Bite of Cold with Loss of Love
This is an AU/Slash story. Interested, then read. If not your cup of tea then pass this story by and don't get all preachy. To each their own.
I own nothing.
I was livid. Absolutely angered beyond anything I had encountered before. Thorin had let me know that the whole of the Blue Mountain settlement had arrived in Erebor. There had been a rockslide that had created too much damage to contend with before winter so the dwarves of Blue Mountain would be staying here until spring to then go back to rebuild. It had been five years since the whole Gwain incident and I didn't like to have to tell Kili that the Orc Spawn was back.
"How do I tell him?" I fretted to myself as I walked to my chambers since my husband had retired to bed early for the evening, "Dammit."
I froze as I turned the corner and beheld the door to my chambers. The door was cracked. Kili would never have left the door open or even unlocked. I silently crept forward making no sound to peek inside and my blood ran cold as I withdrew a dagger and rushed forward.
"Don't you dare," I hissed as I placed my dagger at Gwain's neck from behind as he leaned over my sleeping One lighted by only the glowing embers in the fireplace, "Back up slowly or I kill you here and now."
Gwain put his hands where I could see them as I dragged him from my chambers. As soon as I knew that Kili was safe behind a closed door and we had turned a corner I threw the Orc Spawn to the floor.
"What the hell was that?" I snarled as I lunged and tackled Gwain flat, "I warned you five years ago to stay away from my One! You picked the lock of the damn door, didn't you?"
"I needed to see Prince Kili," Gwain stated looking up remorsefully as I seethed, "I…I just needed to see with my own eyes that your brother was well. I had heard that he had healed, but…Mahal, High Prince, I nearly killed him. It's been tearing me up inside for the last five years."
"Tearing you up?" I questioned angrily, "You have no idea the pain you caused my One. You have no idea how long it took Kili to regain his strength and have a normal appetite. You have no idea the nightmares Kili and I suffered at the fear of losing one another that first year after your sorcery. You have no idea the bite of the cold that I only felt for a moment to bring my love back from the brink of the Freeze. Kili felt that bite for weeks…months! Tell me why I shouldn't slit your throat now!"
Gwain looked up at me so sadly. I didn't care for his emotions. This was the one that nearly made me lose my Kili.
"I wish you would," Gwain snorted as I regarded him in surprise, "I messed everything up for everyone. I hurt Prince Kili so much which was never my intentions. When I realized that he was your One for real, I was shocked and unsure. I wanted to save my sister, but Kili…."
"Do not use my One's name with such familiarity," I warned as I pushed my dagger deeper into Gwain's neck.
"My apologies. I will not," Gwain agreed as I pulled away a little, "I thought if I protected you completely then I could make everything up to your brother back then. At the time, I didn't think that the Freeze was real. I convinced myself that I was making the best of a bad situation."
"There is more," I gritted out as Gwain looked at me guiltily, "I saw how you were looking at Kili lying within our bed. You had your hand out to touch what was mine. Explain yourself now."
"Fili! What are you…who?" Dwalin called as he hurried over before getting a good look and hissed, "You!"
Gwain looked panicked as his eyes darted between me and the angry dwarf standing beside us as he and I still lay sprawled on the floor.
"What has happened?" Dwalin questioned.
"What new sorcery were you plotting?" I demanded ignoring Dwalin for the moment.
"None! I swear," Gwain denied as I narrowed my eyes.
"You are withholding something from me. I say again that I saw how you were looking at my One. Tell me the truth. Answer me," I ordered as Gwain blushed.
"I have desires for your brother," Gwain admitted as red filled my vision and I dropped my dagger to punch the bastard as hard as I could as many times as I could before hands dragged me away while yelling voices filled the hall.
"Let go of me!" I yelled as I struggled to try to get out of Gloin's and Bofur's grip, "His life is mine to take. Gwain broke into my chambers! The animal was looking upon my husband's body while Kili was asleep!"
"You what?" Dwalin snarled as he dragged Gwain to his feet and glared into his bloody face.
"I went to see if Prince Kili had healed," Gwain whispered as he lowered his head, "I always thought the Prince was…High Prince Fili is not the only dwarf with a taste for dark locks and big, brown eyes. I couldn't look away when I discovered him asleep within his bed. All of my actions just never seem to work out as I mean them to."
