13th Chapter

"Balance what? Seriously what the fuck is that aura supposed to be? Your DBZ aura? Please, showing off an aura doesn't mean any bullshit…Wait, did you say Balance Break?...You have got to be kidding me…."

"Oooh here it comes."


"Wow, never see someone that irritated of someone having a sacred gear." Hecate was surprised at the outburst from the human.

"Considering that brawns over there is descended from my nephew, I wouldn't blame him. Getting that kind of power from that arrogant god, really degrades his status."

Heracles's aura then began to change shape as it began to condense around his body and as the light faded, his body was covered in various protrusions over his arms, legs, and back, that looked like missiles.

"Really? Is that it? Firing multiple projectiles from your body? Boooring~ I was expecting more from a Hero Descendant, guess you're nothing but a character that needed your own gimmick to make yourself somewhat unique from the original Heracles. But I guess you're still a teenager that likes to let out his load huh?"

"Shut up! This is my Balance breaker! Mighty Comet Detonation!"

"Comet? I don't see some comet, just a guy covered in a bunch of dildos. Geez, you're resorting to use long range attacks now. Oh well, I'll end this quick before I go on a complete rant."

Heracles then positioned the protrusions on his body and his missiles fired at him.

"Oh already shooting your load already. Geez. What happened to the sense of foreplay~ I shouldn't expect it from a virgin. Always letting things out first."

Zeru fired Shakkaho at the incoming missiles and when the attacks made contact with one another, a large explosion was made.

Taking advantage of the now decreased amount of incoming missiles, Zeru charged through the smoke, heading for Heracles.

But from the smoke, multiple lights began to glow.

"Whatever. Byakurai!" Zeru fired a jet of blue lighting from the palm of his hand, which spread over the incoming missiles. The lighting didn't do much damage but instead the missiles were covered in blue sparks.

He then recklessly ran through the projectiles and surprisingly no explosions happened when they hit the ground.

"Oh, that's a good move. Using lightning to stream through the missiles to disrupt the condensed energy stored with in them, making them more fluid resulting in a low explosion output. By the way Hades, is the kid sane?"

"Nah, just going through an adrenaline rush. If you want to see him leaning to madness wait til for the transformation kicks in."

" Do we have to stop him when he reaches that state?"

"Who knows? But you do it, you have more knowledge in seals." Hades shoved the duty to her.


"Heh, that's it? Geez what a bunch of pee shooters." Zeru said lightly as he kept running through the barrage of missiles that didn't deal much damage to him since he disrupted the power output to that of a regular magic bullet.

Hercales clicks his tongue seeing that Zeru was able to endure his balance breaker's attack easily.

"Neeeh, Herc Jr-kuun~ Is this what you're now resorted to. A spoiled human that relies too much on superpowers?"

"SHUT UP!" Heracles continued to fire another barrage of missiles.

With a feral grin, Zeru ran again straight at missiles, as each projectile hit the ground.

A laugh was heard from the commotion of the explosions.


From out the smoke, Zeru lunged at Heracles and punched at his face. After that, he grabbed him by the hair, pulling his head down and head-butted him with the addition of adding Hado #1: Sho, to increase the impact of his attack. After that he did a palm thrust with a smaller sphere form of Shakkaho.

"You..fucked up…" Heracles said in a raspy voice.

At first he was not sure what he meant, but then it hit him. He completely forgot about the explosive aura Heracles had and that he just used an explosive attack on another.


With that a large red explosion engulfed the two, as both were blasted away.

Heracles managed to stand back up and didn't receive much damage due to his Balance Breaker's aura managing to take in the explosion which only ended up taking the recoil damage.

The young hero descendant was surprised that a mere human such as him would be able to push him this far, making him use his Balance Breaker for an extended amount of time now.

"Is that it?" Hecate asks.

Hades observed the seemingly defeated human, to check the status of his soul.

"Well his soul's structure isn't wavering, so it's stable. On the other hand that thing is now kicking in."

As Heracles started to walk way, he stopped as the ground began to shake and a black mist-like energy began to seep out from the rubble.

A bestial groan was heard as the rubble began to move.

"You have got to be…"

Heracles was cut off as a vial was thrown to him, which came from Hecate.

"Better drink that up, it's gonna get rough." Hecate advised.

Having no choice but to go with it, Heracles drank from the vial. After consuming the vial both external and internal wounds and also his stamina recovered as the aura of his Sacred Gear began to ignite.


Out came a bestial roar as the rubble began to rise, revealing the person coming out.

"What the hell is that?"

What he could see was a person shrouded in black mist and there was a slit of gleaming red light from where his eyes are.

"What the fuck is that thing?!"

The two deities of the Underworld just smiled, wanting to see how this new battle will go now.

Heracles clicked his tongue as he activated his balance breaker, now equipped with an aura with many missile protrusions along with extra missiles floating above him.

Usually he would rely on close combat, but seeing how Zeru was now, he would needed to be more cautious. He wouldn't mind doing close combat to deal with him, but unfortunately his gut told him to be more cautious with how Zeru is now.

The black mist–shrouded being just stood there but was emanating an intimidating killing intent with its menacing appearance and glowing red eyes.

He tried to stare at him more closely to see what Zeru's form even was now, but couldn't even know what the hell he even was now. From his point of view. His current form was that of some hallucination people would see out of drowsiness because of their unreadable wavy-like form. His body began to tense, telling him to be more cautious now.

The mist-shrouded being then began to make his move as it began to come at Heracles.

Heracles fired the missile-like protrusions at the knight. As the missiles came flying at the knight, a surprising action happened.

The mist-shrouded being actually grabbed one of the projectiles and pivoted it's body around to throw the missile back at another missile resulting in a black explosion and after he grabbed two other missile projectiles and did the same again countering the barrage.

