
Kuroko turned his back and saw his captain walked closer to him. It was the end of their morning practice when suddenly there were only the two of them in the locker room. Once he recalled what had happened last night, Kuroko submitted himself at the thought that Akashi would like to give him a word.

"Akashi-kun", his blue locks swayed as he bowed his head in slight hesitation and awkwardness.

There were few moments of suffocating silence until Akashi massaged his knitted brows in a trait of resentment. "I apologize about last night"

Kuroko blinked once. And twice.

It was rare for Akashi to beg for apology from others, much less from Kuroko. "But you didn't do anything wrong, Akashi-kun. There is no need to apologize"

With hands crossed in front of his chest and dignified posture, Akashi turned his head aside to avoid Kuroko's gaze. "It was me. I was being immature last night and you were right, that was so out of character of me"

Kuroko couldn't help but to curl a smile at the image of easy going and happy Akashi Seijurou in Howl's form enjoying the breeze of walking in the air last night. "It was okay, Akashi-kun. It wasn't something you need to-"

"Tetsuya", Akashi's dichromatic eyes turned into stabbing gazes. "I promise it will not happen again"

Kuroko gulped his last words. He was about to say that he honestly didn't mind being the sole witness of Akashi's out-of-character-ness but he knew Akashi would bit him back in distaste. Though the idea of him having privilege over Akashi's other nature was tempting, Kuroko realized he had yet to gain that trust –would he got that chance he didn't even know.

"I understand", that was the only thing Kuroko could muster before everything between them turned into dead silence all over again.

Although the dark circle under their eyes wasn't that obvious, having a bizarre adventure in your dream –which was so vividly real- would result in a certain point of sleepiness. Kuroko sighed in exhaustion –afterall, morning practice wasn't one exercise to be taken lightly- and was about to pivot himself leaving the locker room when Akashi coughed in a need of attention.

"So", Akashi's stern voice sliced through the heavy atmosphere between them. "Do you remember how to escape from the dream last night?"

Kuroko stilled himself before answering. He stood next to one locker with hands were ready gripping his strap bag. "I'm not really sure"

Akashi's exhaled a heavy and weary plaint. From the corner of his eyes, Akashi observed Kuroko's current figure and knew very well that they were in the same need of rest.

"I think the dream was over when we finished our trip", Kuroko's voice faltered in the last second. The remembrance of them having a date up above the sky was just too much to the point Kuroko couldn't handle himself not to recall it.

Without much embarrassment, as if their previous encounter was not strange at all, Akashi remarked. "The same goes for me"

Kuroko nodded his head in comprehension –somehow felt stupid from helplessly fidgeting under ridiculous reason which wasn't a bother for Akashi at all. Before the atmosphere turned grey and more awkward, Akashi asked Kuroko the thing which had been bothering him since their morning practice started. "Tetsuya, I have a feeling that this morning you were quite active with the others and I assume it has something to do with our dream"

Busted. Kuroko didn't think that Akashi would discover his activity but since it was quite strange to see Kuroko talked intensely with other members such as Midorima and Murasakibara, the thought of peculiarity of course would naturally came in mind.

"I was..", Kuroko bit his lips and abashedly explained his whole doing. "..thinking that maybe we're not the only one to go through this so I was asking all of them about their dream last night"

Akashi steadied himself in notice. Kuroko's explanation perked his interest. "And?"

A hand upped the bag to one shoulder in shame. "I was wrong. It was just us from the start"

Akashi dismissed the fact Kuroko had just found. After contemplating their weird encounters, Akashi already came to that conclusion since the moment they shared the second dream, but hearing Kuroko's reasoning would not hurt at all.

"And why are you so sure about it?"

Kuroko closed his eyes for awhile to recall all of his conversation in between practices. "It's because their dreams last night was not close to our dreams at all"

"Oh", Akashi smiled in mockery. "I guess Murasakibara was dreaming about cake, Midorima's dream was his lucky item, Aomine's was a date wih Horikita Mai, and Kise was not dreaming at all due to his tiring modeling schedule?"

Sensing that Akashi was boasting about his accurate prediction in the most subtle way, Kuroko ignored the idea of responding his captain with either awe or flattery. "And Momoi-san was dreaming about having a date with me"

Akashi stayed still in a hidden surprise. "A date?"

Kuroko nodded, not ashamed at all –and this was the reason why sometimes Kuroko needed to justify the right moment for him to be embarrassed. "She said we were both in an amusement park and-"

"You were in a date with Momoi and you don't remember about it at all?" Akashi himself didn't realize he was unconsciously hissing in between words.