"I say we let Fili go and forget we saw all of this so he can finish what he started," Gloin suggested.
"Fee? Fili, where are you?"
I snapped my head up to see Kili rushing around the corner in only his sleeping pants with no shirt as he had been in our bed. My yelling must have woken Kee up and he came to make sure I was okay. A growl tore from my throat when I noticed Gwain gazing hungrily at my One.
"Don't you dare look at him!" I growled as I jerked out of the arms that held me and hurried to block Gwain's view of my husband with my own body, "Look away, Scum!"
Kili looked at me with surprised eyes before glancing over my shoulder and freezing in shock. I tore my jacket off and helped my One slip into the garment to hide his state of undress. I was mollified that Gwain had turned his head as I had demanded.
"What is he doing here?" Kili asked as he glared at Gwain angrily while he held the coat closed with his hands, "Wasn't he exiled? Fili, what's going on? I heard you yelling."
"Go to our chambers," I instructed as Kili looked rebellious, "I will explain everything in a moment. Just…please let me handle this. I will be there in a second."
"Fine," Kili agreed as he eyed me before looking over at Gwain, "Don't you dare touch, Fili. Dwalin, please rip off that thing's hands if he touches my One. Leave his member intact. I will remove that myself once I have been informed of his actions."
"I can do that," Dwalin agreed as Kili looked pleased and reluctantly walked back to our chambers with one last look at me.
That was my Kili. Kee was direct and to the point always. I waited until my One was far enough away to regard the bloody dwarf before me in seething anger. I bent slowly and retrieved my dagger from where it had been dropped.
"So you couldn't help, but gaze upon my One with desire in your heart?" I spat as the dwarves around me grumbled angrily while I kept my dagger out and ready, "Kili and I are married and not just bonded like before. You just admitted to lusting over my husband. That is a crime here in Erebor to attempt to touch another dwarf's spouse without permission let alone the husband of the High Prince."
"I know," Gwain sighed, "That is why I wouldn't mind if you slit my throat. I just can't seem to do anything right. I am not a bad dwarf."
Gwain was speaking the truth. I could see that even in my anger.
"What is going on here?" a voice called out as Thorin appeared on the scene, "Fili?"
I quickly explained everything as my king's face turned hard.
"I bring you back here due to a bad situation and this is how you repay me?" Thorin bit out, "You enter my nephews' room without permission and look upon Prince Kili as he slept? I am appalled. Tell me why I shouldn't have you executed like your father?"
"I will not even try to defend myself," Gwain whispered looking deflated, "It gets worse. I have feeling for High Prince Fili's husband."
"You what?" Kili demanded as he barged back around the corner fully dressed.
"I asked you to wait for me," I sighed as my husband hurried over.
"I don't want you alone with him," Kili denied looking livid and placed himself in front of me protectively, "The last time I left you alone the bastard poisoned you with a potion. I won't take that chance again. You have feelings for me, Gwain, feelings?"
Gwain ducked his head as I watched Kili get cold and serious.
"You didn't have feelings for me when you stole Fili from me five years ago," Kili spat, "You must not have felt that much since you caused my heart to shatter and it took so long for my husband to repair all the damage you caused."
"Kili was in agony because of you and I felt this pain through our link once the damn spell had been broken that you put on me. The two of us had to heal together. The nightmares were horrible things showing both of us lives without each other which always ended in death," I added as I pulled my One into my arms and took his hand in mine, "Look at us."
Gwain's head snapped up as I regarded the dwarf and extended Kili's hand within my own for the other dwarf to see the matching bands upon both of our hands.
"Kili is my husband. Do you see the wedding rings upon our fingers? We are married. This will be the last time I allow you to gaze upon Kee's face," I stated with deadly calm, "Look upon what you will never have. Kili is mine as I am his. I am sorry that you developed feelings that will never be reciprocated, but I will spill your blood if ever you are near my One again."
"As will I if you take a step towards Fili," Kili added stepping forward for a moment, "You are not worthy of being in my husband's presence."