Heracles was shocked to see that the Zeru was able to be able to easily grab on to the explosive projectiles of his balance breaker and to easily throw them at his other projectiles, like it was similar to how a skilled warrior is able to catch an incoming javelin and use it to counter the other incoming javelins.

Through the explosion came a fast black-red projectile coming straight at Heracles.

Heracles launched a missile to destroy the incoming one but his attack was easily pierced through.

"Guh." Heracles crossed his arms blocking the black-red missile.

Now seeing what made that particular projectile pierced his other missle he saw that it was spinning in a spiral at a continuous rotation and the density of it was increased which made it easy for it to pierce through his attack without it being caught in the explosion.

The black mist being immediately appeared in front of Heracles, as it was now finished with dealing with his previous barrage of attacks and punched the missile straight in as it detonated, engulfing him in a black explosion.

"Hm, I thought it would have gone berserk by now." Hecate commented.

"Well technically that thing always activates when the user is in one of those tough battle involving fighting an army and when the user is desperate and consumed with anger. But we'll see when that kicks in." Hades mused.

During the aftermath of the explosion the mist-shrouded being had backed away, showing some damage as the mist covering it's left arm was gone, revealing the human arm underneath, but immediately it was re cladded back into the mist.

" That all you got… Heracles huffed in exhaustion who was still keeping his stance.

The large aura radiating Heracles faded.

"Come on!" Heracles taunted.

With that the black armored being, charged at Heracles as it attempted to attack him with a punch. Heracles narrowly dodged to right and used that small opening to deliver a direct blow at his chest using both fists causing an impactive explosion destroying a portion of the mist covering it.

Seeing what was underneath the mist, it seems that he was wearing armor. Which means he can attack without holding back now, since Zeru's armor seemed to be able to withstand Variant Detonation's power.

"NOT DONE YET!" Seeing the opening he made, his barrage of explosive punches began to start pummeling the black armored being, as he was engulfed in multiple explosions from each barrage of punches. With each blow he was able to damage portions of armor but with each attack, but his arms would become sore due to the recoil of using Variant Detonation's ability.

Heracles muttered to himself to keep on attacking not giving the opponent a chance to counter, just keep pummeling him like all the other opponents that challenged him.

"ONE MORE!" Heracles landed one more punch causing the black armor and mist to disperse from Zeru's body.

Zeru's body was thrown against the wall.

"*Huff* It's ov…"

A bright light from amulet's jewel emitted, releasing out the black mist armor shrouding over his body and immediately stood back up like it was ready for another round.


The black armored being, then immediately picked up the leg of one of the broken automatons of the pile, causing it to turn black and red as it now wielded as its new weapon.

"Stay down already!" Heracles charged at the black-mist shrouded being.

Heracles then brought his hand at the leg of the automation, hoping to disarm the knight of its weapon by detonating it. When he made contact with the weapon, the weapon was consumed with Variant's energy. But unfortunately the energy dispersed with no effect on the weapon.

Zeru then began to flail around with the armor, forcing Heracles to go onto the defensive with his arms crossed.

Usually when Heracles sparred against those automatons, he was able to deal some damage to them with using his Sacred Gear but this time it didn't work.

As the armored-mist being kept flailing the armored automaton at Heracles. Seeing a slight gap of the armored Zeru's attack, he stomped his foot to the ground creating a quake causing Zeru to slightly loose balance.

"Take this!"

Zeru was the flung straight in the air from the uppercut, with his body pressed into the ceiling.


"Oh no. Don't let us get in the way."

"You're doing good so far."

"Do you want me to kill this guy, just to get it over with?!"

"It ain't over yet."

Before Heracles could turn his head, the sound of a hard object hit the ground.

The armored being knelt back up as the mist dissipated revealing the true color of the knight's armor.

The armor of the knight's was pitch black, a blue pony tail was attached to the tip of the helmet, red light was gleaming through the eye slit of the helmet, the physique of the armor was also slim, which made sense of how the wearer was able to perform easy mobility without the armor hindering most of his movements.

From its left hand a sword appeared. It was a medieval-sword styled sword, completely covered in all black as night along with red linings traced on the blade.

"Better brace yourself kid, this is where the real challenge starts." Hades said.

The young Hero Descendant grinded his teeth that he had to deal with more problems with an opponent that he should've already defeated since the beginning.

As he got ready, his legs suddenly went stiff. He wondered what was wrong and why he is feeling such uneasiness all of a sudden. Was it because of the intimidating presence of the black knight? Could it be the overwhelming power emanating from the sword? Or was it that he began to doubt his current strength against the black knight now.

Heracles activated his balance breaker engulfing himself in the explosive aura.

Heracles was angered that he might have to use the trump card of Detonation Comet on an opponent such as Zeru, a mere human. It wasn't his fear of the newfound power he was facing now. No, it was now experiencing the possibility of losing. For someone that is the descendant of a great hero such as Heracles, inheriting his superhuman strength and his name. Because of that he has developed a sense of pride as being the strong who has always won his fights.

Suddenly the knight began groan in pain as the jewel began to flash brightly along with red veins began to glow from his chest and his eyes began to blaze brightly.

"Oh, finally the madness kicks in."

The knight roared as it immediately dashed at the Heracles as its sword was engulfed with a black aura.

"BRING IT!" Heracles dashed forward at an extreme speed to the point of others viewing him as speeding large ball of light.

As the black knight was coming in near contact with the ball of light, it swung his sword dual handed down forward at the hero descendant.

As the black knight's sword made contact with the aura.

Immediately before the knight could even hit its target, the sword was knocked away from his hand and his neck was caught by someone's arm and was immediately knocked over from the explosive affect, sending him through the wall.