"How could I?" Kuroko scooted back in defense. "I was there with you the whole time, Akashi-kun. The only one being connected in the dream are us, not Momoi-san and I"

Kuroko's confused answer snapped Akashi back to his composure. "You are right"

After Akashi's short answer and for quite few seconds engaged in another tensed atmosphere, they decided to go back to their classes before the homeroom started. Once they stepped out from the locker room, Kuroko managed to mutter an exasperated whimper. "I was dating Momoi-san in her dream while at the same time I am blood and flesh as a girl in another dream which is my actual dream. This is getting ridiculous"

Hearing that, Akashi then chose to stay silent. He knew better than to pry his shadow's anger –after all, being casted as girl even if it was only in the dream, was hurting Kuroko's pride as a guy.


By fancyshipper

random drabble akakuro

Elbowing his knee to rest his chin on the palm, Akashi examined the whole area. Hordes of people with different appearances had already gathered all over the plaza. His heterochromatic eyes examined each person with their respective weapons while at the same time he tried to weight the sword on his back.

Now, where in the world is this dream?

Akashi was dutifully analyzing every single being around him when suddenly, a guy who looked like the leader, came to the center spotlight and began to gain the attention of all audiences.

"Okay, let's get started, people!" a clap from the guy, the blue haired guy with a shining armor and fairly charismatic feature, could be heard as a starter before he introduced himself as Diabel. The guy then went on with his speech until he got to the main point as to why he held a meeting in the plaza.

"Today, our party found the boss room at the top of the tower", with that information the whole plaza exploded in disbelief outburst before Diabel managed to continue. "We need to defeat the boss, reach the second floor, and tell everyone waiting in the Town of Beginnings that it is possible to beat this game"

Pair of heterochromatic eyes widened in dismay under the shadow of raven locks. Akashi Seijuro wasn't a normal teenage boy who would fuss with stuffs like anime or game but he was more than smart to take all the hints. It was just a glimpse of chit-chat from his classmates but at least Akashi was knowledgeable enough about the existence of the well known Sword Art Online anime.

An anime about virtual game, huh?

The speech from Diabel went on and Akashi couldn't help but to listen. He disliked the idea of him being a follower and listener, hell he was born flesh and blood as a leader, but he had to do it in order to escape from this trapping dream. And the fact that he hadn't played MMORPG for ages didn't help at all –did he even had the chance to play it back then he didn't even remember, but as genius as he was, once he played it Akashi would surely conquer the victory in a flash.

"Alright, then let us begin our planning", Diabel waved his hand in a leader-like-manner. "First, divide into parties of six"

By the end of the sentence, Akashi's eyes widened. A swoop of murmur and noisy conversation filled the whole plaza. People started to find a group and began trading their contact. Flash of hologram in between explained the whole act of party engagement. There was a tinge of annoyance inside him when Akashi felt that he was being left behind in the process.

Akashi quickly wrung his head around, trying to spot other character with the same problem. Not long after, he found someone hidden within a dark brown robe, face shadowed under a hoodie, sitting alone in the same row and not making a move even the rest of the people inside the plaza already found their respective parties.

Noticing that there was a chance for him to make a party with this lonely person, Akashi scooted closer and politely proposed the idea of having a party. "A solo player? Just as that guy mentioned before about forming a party, would you mind to have a party with me?"

The hidden creature stayed still with head drooped down. It seemed as if the idea of them having a party wasn't on the list.

Noticing a suspicion and hesitancy, Akashi sighed and added. "For this one fight only?"

After what seemed like forever, the head under the hoodie finally bobbing up and down. Accepting nothing but a simple nod, Akashi quickly swung his hand to call out his hologram screen. "Very well then"

By the time the dialogue box of party offer popped out, the stranger slowly moved their hand to touch the YES button to accept Akashi's proposal. Their each stat displayed their synchronized data as a party when Akashi spotted their names on top of their HP bar. His name was displayed in a big font in the same line with his current game level. Kirito.

Akashi secretly scoffed by the new information. From what he had heard, Akashi knew enough that the character named Kirito was the hero and the main character of the anime. Well, well, well, ain't I the hero of this world?

His lips tried to muffle a snicker when he discovered the name of his new acquaintance.


By the rolling sound of the name, the stranger flinched under the thick robe, igniting a spark of suspicion from the hero. Akashi was about to push another conversation when suddenly the person stood from the seat and hurriedly ran off from Akashi's sight.

