is Kai, and the Queen has requested that I bring you to the castle immediately after your arrival." Kai motioned her towards a carriage.

This is it. Anna thought. The rest of my life, cooped up in this strange land along with its strange queen.

When they arrived at the castle, Kai introduced her to Gerda.

"This is Gerda, and she will be the one attending to your needs from this day forth." Gerda did a little courtesy. "Your Highness." she greeted. Anna simply nodded.

"Now you must be very tired. Gerda will show you to your new chambers while I inform the queen of your arrival."

"If you would please follow me, Your Highness." said Gerda. So far Anna thought the servants of this castle were nice. Whenever they walked by, the servants doing their chores would stop to greet her. Anna's brows arched with question when she saw a few maids scuttle around the corner, walking past them with their face burning bright.

They were almost around the corner when Anna heard moans. Her face instantly turned red as she looked at Gerda, who simply sighed.

"Please, brace yourself Your Highness." she warned. What for?

What Anna was about to see next nearly scarred her for life. When they rounded the corner she saw two women making out. Anna realized that one of them was a maid, judging from her attire, the other one was a strikingly beautiful woman with platinum blonde hair who was wearing this glittering and slightly revealing dress. The maid was pushed against the wall as the platinum blonde ran one hand up under her blouse, her lips kissing and nipping against the maid's neck, causing her to moan in ecstasy.

Gerda cleared her throat. "Queen Elsa." What? She is Queen Elsa?

The Queen growled. "Gerda. How pleasant to see you." She released the maid and dismissed her. The maid was gone within seconds. The Queen rolled her eyes as she turned to look at Gerda, and out of her mouth came an automatic apology. "I'm sorry Gerda for doing this in the halls again—"

"Actually," Gerda cut in. "I'm not going to reprimand you this time, because there's something more important." Gerda nudged Anna forward. "This young woman is Princess Anna, Your Majesty."

Anna gulped as she saw those icy blue eyes gaze into her own. How can a queen be so…so shameless?

Anna heard the Queen laugh. She took a moment to process that the angelic voice she heard was indeed the Queen's, and then realized she voiced out her thoughts. Crap, now she's going to punish me! What if she sends me back? What if she destroys my kingdom with the flick of her finger? She quickly bowed her head and rambled out an apology. "M-my apologizes Your Majesty! I said something out of—"

"Clearly someone needs to be punished." the Queen interrupted, eyes never leaving Anna's. "Gerda, you may take your leave. I will guide Princess Anna to her chambers." Gerda bowed and left the two.

Without a word the Queen took hold of her hand and started leading her down the hall. Holy crap her hands are cold! Anna felt her fingers go slightly numb but didn't dare tell the Queen. She couldn't risk her entire kingdom's safety just because of numb hands, she just couldn't.

"Here we are." The Queen said. She waved open the doors into a massive room. Anna looked around and saw intricate designs flowing from the walls to the ceiling. The whole room was in different shades of blue; and if something wasn't blue it was white. Anna noticed how cold the room was.

"Um…I think this isn't my room?" Anna asked dumbly.

"You are correct. This is my room." The Queen said, smirking at Anna's reaction. Anna yelped with surprise as the older woman pushed her onto the bed and lay on top of her. "Y-Your Majesty!"

"Elsa." she whispered into Anna's ear, her voice low and husky. "Call me by my name because after all, I would like to hear you moan my name when we become better acquainted."

Anna started to shiver, but she didn't know whether it was caused by fear or something else. The Queen—no, Elsa—noticed her shivering and eyed Anna with sudden concern. "It's too cold isn't it?" Elsa quickly got up, and the moment she left Anna the young woman felt oddly colder than before, but the room temperature seemed to have risen quite significantly.

Elsa glanced at the clock then turned back to look at Anna. "I have a meeting to attend to right now. I will call Gerda to come and give you a tour around the castle."

Then she was gone.



After Elsa left, Gerda came and gave Anna a tour around the castle. Anna listened absent mindedly, her thoughts always drifting back to the platinum blonde.

"Gerda," she asked, remembering something from earlier. "why did Elsa apologize to you? Isn't she your queen?"