Heracles began huff in exhaustion as the aura from his balance break faded away. At the current state of the fight, Heracles was disappointed that he ended up using the real technique that gave his Sacred Gear the name of his Sacred Gear's Balance Breaker: Detonation Comet. The real technique of Detonation Comet is where the user is able to manipulate the explosive aura and clad their entire body with it. With that they are able to launch themselves at incredible speed giving them image that of a comet that explodes on contact.

Unfortunately not even that attack wasn't enough wasn't enough to keep the knight down, even if he used Detonation Comet's minimum strength due to not wanting to kill him. The knight erupted from the rubble and roared as it furiously charged at him with its sword reappearing in his hand.

"Dammit it!" Without any openings he could use now, he had no choice but to switch back to long distance attacks, so he switched to the missile barrage-styled Detonation Comet.

His missiles fired at the knight and with one swing of its sword the black knight released an energy wave destroying them all.

Heracles clicked his tongue at seeing he was not making any progress. So now he'll have to use the other technique of the balance breaker which had another name besides Detonation Comet, Malicious Wave of the Superman.

The aura then subsided from his body, which then began to gather around his right arm.

But unfortunately he didn't want to resort to that attack since it will take a major toll to his body. Malicious wave of the Superman, was another technique made due to the external explosive energy manipulation of Variant Detonation's balancer breaker, when a user focus the energy around the user's arm, thereby releasing a destructive wave.

For now, he had to conserve his energy for using his balance breaker but instead rely on using his regular Sacred Gear power again.

As the knight closed in, Heracles hands picked up a large piece of earth with both his hands and threw it at him. The knight simply slashed the object in half with great succession as he had enough time to move away before the detonation kicked in.

At this point, Heracles had no choice but to use Malicious Wave of the Superman, but the only thing he needs is the right timing and opening. Trying to accumulate the right amount of energy he needs, so it doesn't possibly obliterate his opponent.

Seeing the knight closing in, Heracles immediately slammed his fist on the ground as cracks began to form due to the added impact of his superhuman strength and as the knight reached the area full of cracks.

"Let's get out of here for a while." Hecate advised.

"Yep." Hades agreed, as the two denizens of the Underworld left the room.

The cracks then began glow with light as the knight was near Heracles now.

"Uooooh!" Heracles immediately grabbed the knight's sword wrist and slammed him down straight at the ground as the cracks erupted with light breaking the floor before them.

As they were falling Heracles was above the knight and saw that most of the armor was destroyed leaving only the boots and on his upper body only had a view scraps of arm while the black piece of metal with the red jewel embedded was still intact, and the sword was still intact as it was tightly gripped.

Heracles brought out his left arm as it immediately started to accumulate the entire aura to finally use Malicious Wave of the Superman.

While the knight looked seemingly out of action for now, the eye slit of the helmet red light glowed as it saw the incoming Hero Descendant, falling straight at him with his fist ablaze with a powerful aura.

The jewel flashed as it immediately recoated the user with armor. The knight created a magic circle underneath to give it some temporal solid footing for now, he sits crotched down and then jumped up straight at him with his sword pointed out.

As the two were about to collided with fist to sword.

Just as the blade was nearly close to the fist.


The sound of blood splattering was heard instead of the sounds of bones cracking as the sword pierced straight through the hero's fist and arm.


What was pierced through all the way, was Heracles's palm.

With him now at this close range now.

"Take this! Malicious Wave!"

Heracles's entire arm glowed brightly as it then released the stored aura releasing the energy wave.

During the aftermath of the fight now, Heracles's right arm was covered in burns due to using Malicious Wave of the Superman and he was panting in exhaustion.

Zeru on the other hand had a couple of burns from the explosion. His left arm was numb and was still gripping onto the sword as the blade acted in a somewhat lightning rod-like manner as it managed to take in most of the attack from the energy wave. The sword began to build up cracks as it shattered into shards as the shards were attracted to the red jewel, which then formed the black amulet structure with the red jewel at the center.

After about 3 days.

Zeru woke up and saw that his upper body was entirely covered in bandages and there were a couple on his cheeks and one wrapped around his forehead as well.


Trying to get out of bed, his upper body started ache in pain.

"Fuck, how much of a number did I do to myself?"

"A lot."

"Who are you?"

"Oh, that's right we never met. It's nice to meet you Zeru, names Hecate aka the Goddess of Magic and also the Moon, Crossroads, Ghosts, and Necromancy. Also, I'm a Titaness."

"Wow, never thought I would get to meet a Deity of Magic. Where the hell were you when I needed freaking lessons on magic during the times I did some small errands for ol' Blacksmithy."

"Uh, I was in my abode. Duh."

"Hades-san comes up sometimes."

"Well Hades has been degraded to an angsty grandpa that has been freaking ranting for the past centuries since Lucifer fell straight to our Underworld."

"So what's a Goddess like you want with me?"

"What? Can't a fellow magic user come talk to another one?"

"I see. So, how was I?"

"Well, you seem to have good casting speed and have a good sense in using spells."

"Well, I was only taught enhancement magic. So using the spells came naturally to me. I may need to work on my bullets, since I have to evaluate which the right amount to fire to ensure they're strong in offense without the need of using strength magic on them. Plus I recently started to use Kido as well as Strength Magic as a projectile attack. So I still have a lot to learn."

"Modest aren't you? So did you know about your internal magic power manipulation?"

"Internal mana manipulation?"

"It's like when a magician is able to enhance themselves with magic externally, so it's like the opposite. Instead of enhancing your body with magic from the outside, you're able to enhance your body from inside as well. Thereby enhancing your body to a biological level to a super human's."

"Is it the same thing as when drinking ether and activating an enhancement spell at the same time? Cause I do feel slightly energized and newfound power compared to when I use an enhancement spell."