Asuna? Wasn't that the name of the heroine?

Akashi curled his knuckle to cover his mouth in calculative expression. If he was right, then this Asuna person was the one who supposed to be Kirito's partner –or soulmate?

Or could it be…

Akashi walked swiftly with eyes trying to find a good spot to eat and relax. He just got back from leveling and earned himself a bunch of bonus items. The sense of time in the dream was ridiculously weird. One time he was at certain places beating monsters, one other time he was already back roaming the city in a need of rest. Akashi was pretty sure that he could go on for months in this Sword Art Online world in a mere one night dream.

But since his current timeline was to follow Diabel's previous plan back in the plaza, Akashi couldn't help but to join the search party to defeat the first boss. Their big new group was spending the night together before executing their assault next morning. Akashi was about to pivot himself to the dark and quiet corner when suddenly he caught a presence of his new partner.

"Asuna-san? May I sit here?"

The mysterious acquaintance tensed and nodded at the greeting –yet at the same time trying to scoot away to the other side of the bench. Seeing the flustered Asuna fumbling with a book on her lap, Akashi tugged a puzzling smirk and waved his hand in order to take out his dinner.

From the corner of his eyes, Akashi knew very well that his partner was trying to take a peek at his hologram, wanting to know his every movement in an obvious observant manner.


Akashi shoved a plastic of sandwich while his other hand was holding a piece of toast. "I know you haven't eaten dinner yet"

Still didn't want to show her face, Asuna pulled down the end of her hoodie to cover her face more and more. Realizing that it was impolite, the supposed heroine closed the book and frantically waved the hand as a refusal.

"Are you sure?" the question quickly got a quick nod and panic hand waves.

Akashi curled up a mischievous smile before taking out his hologram and exchanging the rejected sandwich with a cup of cold concoction from his directory.

"Asuna-san", there was a tinge of urgency in Akashi's polite remark. "At least drink this one to fill your need for the night"

Again, a shaking head was all that he got. Getting impatient with the circling way of communicating, Akashi sighed. "It's vanilla milkshake"

The shaking head stopped abruptly. The book on the lap was gone, mostly because the owner hurriedly putting it back to its directory.


The hidden face finally turned to the call. Dark brown hoodie fell into the petite shoulder, framing a beautiful feature of long blue haired girl with a good light sword on the side.

"Akashi-kun", a weak reaction came from the heroine.

Akashi secretly tried to imprint the image of female Kuroko Tetsuya in his head. It wasn't disturbing at all, just like their previous dreams, and Akashi wouldn't mind it. Instead, Akashi thought that it was rather cute for Kuroko to be casted as a girl –though he would be damned with Ignite Pass Kai if he ever said that to Kuroko.

"Here", Akashi offered the cold treat once again, this time putting a more effort to place it right on the pale hand.

With a hesitant hand, Kuroko tried to accept his favorite milkshake with a glint of shame. "Akashi-kun, I'm sorry I don't-"

"I know", Akashi turned his head away. He didn't want to make his precious team mate getting uncomfortable just because he was casted, again, as a girl. "Let's not talk about it"

In a place of small and round bright blue eyes, there was a pair of anxious orange brownish orbs blinking in delight –those eyes were probably Asuna's original trait, from what he had heard Akashi knew that Asuna's feature was brown orangeish hair and brown gold eyes. Kuroko accepted the milkshake and started to sip on it. Once in a while, Kuroko would tuck his long blue hair back beyond his hair since it was quite bothering his movement –which unknowingly stirred some weird emotions for Akashi who could only sat and gracefully munched on his toast, trying hard to think as rational as usual.

"Let's do our best for tomorrow assault, Asuna"

A bit faltered at the start of his sentence, Kuroko could only respond softly. "Yes, Kirito-kun"

Author's note:

This is what I can do in the midst of flooding real-life stuffs. I'm sorry Gentle Snow. I know I'm such a disappointment but here is your present. Thank you for noticing and reviewing this fic in the first place. I know this part won't suffice your needs yes you can hate me for betraying your trust. I'm sorry (again).

And thank you everyone for the reviews.

I know this one is an utter horrible please give me flame and yeah I got stuck in the middle SO I REWATCHED SWORD ART ONLINE ALL OVER AGAIN for the sake of a good grasp of the fandom –mostly for Kirito and Asuna's chemistry.

Thank you and sorry and bye. See you the next time I'm free and insane enough to mess with other fandoms.