Anna liked the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled. "I was Her Majesty's nanny, you see. To her, I'm a mother before a servant; and to me she is a child before a queen…I know it's not really acceptable due to our different status, but the Queen insists I treat her like family."

Anna nodded slightly, seeing how the bond between Gerda and Elsa was deep. "Was Elsa always like this? You know, a nau— a playful person?" Somehow, Anna couldn't bring herself to say the word 'naughty' without feeling…weird.

Gerda didn't answer her immediately, so Anna turned to look at her. The elder woman's eyes were somewhat distant, as if she was remembering something that she didn't like.

"Gerda? Are you okay?" Anna asked softly. She reached out to touch Gerda on the shoulder.

"Oh, what? Yes, Your Highness, I am fine. Please forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive, Gerda. It's fine if you don't feel like saying anything." said Anna.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness." Gerda said while sighing. "Her Majesty…" Gerda paused before speaking again. "I hope you will be able to help Her Majesty, Your Highness. I hope you can come to understand her, just like before when you were little—"


Both Anna and Gerda winced and the coldness of the voice before turning to face Elsa. Anna was surprised when she saw Elsa donning a wholly different attire. Her wild platinum hair was now done into a neat bun and on top of her head sat her crown. She wore a teal dress with a sweetheart bodice with bronze lacing, black sleeves and magenta cape. The playfulness from earlier was long gone, replaced by an air of superiority and grace.

Her piercing gaze lay upon Anna while she spoke. "Gerda, as much as I love you, some things should be kept untold." Her gaze then shifted to Gerda, her voice became noticeably warmer after her warning. "Please tell the others to prepare dinner, Princess Anna and I will be at the dining hall shortly."

Elsa glided past and pulled Anna along with her. Anna's mind tried to understand what Gerda was saying earlier. In her memories this was the first time she ever set foot in Arendelle, but Gerda clearly implied that Elsa and Anna knew each other before this. When? Just when and what did I do?

Anna's thoughts were interrupted as she heard the loud slam of a door, and realized they were in her room. As soon as the door shut, Elsa turned and pushed Anna against it with such force it caused the back of Anna's head to hit the door. In the midst of her pain, cold fingers held her chin, redirecting her attention to a pair of icy blue eyes. The distance between them were only mere inches apart, bodies pressed flush against each other.

The platinum blonde then moved forward, lips dangerously close to Anna's ear, breath sending tingling sensations down Anna's spine.

"Whatever Gerda told you, you will forget. It is nothing of importance, and you certainly will not ask about it. Am I clear?"

Anna didn't know what to respond but nodded slowly. She felt the coldness in the room rise to a reasonable temperature. Anna had heard that the queen's emotion was tied to her powers. She wondered how the Queen was able to switch between different moods so quickly; it was like she had different personalities within, or different façades that kept her together for some reason. It didn't seem healthy to Anna.


Anna felt the Queen go from tense to a more relaxed state. Elsa pulled back, leaving a short distance between them. She released her hold on Anna's chin, letting the hand move and press at the back of Anna's head.

"I am sorry for being such a brute. Does your head hurt?"

Her voice was so soft and eyes were filled with concern. For a minute, Anna didn't know whether to hate her or not. It was only the first day, but with all these mood swings and different attitudes the Queen had, Anna didn't want to live like this around her the rest of her life.

"Why do you do that?" Anna asked, with sudden anger and confusion. "Earlier you were doing obscene things with a maid like it's nothing, and a minute later you were all flirty with me! And just now you were so menacing and then you're asking if I'm okay?" Anna snapped, shoving the platinum blonde away from her. "What wrong with you? What did I ever do to you?"

Elsa only stared at her silently, eyes filled with an undecipherable emotion. "It seems like you need some time alone, Princess Anna. I will tell Gerda that you very much want to dine in your room."

After Elsa left the room, Anna sunk to the floor as a blast of cold reminded her who she was talking to. She tucked her knees under her chin and leaned against the wall, tears rolling down her cheeks.

What have I done…

*whispers* well that escalated quickly...
So...hope you liked it! Reviews are always appreciated.