"Not really, the only part that made you feel energized is the ether revitalizing your magic manipulation part of your brain."

"Magic manipulation part of the brain?"

"You know how humans have abnormalities that sometimes gives them an innate power, right?"


"For magicians, they have an abnormality in their brain that allows them to manipulate the mana around us, thereby being able to use magic. So basically ether doesn't refill your magic power but reenergizes the magic manipulation of the brain."

"What about people that can manipulate their life energy?"

"Same thing, but instead of using mana they use their life energy instead. But with some training they could be able to manipulate mana as well."

"Hm. So how does my own internal mana storage act like a enhancement?"

Hecate then tapped his arm with her finger.


"That was just a light tap. Besides, you had three days of rest."

"Uh I fought a superhuman. So this is a new experience of me getting rekt this hard."

He then saw a series of magic blue circuits streaming through his arm.

"What do you feel?"

"Well. It feels like the magic power streaming through my body is flowing in reverse to the area you touched.

"Yep. Just now your own mana flowed back allowing the power to regroup at the part of your body where it is going to get attacked. So if I stab you right here." Hecate brought a dagger and stabbed straight at the circuit arm.

When the tip of the blade made contact with his now enhanced arm, a pulse-like sound was heard.

"Wow." Zeru was surprised at the small vibration he felt when the knife hit his enhanced arm.

"Like that. You have your own natural defense."

"I see. What would happen if I were to make the magic power flow forward?"

"You get increased offensive power. When you attack with a punch the magic power will flow forward to your fist, thereby giving you some more power to your attack."

"How powerful is it?

"It varies, but when used, it's about as powerful as any person that has super human strength."

"So it's like Heracles's?"

"Well it's hard to tell, you never dealt with his real strength you know. There is a difference in power when it involves fight to the death situations."

"Oh yeah, unless it was anti-personal combat then it would be way different." Zeru began to sweat at the thought of being in a fight to the death against Heracles, cause he would've been killed.

"So can I control both flows at the same time for using both defense and offense?"

"Nope, since these offense and defense enhancements that each have different systems that flow through your body. So it's impossible for you to do activate both of them simultaneously."

"There's a loop hole right?"

"Heh. Find that yourself, but, anyway. Here's another piece of advice about being a magician."

"What is it?"

"Don't restrain yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"You've been relying too much on your internal mana storage. If you rely on that too much, you'll be risking your life."

"…" Zeru had a confused expression.

"You do know the consequence of magic over usage right?"

"Yeah, lifespan decrease and other stuff."

"Yep. Also since you're using your own magic power, you're pretty much speeding up the exhaustion of the magic manipulation part of your brain. So keep using that method, and your brain will start sprain and since your own magic power is your life energy your life span will decrease depending on the level or number of spells you use. Also, keep using magic even if you're past your limit, two things will happen. The magic manipulation part of your brain will be gone and you'll die."

"Wow… But can't I use the magic particles in the atmosphere in conjunction with my own internal mana source?"

"Yeah, but that just speeds up the casting of the spell and it doesn't show the spells real power. When you used the surrounding magic particles to cast that high-level Kido all it did was allow you to cast it at the speed of an incantation less Kido."

"…Wow I just remembered I used Bakudo 81: Danku."

"So you remember what happened during the fight?"

"Well, the last I can remember was being exploded by Heracles and after that I felt some sort of adrenaline rush and after that just blacked out. Plus, I do remember I was angry after that."

"Yeah you ranted."

"Bout what?"

"Nothing important."

"Okay. So how's Heracles?"

"Meh, covered in bruises and got some broken bones. He was already better the day after"

"Wow, I did that?"

"What if I say you did?"

"Then if I did, I must've got plot weapons that suddenly gave me the advantage or did you or Hades decided to puppeteer my soul for fun?"

"*Chuckle* Kay first one was true and the second one would've been interesting to do.

"Hey, I do have some pride in obtaining new strength on my own. Relying on a weapon like that won't get me anywhere. It'll just put me in the delusion of thinking I have achieved something, but the moment when I can't use that said weapon then I'll be like 'FUCK! I'M SCREWED!' ."

"…You like to be thorough don't you?"

"Sometimes I like to add extra details. So anyway, did Heracles use some sort of explosive magic or did he learn touki? or…" Zeru paused not wanting to say that certain last possibility of how a human like Heracles could be able to generate explosives.

"Has a Sacred Gear yes."

"HAX! I called HAX! It's not fair that a descendant of a demi-god should have something like that. It'll make them too overconfident in themselves with the added bonus of them being descended from heroes. Plus their arrogance will be up the douche bag level to the point of being viewed as villains."

Hecate chuckled at Zeru's little rant.

"Okay so how exactly did I survive?"

"Well after you got KO'd by Heracles your soul was leaking out of your body."

"Huh, so that's why I almost felt like going cloud nine and I saw the light."

"Yeah anyway. In short, your innate sacred gear awakened."

"Hm, that right?"

Zeru then brought out his palm as the black amulet appeared.

"So this is what it looks like." Zeru stared at the amulet.

"Well anyway, about my advice as a magic user to another one. Magic isn't fueled by power, like firing it out of your body. It comes from everywhere."

"As in?"

"As in you are trying to manipulate what's in front of you. Not trying to project a certain power from inside your body. The point of magic is to manipulate the phenomena around you. Meaning you should also rely on using the external mana around you instead of the ones inside you."

"So I'm a total noob?"

"Pretty much, but since your mother is from a family of Magis. I guess you weren't aware of that."


"Homo Magi to be exact or Magi to keep it simple. They're basically a sub race of humans that are magically gifted, which includes having the abnormality of manipulating mana and being born with their own storage of mana. While regular magicians are humans that were born with that abnormality, but they need to train so they can fully use that power."

