*The is a dark sequel to 'Flirtationship'
I have 2 in-progress main FF so this will
only last 2 chapters. I hope you enjoy it.* - TGE

The Killing Kiss

The days that followed after that split second that they saw a glimpse of that thing called 'love' in each others eyes things had fallen back to normal or so it seemed.

He still kissed her cheek but for some reason it didn't feel normal and it didn't give her the sense of being loved anymore. It was as if it was just a kiss, something to make it seem like nothing had changed between them. Their hugs left her feeling awkward like they never hugged before but deep inside each moment he kissed her she secretly wanted more and each time he hugged her she restrained herself from holding him just a little longer.

While he found himself afraid to hold her a little longer or let his kisses linger on her skin. Late at night he took more shots of the bourbon than he normally would just so that he could feel anything else other than the feeling that he was desperately trying to suppress. He would rather feel numb than to ever feel that way about her he told himself with every shot.

The teasing had ceased completely and their jokes weren't funny anymore because of what they were both feeling or trying not to feel. They filled their lives to the brink with their jobs hoping that they could get over what they saw weeks ago.

Tonight he found it difficult standing next to her as she explained the evidence that she had found to him and Tony. He didn't dare look at her because he couldn't let his eyes linger on her.

Rambling on about the evidence she couldn't help but breath in that scent that was unique to him. He was standing so close to her that even brushing up against him was sending sparks through out her body that was making it hard to stay focused.

"So, we got the guy." Tony said happily as he looked up at the screen. "I'll go with McGoo." He said leaving the lab quickly.

Abby took a deep breath realizing that they were alone and this was the first time she was alone with him since that day outside the diner.

"Good work." He said quietly while still facing the screen.

"It was nothing." She replied as she took a drink of her Caf-Pow.

Finally able to turn to face her he watched her set her drink back down. His mind screaming at him to leave now, he was frozen because his heart was telling him to stay a little longer.

Feeling his eyes on her she looked up at him seeing those blue eyes that she was terrified to look at since that day. She wanted to say something to end this moment but her words failed to come while they just stood there looking into each others eyes.

The elevator doors closing ended their gaze causing him to step back from her.

Clearing his throat he looked at the door way knowing he should go before his will got weaker or his eyes began to linger again. Taking a deep breath he looked back at her seeing her trying to look at anything else but him.

"I should go." He whispered as he walked away.

In silence her eyes looked at her keyboard hoping that the elevator would hurry up and return before she turned and went after him to say all the things she ever wanted to say to him. Taking a deep breath she looked over her shoulder to see him walk out the door.

Arriving at the elevator he looked at the arrow while his hand hovered in front of it unsure if he should really go or not.

Turing around, she bit her bottom lip as she looked at the door way knowing that he was just outside it waiting for the elevator. She knew how she felt… how she always felt and tonight could be the only chance she could ever have to say the things she wanted to say to him. Gathering her courage and ready to risk the relationship she had with him she took a deep breath as she discarded her lab coat and headed toward the door way.

Shutting his eyes he hit the button knowing that he should go, he had to.

Emerging from the doorway she saw him waiting for the elevator that made her stop in her tracks.

'Hurry' He thought to himself hoping the elevator would come.

Feet behind him she covered her face with her hands trying to hang onto the courage that she still had.

The elevator doors couldn't open quickly enough because he was already inside before they were completely open.

Before her courage left her she ran into the elevator after him just before the doors shut. Taking by surprise that she was in here with him his breath caught in his throat that he had to clear his throat to breathe again.

"Going home early?" He asked quietly as he looked at her.

"Um…" She bit her bottom lip.

Quietly he turned away from her because he didn't know what to say.

"I need to talk to you." She blurted out before her mind could mute her.

Looking at the button that would take him back to the squad room he slightly shook his head. "You can tell me tomorrow."

"I may not be able to say… what I want, what I need to say tomorrow." She confessed as she reached over flipping the switch leaving them in the darken space.

He didn't want it to come to this especially not now and most definitely not here. Taking a breath he made himself look at the girl that was standing next to him, the girl he tried to ignore for the past few weeks.

"Abbs" He breathed.

"No, let me say this before I… just let me talk." She said taking a deep breath.

