Light streamed in from the classroom window, sending square patterns onto the tile floor just in front of your desk. You scribble numbers onto the test that had been placed before you by your teacher about ten minutes earlier. You bite your own lip, then chew on it slightly, before releasing.

Tick-tock... The clock's chimes where making your nerves worse as you glared down at the last question of the paper.

After studying so rigorously, day and night then day over to make sure that you missed nothing on this test, you found a question you could not answer.


The question read:

If Logx (1 / 8) = - 3 / 2, then x is equal to

A. - 4
B. 4
C. 1 / 4
D. 10

It seemed like an easy question, you KNEW that you had known how to solve the problem before, but it must have slipped your mind. What rotten luck.

Maybe it was...B. Yes, that must be it! You go to circle answer B, but you falter. No,that doesn't add up. You sigh, and re-work the problem in your head. Then, you get it suddenly in a burst of inspiration. The answer is obviously C! How could you not have known it!

You reach in to circle the answer, when the door creaks open and cold air from the outside hallway blasts in. You look up with big eyes, curious as to who would just stroll into the classroom this late in the school day during a major test.

In the doorway stood a tall boy, clutching a scarf to his neck with thickly gloved hands against the harsh winter temperature outside. You scan him over quickly, and he shakes snowflakes from a head full of soft looking, thick silvery beige locks. The teacher looked up from her desk, then made an "Ah" noise and stood. You notice the boy is rather handsome, with a well build, almost intimidating structure and a prominate nose.

"Attention class!" The shrill voice of the teacher made you jump, even though you expected it. She continued to the shocked class of teenagers."This is our temporary student,Russia, from Gakuen Academy."

You shrugged and looked back down at your paper, well aware that everyone else was fascinated by the new guy. Why should you worry about the new student? You had a test to finish, and an important one at that.

You tried to become re-emerced in your paper, but the teachers shrill voice piping up again to continue pulled you back out. You glared unseeingly at the words on the paper as she droned. "He is going to be here for exactly one week on a project to study other schools around the area. I expect you all to treat him with a good old Monroe High welcome! Okay?"

Finally, you look up with an irritated and twitchy eye. The teacher seem honored, as if the student was some god whom had touched her life with a little bit of sparkle to make it less dull.

As your eyes wondered away from her to the student, you sigh. She knew for a fact everyone would swarm him just after class. You had grown up in a small town, where no-one was serious about school but you. They where perfectly content in this little patch of bumpkin. Not you. You where going to go somewhere, to be somebody.

Then your breath hitched in your throat, because you notice that he is looking right at you. You stare into his eyes, his brilliantly violet eyes that where almost burning with intensity, and hold his stare. However, as you stare into his face you notice that he seemed... eerily happy. Not realisticly happy. It reminded you of someone who was wearing a overly exagerated mask, over a hideous face. Something dark. You noticed a ringing in your ears, and popped them to try and rid of it. Finally, you rip your eyes away from his.

You blink and recover with your head down, panting against some kind of horrid uneasiness.

"You will sit..." The teacher was now looking over a piece of paper. "Right... there. At the back of the class, next to the seat by the window."

You look up once more to shoot her a cold glare. She was kidding... You sat in the seat next to the one by the window in the back of the class. The teacher glanced at you briefly, then waved her hand at you. "Will you move dear, to the other seat?"

Outraged, you huff loudly then grab your paper, sliding it over. Then, you reach under your table and snatch your binder, standing from your seat to rigidly switch to the other side of the two person table. You let your binder fall to the ground loudly, then you plop back into your seat and snatch your pencil back up.

Russia had begun to walk to the back of the class, smiling sweetly and wishing everyone a good morning as he made his way to where you sat. You ignore him, rigid and angry that you had lost your seat to some new kid without so much as a question as to if it was okay with you.

You had no jacket on, and there was a crack in the window you sat next to. A frigid winter breeze whistled in through the crack, and you shiver and shoot a nasty look to Russia's coat. He would have been much more comfortable next to the window.

He sets his books down cheerfully, then turns to you. You refuse to look at him. "I am sorry about your seat. But, it is very cold next to that window, da? I do not want to be cold. Where I live is very cold, and it is nice to be warm for once."

You shrug, and feel him stiffen. What, was he not used to not being special for once? Well, he can kiss your a-

"It is not polite to ignore people you know." You turn slowly to him... something about his tone made you shiver. When you finally turn to him completely, his features are composed into a slight frown. You wonder, that if he was irritated and still managed to keep his happy smile earlier, then how angry must he be to actually frown? And why was he so angry?

"I don't need people, and they don't need me. Look, I appreciate that you are trying to be friendly, but I'm trying to take this test, so-"

You look back at the test and scan the paper, before realizing you forgot the answer. Damn. Then, you angrily guess D and leave it at that.

Raising you hand, the teacher takes the test and you put your head down on the desk to give yourself a rest. However, you hear the heels of the teacher stop in place then turn around and return to your desk. "Oh, dear, will you show Russia around the school during the week he is here? You are the highest ranked student in the class- It will do him well to have a honest, hard working student as his guide."

Your heart sinks, but you nod curtly into the desk top. She walked back up to her desk at the front of the room, and you sigh heavily.

At the moment, you ignored the cold weather and frowned into your arms. But you still have to ask. "Ivan..." Your voice shows your miserable attitude clearly. "Where do you want to go first?"

You hear him give a innocent, childish giggle. "Ufu~ You're cute. I want to go..." He paused, then you could just picture his stupid little smile appearing over his face. "I would like to have a tour around the school area, da?"

"Sure..." You dully sigh, then close your eyes and will yourself to ignore him until class ended.

((Very old fanfiction- but it was deleted, so I'm re-uploading it for you guys.))