"What if someone was able to perceive magic particles but can't use magic?"

"Unfortunately no matter how much they study or even if they were a genius they can't use magic without that abnormality to manipulate the mana."

"What about magic tools?"

"Magic tools are activated when they react to the magic manipulation part of the brain as well, so without that abnormality it's useless towards non-magic users."

"Man that's going to start some issues with equality among us unique humans to regular humans."

"Yeah there are some things like that going on in the world."

"So is there a way for me to get rid of this habit?"

"Just use magic naturally and that's it."


"Yep. Oh by the way, you missed like a lot of messages on your phone during that fight."

"Wait wha?"

"And boy, you are sooo in trouble~"

"H How in trouble?"

"You'll find out~ Later."

With him alone now, he stared at his phone with fear, as it was radiating an aura of malice that urged him to read those texts that might be important.

He was glad that his upper body was too sore to move and now the new challenge was… How can he lie back down on the bed without hurting himself.

His phone began vibrate, which he set to vibrate.

Seeing his phone vibrating, he wondered if he would risk gaining pain from struggling to move his currently sore arms just to reach a phone for socialization.

"Must…obtain…socialization…Cannot go back to creating another imaginary friend." he struggled to move his arm to his phone, but the pain started to sink in...But because of his stubbornness gene, he managed to release a bit of his mana streaming through his arm, allowing him to develop some mobility but…

"FUCK!" he yelled in pain as he stopped his arm, not being able to move it any further.

Then suddenly his phone began to levitate up, which surprised him.

The phone then floated to him, as he wondered whether this was real or he suddenly got the ability to use levitation magic in the manner of telekinesis.


"AAAAAAAAAH!" he was immediately startled by the simplistic 'boo'

"Tee hee~ You're so cute as always, Zeru-chan~" said a female voice.

"Oh no…" he groaned, at now knowing who the invisible person was.

"Mou~ What do you mean by that~ So mean~"

The floating phone then began to form a hand around it, along with a whole body, that of a young women in her young twenties, with black hair tied in a side pony tail, wearing a black hooded jacket, along with a skull mask hanging on the side of her head.


"Hmph~ Is that how you greet someone of my status, as the daughter of Hades and Persephone?"

"Pretty much my standard way towards childish adult women I managed to know for a bit about two years or more."

"Hmph, then you won't get your phone back." She huffed turning away from him

"Don't need it that badly, I'm already getting some socialization."

"Really? You don't want to know about the text messages ya missed?"

"….Dammit." he gave into curiosity.

"Hee hee~"

"Fine read em out."


"That one goes on for like twenty times." Melinoe pointed out as she scrolled down to newer text.

Rossweisse: [YOU'VE RUINED MY LIFE!]

"That one goes on the same too."


"Oh and this one is so juicy."


"…" Zeru had no comment.

He then continued to read on the next line of text.


"…Why does her text sound like a retort to Hisana-nee's?"

"Want me to continue?"

"…Might as well."

The text was scrolled down more.


"Tsudnere? Wha?"



"Ooooh defilement huh~"

"It wasn't like that!"

"That's what you males always say…Wondering what I wear under this robe, huh?"

"Dunno maybe you added more illusions to that robe or possible wraiths."

"You're no fun~"

"You caused me to have a seizure the last time we met…"

"You weren't that bad."

"8 hours wasn't a bit."

"But it would've been more fun, if I were to extract your soul out you'd be my GBL."


"Ghost Besties for Life~"

Zeru face went glum.

"But at least you'll retain your youth~"

"That is true…"

"So if you don't want to relive the pain from being in that body, I can make you a ghost for a bit."


"I'll give you some of the jewels Daddy collected. Since he is the richest Olympian God."

"He's still that wealthy?"

"Daddy does have high-class security for his treasury. Do not ask about whether those devils managed to get some of his wealth when they took over Daddy's old territory."

Zeru then stared back to his phone.

"How are they responding to each other and texting me at the same time?" He then noticed that two people were responding to the texts directed towards him.

"The power of a battle of ships can break through any logic. So want me to continue?"

"If you must."

"Yay~" Milinoe then scrolled down on his phone.

Hisana: [OH YEAH? WHAT MAKES THEM SUDDENLY ALL THAT?! ALL HE DID WAS SAW HER NUDE ! AND YOU ONLY USED THAT AS YOUR CARD TO MAKE HIM DATE HER! I, on the other hand, have plenty of cards ranging from having pictures of them together when they were kids, some embarrassing moments between them, and a ship name Zeruki. So yeah, I pretty much am winning :) ]


Hisana:[BRING IT! HAG!]


"Ooooh, you made a granny and young lady fight over their ships~"

"…How is this possible…" he was speechless at these new events.

"Well, first you interacted with them and their family members are all worried about their future of being in a relationship. You came in and they set their eyes on you. That's what happened.

"...Well at least those two aren't going to go through with it. There's nothing between us at all or anything…FUCK I KISSED THEM!"

"Didn't you only kiss Rossweisse on the forehead and Rukia on the cheek?"

"How did you know?"

"I was with Aphrodite watching your little budding love life."

"….Damn…Yeah, but it's not like it meant anything. It was one of those friends kiss things…"

"Oooh really, then why did you decide all of a sudden to kiss Rukia? Hmmm?"

"Th Th..That was just something that was during the heat of the moment when I sensed that Gondur decided to drag Rossweisse all the way from Asgard to my home!"

"Reeeaaallly?~ You sure there weren't any buried feelings~" she leaned in close to Zeru with a mischievous look.

"No! It must have been my hormones towards 3 dimensional beings that kicked in is all."

"Oh you poor poor wittle boy." She patted his hand with pity, as the young human would soon learn of what it'll be like facing the reality of relationships and romance.