Taking a step away from her he leaned against the wall behind him afraid to be close enough to touch her.

Looking at the marine standing in front of her she knew she had to say this because it was now or never.

"Gibbs, I've known you for a very long time and it's been years since that day I first met you and from that moment on you've been a very good… close friend. We've been through so much together and we've been there for each other no matter what. Every time something happened it has always been you that saved me over and over again, you've saved me… I owe you everything." Her voice cracked.

He looked to the floor not wanting to see the tears that filled her eyes.

"I've always felt safe when I'm with you and no matter how mad we both got we always picked up the pieces and became stronger friends. I'm not sure when or how but … Gibbs, I like you… I like you a lot." She whispered as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "That day at the diner I saw it in your eyes the same thing that was in mine. I love you… Gibbs." She breathed.

"Abby" He whispered as he looked at her.

"Don't tell me that you don't love me because I know that you do." She told him as she walked over to him.

Looking at her in the darkness he thought about what he should say the one thing he always wanted to tell her.

'I love you, Abby.'

He left those words unspoken as he reached out cupping her face while the urge to kiss her became unbearable to the point he covered her lips with his thumb preventing him from kissing her.

"Gibbs" She whispered as her hands drifted up his chest until her arms wrapped around his neck.

Maneuvering her to the wall opposite him he fought with his feelings and denied his lips what they yearned for, hers. Unable to tell her that he felt the same way and just how much it was killing him to be apart from her he shut his eyes feeling her arms wrapped around his neck. There was so much he wanted to say, so many things he wanted to admit to her instead he rested his head against hers trying to figure out what to say.

She held onto him knowing that she finally confessed to him that she loved him and now she stood in the dark holding him waiting for him to say something.

Leaning in he brushed his face against hers still withholding the kiss that they both wanted. In the darkness he opened his eyes seeing the inked skin he only dreamed about ever kissing. If this was the only time he would ever be able to kiss her tattoo then he would take that chance telling himself he would never kiss it again. Taking a nervous breath he leaned in as he pressed his lips against her tattoo.

Shutting her eyes she felt his lips on her hoping that soon his lips would find hers.

Holding the kiss against her skin he shut his eyes as his breath shook knowing that he couldn't give her want she wanted from him, not now and not ever. The tears burning his eyes he pulled back to look at her.

Her eyes opening once his lips left her skin she was taken back to see the tears that filled his eyes.

"Abby" He said quietly keeping his thumb pressed against her lips.

She searched his eyes for a glimmer of any indication that he truly felt the same way she did.

"I have a rule." He whispered seeing the hurt in her eyes that matched his.

"Don't" She said taking his hand from her face.

Dropping his hand from her face he took a deep breath.

"That rule was never there for Jenny or anyone else… it has always been there because of you." He admitted to her.

Shutting her eyes her tears fell.

"Abby, the first time I met you so many years ago I wanted you. Something about you reminded me of someone I once knew." He said quietly. "I tried so many times since that day to try and get over you, I tried to pretend like what we had was just a friendship and that's what it would always be… a friendship."

Taking a deep breath she looked at him.

"I will break any rule for you Abby… just not that one." He said swallowing the lump in his throat.

Sniffing back her tears she looked at the man she loved, the one she would always love.

"I've saved you so many times only because you saved me so many years ago. I tried to replace someone I would never get back and I tried to fill the emptiness that was killing me but the day I met you, you gave me my smile back. You had no problem teasing or joking with me it was as if I've known you for so long. I had no reason to laugh not with everything that I've been through but you made happy in a way no one else ever did."

She wiped her tears that streamed down her face.

"I would take bullet for you Abby. I'd even run into a building that's about to explode just to be with you. You're my reason, my purpose… you are everything to me, Abby." He confessed to the girl he loved. "I know you love me; I've known you loved me for so long because I loved you for a very long time too." He said reach out wiping the tears from her face.

"Don't do this." She whispered.

His breath shaking he caressed her face.

"I hope someone will love you as much I do. I hope they love you like it's the only thing that keeps them alive. You deserve to be loved Abby. You deserve someone who will always be there no matter what, some one who knows that you hate nougat." He smiled.

