I was talking to my best friend and this fanfic idea popped in my head. Rick Riordan owns these awesome characters, not me. Please Read & Review! Love y'all.

Percy's POV

I honestly love hanging out with my friends. I love them all. Sometimes, though, they can be annoying or angry, like most teenagers. Today was Thalia's day to be angry. "Kelp head! Death Breath! I'm going to kill you!" I hear someone shriek from the living room of my mothers apartment. I look at Nico, who has stopped his chip mid-bite. He raises his eyebrows as to say "What did you do?" I shrug my shoulders. Thalia has these days all the time. Annabeth only has them every once in a while. If I have bad luck they are both like this on the same day.

I hear the sky boom. A blur of black and blue darts into the kitchen and tackles Nico, who was just about to slip out the back door. Nico is pinned with Thalia on top of him. "What did I do?" Nico asks nervously. Thalia stares him down. "You know what you did Di Angelo!" she yells. Her icy blue eyes are locked in a death glare. So are Nico's, but he always has a death glare going on. Annabeth walks in at that moment. She freezes as soon as she sees Thalia. She looks at me and then to Nico, wondering what happened. I shake my head telling her to not ask. "I have no clue what I did Pinecone Face." Nico says obviously get aggravated. "You know you did it. Just confess!" Thalia demands. "What did he do exactly?" I ask. Thalia shoots me a death glance, but I shake it off. "Don't make me interrogate you too Kelp head. Di Angelo here took my bow!" Thalia booms. "Your bow?" Nico and I both ask at the same time. "Yes my bow. It's gone!" Thalia says angrily. That's when Annabeth decides to talk.

"Thals, we can find it. I'm sure Nico didn't take it." Annabeth says. Thalia stands up. "Maybe Death breath didn't take it but Kelp head could've." Thalia says looking at me. I gulp. Annabeth steps towards Thalia. "Seaweed brain isn't dumb enough to take it. We'll find it. No need to kill these two." Annabeth says trying to be the voice of reason. "Okay, but who would be dumb enough to take it?" Thalia says calming down. That's when I actually come up with a clue. "Stolls." I say.

"I'm going to kill them." Thalia growls. Annabeth looks at me and then speaks to Thalia. "We can go to camp. That's where they would go. I'll go with Percy and you can shadow travel with Nico." Annabeth explains. Thalia nods and stands still. "Come on Nico." Thalia says. With that they flash out.

"So Seaweed Brain, how'd you figure out that it was the Stolls?" Annabeth asks. "Well they like pulling really stupid pranks." I say stopping at the light. "Well it was a very wise call." she says smiling. "You know I love you right?" I say as the light turns green. I hit the gas and start driving the winding roads to Camp. "Yes I do and I love you too Seaweed brain." she replies smiling. We intertwine our fingers. I stop at the entrance. "Well Wise girl. Let's go make sure Thalia doesn't kill them more than once." I say putting it in park. Stolls, I pray to Zeus for you. Maybe not a good person for me to pray to for them, but oh well.

Please R&R. I will update after 5 reviews. Even if you put something harsh. I can handle criticism.