She kept petting his head.


"Just beware of your flag being raised."

"…Am I going to die?"

"Well since you made friends with an asgardian, yep your dead. Especially if you were to make Gondur pissed of….And if you were to get flagged…WE CAN BE GHOST BESTIES FOR LIFE!"


"Hmph. Fine be that way. Well I got some other things to do, see ya." The Goddess of Ghosts, phased through the wall and left.

Zeru sighed in relief that he didn't have to deal with any troublesome actions involving another Greek deity, besides after dealing with Aphrodite and Hades.


Ares entered his room.

"Oh Ares-san."

"Heard about what happened to you with Aphrodite." Ares smirked.

"Oh. So you know your ex-lover tried to teach me sex positions, but when she tried to go on to cow-girl she decides to try and fuck me."

"Did you look helpless?"


"Yeah she gets turned on a lot with cherry boys like you. So that must've caused her pheromone manipulation to be used against her causing her wild grinder side to appear."

"She barely even got to my dick."

"Pity. You would've gotten a good happy end. Ah those were the days."


"What. You're not even interested at the thought?"

"I'm not into sex-crazed types."

"Suit yourself, eventually you want it."

"If I was a total virgin for like 30 years and a noob with dealing with women, then I might consider"

"You need a girl badly."

Zeru stuck his tongue out at him.

"So I heard about your…"

"I was bored as fuck okay. That was all. Even if I try to start a little civil war, I get freaking scolded by thunder pops."


"Whatever. So I heard you beat my half-brother's descendant?"

"I got lucky. Besides in the end I lost anyway, if I had to resort to using a sacred gear I wasn't fully aware of while using it."

"Yeah, that thing sure saved your ass."

"So, know anything about this?" Zeru showed the amulet.


"What's its name?"

"Bloody Knight."

"Why is that?"

"Well, let's just say that every time a user ends up going balance breaker on it, a blood bath ends up as the result. Besides it's not like those things are labeled with their own name on them."

"So kind of like a berserker?"

"Pretty much. The basic ability of that gear, gives the user an adrenaline to keep the body more active in battle, and it also heals the user's wounds. But it only focuses on repairing the physical wounds, not internal wounds."

"So, basically whenever I need a good sugar rush in a fight, this is what I need?"

"If you put it that way, yeah."

"What about the Balance Breaker?"

"Well, you know what it is right?"

"Kind of. It seems to encase me in something, barely even got a handle at what really happens. All I felt was this rush of power enveloping me but crushing me at the same time."

"Guess you can't handle using the armor then. If you can't endure the power."

"So it was armor…"

Ares then tapped on the amulet as it begin to embedded into Zeru's chest with its needles and the jewel began to glow.

"What the…!" Feeling a flowing sensation inside his body, he began to move his arm around realizing they were now moveable. He then got off the bed, surprised that there was no pain at all from his actions even though he's in the middle of recovering.

"Okay now do that breaker whatever."

"How do I do that?"

"Don't you hang out with those tarred wings. Yeah, my uncle decided to go with tarred wings."


"Well then… Try saying those words."

"Balance Break."

"Maybe, louder."

"Balance Break!

"Try raising that gear up and say it out loud."

Well based on his knowledge of tokusatsu shows, if he had to transform then he should do some transformation pose.

"BALANCE BREAK!" He raised the amulet out forward with both hands holding the Sacred Gear. (Mighty Morphin Power Ranger style.)

"Pfft, can't believe you did that and you did that pose."

Zeru's face turned red from embarrassment from doing the somewhat cheesy pose.

"…It just came to me."


"Well those type of weapons, can only achieve that form of power when you're training anyway. So far that thing only activates on near death experiences or tough situations, based on the past user's experience that is."

"Is that how the previous wielders did it?"

"Dunno, most of em didn't come out alive when using that."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just say that most users don't last long after using the balance breaker."

"So it is like a double edged sword." Zeru sighed at dealing with the possible second consequence when using the balance breaker of his Sacred Gear.


Observing the amulet, he noticed something fluid inside the jewel.

"What's this?" Zeru

"That'll be your blood."


"Yeah as a cost of repairing your physical wounds, some blood is required fill it up."

"Why? Couldn't it use my magic energy?"

"Kay, that's another thing. When a regular human uses it, that gear uses the blood of the user to fill in the jewel for certain purposes. But I guess when it comes to Magi, it's a different issue compared to regular humans. Also since that gear is somewhat symbiotic due to it embedding to your chest it has to get a piece of you so it can be a part of you, that way it can heal you."

"So what happens if the jewel is filled up?

"That'll involve the Balance Breaker once you use it, since it'll utilize the blood as its power source. Looks like it took in some of your mana mixed in as well, so you'll have some extended time since the balance breaker can use the magic power mixed blood to help increase the time limit when you wear the armor."

"Can you force activate it?"

"Really? You want me to do that?"


"Are you trying to escape your girl problems with this excuse?"

"Naaah. I just want to see how it looks since I'm missing out on not actually experiencing the power when I'm fully conscious." He said trying to hide his current cowardly state.

"Meh, what the hell. I got nothing to do. Give it."

Zeru then gave his Sacred Gear to the War Deity.

Immediately Ares did a palm thrust with the amulet straight at Zeru's chest causing it to embed itself in his chest.

"*Cough*" Zeru coughed out some blood from the pressure Ares used to place the amulet on him.

"Better get ready."

The amulet then began to pulse similar to that of heart as it began to burst out black oozing liquid over his entire body.

Zeru began to hyperventilate due to the newfound sensation of experiencing the action occurring and he could feel that his body was being crushed by the overwhelming power emitting from it. After that the black substance began to change shape into the black medieval knight armor shrouded in black mist

"GRAAAAAAAAAH!" With a bestial roar the armored black knight lunged at the enemy in his sight.