Her chuckled only caused her tears to fall even more because he was the one he was describing. He knew her so well that no one ever came close, no one ever would.

"I hope you love the guy that deserves you as much as you… love me. Don't go wasting your love on me and don't you dare wait expecting me to risk what we have for something that could never work. You deserve to have a guy who will marry you and give you the life you deserve. You deserve someone… that isn't me." He painfully told her.

"Why… why can't it be you?" She asked gripping his coat.

Stepping closer he looked down at her dark lips that he always wanted to kiss.

"Because… you deserve better and more than I could ever give you." He whispered.

Her breath shuddering she watched him lean closer toward her.

"It kills me to know that I could never love you the way you should be loved; it frightens me to even think about risking what we have for something uncertain and I'll forever be the fool that let you go." He said while his lips lingered dangerously close to hers.

Sniffing back her tears she looked at him. "I could never love anyone like the way I love you. You say I deserve better but you're the best thing that has ever happened to me… I love you." She reached up and traced his lips with her trembling fingers. "Don't expect me to pretend like this never happened because it's not going to be easy."

"Never said it was going to be easy." He said softly.

"I don't know what hurts more… let you go after this or knowing that it was over before it even began." She whispered.

"Love… Abby… love anyone but me because I could never love you the way you deserve to be loved." He whispered as he captured her lips with his for the first and for the last time.

Her body shaking from her silent cry she felt the burn her tears left behind on her face as this kiss not only confirmed just how much they meant to each other but also denied what she had hoped for since that moment outside that diner. He didn't know kissing her like this would hurt so bad that his own tears streamed down his face. This would be the most difficult 'goodbye' kiss he would give to the one person he could never live without.

Hearts breaking, love denied and tears shed by lovers who could never be together filled this darken room. She kissed the one man she could never have while he kissed the girl who deserved better than someone, like him. A kiss could awaken a heart to love like never before but it could also be the killing kiss that ends love as pure as theirs.

Their first kiss would also be their last in this bittersweet moment that only they would ever know about. In this moment that was endless but brief at the same time they belonged to each other, he was entirely hers in this single kiss and she was his for the taking but the painful fact was that the moment he let her go he would no longer be hers. It was like having her heart ripped from her chest never to know what it felt like to love and be loved in return. After this kiss she would walk the earth like some zombie… living but never truly alive.

Feeling him pull away she gripped his coat tighter trying to hold on to this moment never wanting it to end. Tasting his kiss for one last time she let him pull away ending this killing kiss that left their love dead lying in the emptiness of their broken hearts.

Leaving her standing there he hit the button that would open the doors because tonight he would walk up the flight of stairs away from the girl he could never have.

Opening her eyes she watched him wipe his tears as he exited the elevator.

"Gibbs" She breathed.

For a moment he stopped trying desperately to not look back, shutting his eyes he took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry" He whispered before walking away as he broke one more rule for her but never breaking the rule she wanted him to.

The elevator doors shutting she flipped the switch one more time preventing it from moving while she tried to stop crying for the man who left her broken and falling to pieces in this cold dark room. Wiping her tears she tried to tell herself that he was right and maybe she did deserve someone who would give her more but who could ever give her everything in single look, touch or in a single kiss like him?

Walking up the stairs he stopped halfway between her lab and the floor above, trying to collect himself before someone would notice the tears that still filled his eyes. Leaning against the wall he shut his eyes taking a deep breath trying to forget how her lips felt, how it tasted. Was this really what he wanted, was this really what he had to do, he asked himself. She could do better, find someone who would be completely hers and someone who she could spend the rest of her life with. He loved her and he knew it because it hurt so much to let her go even though all he wanted was to be hers. Instantly he hated himself for hurting her, breaking her heart and denying himself to love again. Clinching his fists his pounded the wall behind him, mad that he let her go but it was better this way besides everyone would think they were all wrong for each other.

They would move on trying to pretend that tonight never happened that they never loved each other while they tried to bury the love that died from their killing kiss.


~*Drop A Review - I'll Drop The Final Chapter.*~

"Not as fluffy or bright as 'Flirtationship' but it's my take on what would happen next."
-The Gabby Effect-