"I'm sorry," Gwain offered as Kili paused, "I don't know what came over me and…no, I lie. I know what came over me. I've had a crush on you since before Bwain forced my hand to do what I did. It was wrong of me to enter your rooms. I really did only want to assure myself that you were well. I am glad that you two are married. You deserve one another."
"I know we do," Kili snorted as I grinned at my husband's directness, "Very well. I will accept your apology only if I never see you again and you never show yourself to my Fili. Your face brings up memories that are hard to remember for us both."
I startled at seeing the pain flash in Kili's eyes. I drew him close and glared over my shoulder as I turned my husband away from Gwain.
"Thorin, I wish for Gwain to be watched to make sure that he doesn't cross paths with Kee until he leaves in the spring. I hope that is not too much to ask, my king?" I began as my uncle nodded, "I am taking my husband back to our rooms."
"Can you forgive me?" Gwain called as I stilled.
"No," I denied not looking back, "You hurt my One. I see the pain you still cause to my husband when he looks upon you. I cannot offer any forgiveness at this moment. You were correct before, you are not a bad dwarf, but you made decisions that wreaked havoc on both Kili's and my own life. I also better never hear of this 'desire' for my husband again. Kili is off limits to you in both your thoughts and your physical life. I never wish to lay eyes upon you again. Do that for me and in time I think I can forgive, but not now."
"That is more than I deserve," Gwain offered as he bowed deeply once I finally looked at him, "I will heed your words and never bother you two again."
"We will see that you don't," Dwalin bit out as Thorin, Gloin and Bombur looked fierce, "There is a whole mountain of dwarves here that will be watching to make sure that you keep your word. Remember that, Gwain."
I walked Kili and I back to our room and only relaxed once the door was firmly locked with a table wedged up against it for good measure and I pulled my husband into my arms.
"I am replacing the lock on that door," I huffed as I held Kili tight, "I've been working on a lock that I don't even think Nori can pick as a fun project, but now it is a necessity. Bastard, looked at you. He looked upon you."
"Nothing, but looked," Kili soothed as he drew back and looked down at me from his taller height, "I don't think Gwain meant any harm."
"I think you are right," I hummed as my husband and I began to undress for bed, "But he looked at what is mine with desire in his eyes. No one looks upon you again while in a state of undress. No one. Your body is only for me to see."
"So possessive," Kili chuckled as he drew me close, "I'll help you."
"Help me with what?" I asked as my husband began to suckle at my neck, "Mm. I see."
Kili made short work of getting me on the bed and long work of teasing me before I was filled and rocked within. My husband and I took turns at being dominant and I enjoyed both roles.
"Better?" Kili asked as I chuckled after our love making.
"Mmhm," I sighed as I leaned up and straddled my One as I stroked his hair that fanned around his face on the pillow he laid upon, "You had pain in your eyes, Kee."
"Only at the memories of what he did," Kili murmured as I stroked his bonding plait, "My heart is healed and full since you came for me those years ago. Can't you feel how happy I am?"
"I can," I whispered as my husband's breath hitched as I stretched him and eased within, "You are mine. I want no more pain in your eyes. Not now. Not ever."
"Move, Fee," Kili mewed as I hitched his hips up and began my ride, "Love you, my husband."
"Love you more," I purred as I rocked and drew out as many pants and cries of pleasure that I could, "You are so beautiful."
"You are blind. I am hardly beautiful," Kili denied before gasping as I rocked into him hard, "Ooh!"
"My eyes never lie nor my lips about your beauty," I breathed rocking in hard again as Kee moaned in pleasure, "I have never desired another. I never will. Only for you would I ever be claimed."
Kili chuckled and urged me to go faster as we worked ourselves into a tizzy of need before finishing our coupling and settling down for some sleep.
"Kee?" I breathed as my husband looked up at me, "You are my everything. I will never allow anyone to look upon you like that again. No one may desire you, but me."
"I know," Kili grinned out, "You are my everything as well. I am only yours and untouched, but for your hands. Sleep. We are safe."
Kili snuggled against me as I enjoyed my husband's familiar weight against me. We were safe and I vowed to allow no one to change that.
And I didn't.
The end.
That was fun to write. Let me know how you liked the ending. Should I write more Tolkien fics? I do enjoy the dwarves. Their personalities are endless.