Ares smirked having now finally got something to do that involved combat.

As Ares prepared to meet him head on.

"Whoa." Ares mused at what happened now.

The mist then began to fade away revealing the black knight, who now had blue energy-like circuits streaming along his armor and the slit of the knight's eyes were now blue. And the knight stopped as it starred at its hands.

"Grrrraah…So this is…the power….Fuck! it feels like a grizzly is giving me a bear hug of death…" Zeru commented as the armor was heavy and tight around his body.

From Zeru's point of view through the armor, he managed to see a clearer image of what he was wearing now.

"So using his own magic power in his blood does help suppress it." Ares was surprised.

"So…What now… Guh..Dammit I won't…GRAAAAAH!" Suddenly the bluish aura emitting from the faint blue veins on the armor dissipated as his eyes returned to red and the black mist enshrouded him.

Because of the high magical power from the armor, it was able to easily overpower Zeru's. It would've have been easier to resist it more for an extended time but since Zeru was still trying to accommodate himself with his balance breaker he couldn't do such a thing.

"Daamn, that was 12 seconds you were able to resist the enchantment."

The black knight let out a bestial growl, readying to attack.

"Oh, being patient are we? But either way, you wanted to experience it's power. So. As much as I want to have a good work out against a young berserker. I don't want to get in trouble with my siblings." Ares then summoned a brass knuckle equipped on his right hand.

Seeing the sign of hostility from the God of War now wielding a weapon, it attacked.

Ares then launched a punch at the black knight.

The black knight blocked the attack with its palm.

"Heh, bad move you just made it easier."

The Knight then continued to tighten its grip on the God's fist as the brass knuckles began to slowly change its color to black and red.

"Nice try. But you have to do better before you attempt to steal anything from a God." Ares then tightened the grip on the brass knuckles as they began to glow and in the process removed the Knight's corroding energy from his brass knuckle..

A roar came from the knight as it immediately let go of Ares's hand and began to cringe in pain.

From Ares's brass knuckles radiated pulses of magic energy, causing the knight to react negatively to it. As the magic waves began to affect the knight, the armor dissipated into fragments due to the magic energy noise vibrations interfering with its own magic power causing it to not being able maintain the structure of the armor.

The black knight began to grip it's head in agony, the majority of the armor was gone leaving only the excess armor on his chest which was where the amulet was and the red jewel was blinking violently.

Ares was surprised that the sacred gear was still resisting against his anti-magic weapon, but wondered if it wasn't the gear itself but rather..

"I…I…I… I'm not….done….yet…Gah!"

Zeru then began to stand up as the armor began to slowly reassembled itself.

"Wow didn't expect you would put up a resistance this much. But as much as I want to see how you'll progress right now. I've gotta end this, before I get blamed for your idea when they see me with you like that."

With one step Ares appeared in front of Zeru and punched him straight at his chest directly at the jewel enveloping it with numerous waves of magic.

The jewel began to flash as the aura began to diminish and the amulet retracted from his chest, with that everything when black.

"*Huff* *Huff*. H How…did…I…do?"

"Somewhat impressed that you were able to get a control of yourself, with using your own magic power."

"So how do I look now?" Zeru asked about the status of his body now.

"Meh, you didn't really get injured and didn't end up putting much of a beat down on me. So you're good. Guess you couldn't do much, since you're still pretty beat up."


The exhaustion then kicked in and Zeru fell flat on his face and went to sleep.

A couple of hours later.

Zeru, who was now fully healed, arrived at the forge.

"So, how are you doing?" Hephaestus asks

"Good. What are you working on?"

"This? Heh, believe it or not, that Heracles actually requested me to make something for him."

"A weapon?"

"Well it's used as a weapon, but it's more of an accessory he can use to better manipulate the power of his gear. He said it was freaking annoying that he had to always adjust the power whenever he makes contact.


"Also, he said that you were a decent opponent."


"For a guy that had to use an armor and went going like a crazed jackass."

"Well fuck him then."

"Oh right your weapons." Hephestaus snapped his fingers as the twin hilts and white disc floated out of a case and floated towards Zeru.

Zeru took the two hilts of the inactive energy tonfas and activated them.

"For the Recoil Rod, This time I added in density control. With that you can adjust the density of the energy tonfa to that of a blade weapon and you can turn off the recoil function as well besides using that regular tonfa mode.."

"I see." Zeru began to fiddle with functions of the energy tonfas.

"For the Shield Boomerang it's still the same. So I'm gonna need more data to improve it."


"Here's a holster for them as well."

Zeru then put on the waist holster that consisted of two pockets for storing the Recoil Rods and a magnetic circle plate used to attach the Shield Boomerang.


"Oh yeah, I've also added a new location to your teleportation app on your phone. You can now go the Realm of the Dwarves."

"Is there a limit to how many times?"

" Still experimenting on that, so only twice. One to travel to any location listed and one to go back home."

"Got it."

"So how did it go with your gear whatever?"

"Dunno really, I haven't got a good handle at using it yet since I barely even know how to use it. Besides getting myself killed so the armor can kick in."

"Hm. Say can you try changing its base form?"

"Well based on Azazel's research notes, it's said that Sacred Gears are able change based on the user's thought and stuff."

He then took off the amulet and held it in his left hand.

"So how am I supposed to do this?"

"I don't know. Heck, I would've experimented on that kid's weapon and I would've known everything about those whatever gear already."

"Then why didn't you? I mean with some of your power you could've gotten everything."

"Meh it's hard to track them down, since those weapons are connected to their life force it's basically camouflaged. If I attempt to separate the gear from them, then the odds of success are really low. Mostly it depends if they have not become too reliant on that weapon, because the more the user uses that weapon then it'll continue to assimilate more with their life force energy and with that they'll die instantly like ripping someone's heart out."

"Can't you have Hades-san give you some kind of soul manipulation magic, so you can easily put the soul right back in when you extract the gear?"

"In a researcher's point of view it would be helpful. But in actuality, it's pretty much sadistic. Like if that user of that gear dies then I'll simply put the soul back in and reequip the sacred gear again thereby retrying it again and again till I'm able to extract the weapon without risking the user's life. "

"Yeah that does make it sadistic." Zeru agreed.

"Kay so try imaging a weapon then."


"So you can have a weapon on hand, just in case."

"Fine. Sword."

He gripped the amulet as his thoughts were filled with the focus of having a sword.

Nothing happened.

"So now…WHOA!"

Automatically Zeru immediately dodged to the side.

"You were supposed to block that."


"What. I'm trying to help you with your Sacred Gear or whatever it's called."

"By attacking me out of freaking nowhere?!"

"Got that right. Besides you were supposed to block that with your amulet. By doing that it'll react to the situation you're in and it'll respond to your thoughts based on the situation. It's not like that first method helped."

"I get that. But couldn't you just tell me?"

"Wouldn't work that way, besides aren't you the type that wants to gain his own strength. If I were to tell you what I was going to do, then that would be me helping you."

"Good point."


Hephaestus then immediately picked up a screwdriver and attacked him with a thrust.

Zeru backed away immediately.

Hephaestus then threw the screwdriver straight at the human.

Zeru then brought up his amulet to defend himself. The screwdriver hit the amulet causing Zeru to cringe slightly from the impact the screwdriver made due to the god's strength.

But nothing happened.

Starring at the amulet he wondered what the hell was going on or was this thing just fucking around.

"Might as well keep doing this." He then gripped on the amulet as his thoughts were filled with the word 'sword' over and over again.

Again nothing happened.

"You got to be fucking kidding me!"

Suddenly his body began to freeze, as he sensed an overwhelming presence full of hostile intent. The amulet's jewel glowed brightly responding to the situation as the black aura radiated more, causing Zeru to immediately pivot to the right, dodging a downward strike from a sword strike which hit the ground instead of him. After that Zeru swung his hand gripping the amulet as an aura shaped blade popped out hitting the target.

The blade was caught.

Zeru snapped out of his trance and saw that he was now wielding a new sword and Hephaestus caught the blade with his hand.

"Hm. The construct seems stable, density seems decent. But it's in an imperfect state." Hephaestus noted as he observed the blade construct.

"What the?"

Hephaestus then let go of the blade, causing Zeru to be off balanced.

"Looks like that method worked out."


"Yeah. I was using a two-handed claymore with the full intent to kill you. With a near death situation like that, that gear should've reacted to that."

"Do you god's get that much of a kick from teasing us humans?"

"Pretty much."

"So, now what?"

"Try it again."

"If you insist."

The amulet then began to take shape as it was now taking the form of a black energy- like sword with a cross guard, but it wasn't in a stable form seeing that the structure was wavering.

"A double edged sword? Seriously? I was hoping for a katana." He sighed at the weapon he was given since he preferred a single edge bladed sword such as the katana. Either the logic of a weapon being affected by the user's imagination was bs or he had to waste his time training with the sacred gear to get the results he want.

"How does it feel?"

"It's hard to tell. I can feel the aura around it and there doesn't seem to be any weight added." He said, as he freely swung the supposed 2-handed sword with ease with just his hand.

"Can you hold it with both hands?"

Zeru brought his other hand to the black energy hilt extended form the bottom of the amulet.

"Yeah, surprisingly the energy emitting from it is solid." He swung the black energy sword double handed with success.

"Okay, now let's test out its dexterity." Hephaestus, with a flick of his finger, send a basic one handed sword levitating in the air. With a downward motion with his finger, the sword swung down at Zeru. Zeru then parried the blade without having his sacred gear's structure affected, meaning that the energy construct sword's density was that of a regular sword.

"Now let's see how it lasts against a flurry of attacks."

The levitated sword then began to launch fast attacks as Zeru tried to keep up with them. During the test, Zeru managed to parry most attacks but was having trouble with blocking the jabs that followed up.

"Okay that's enough." He ceased his magic over the sword as it returned to the rack.

"I just recovered and you made go through a workout? After you attempted to kill me.*Huff*"

"Hey you got your body moving well so it's fine. Yep, looks like that sword can handle some beatings. So wanna try how it does against a heavy strike?"

"Are you gonna levitate a large broadsword or are you going to swing it?"

"It's up to you."

"Pass, don't want to get my arm sprained from the impact."

"Yeah, it's best to find those things out yourself."

"Yeah it is best."

"Watch it."

"So is this what it's suppose be what I want? I mean I don't mind the sword but it's kinda strange. I though the amulet would morph into a sword not this energy thing."

"Well, I guess if you train more with it. You might get a better form from it."

"Kay then, guess I'll be going then."

"Forgot to tell you. When I talked to your mother, Gondur took over the call."

"…Really." Zeru sweat dropped.

"Yep and she is so pissed after she realized she was talking to me."

"How pissed?"

"Kinda like how my mom was pissed when my Dad f'd another mortal women resulting in my Demi-god brother who then made his life a huge pain in the ass."

Death's chill began to erode his body as he began to turn pale and his morale was completely down.

"Okay I have another question."


"What was that thing Ares-san used on me? I mean during that little test run I did with the armor, he did something that caused the armor to almost dissipate."

"Oh that. He used Antanite."


"It's a unique stone that is imbued with magic power, but when it's used it radiates magic wave-like vibrations. So it basically releases random magic waves."

"How did that work?"

"Ever heard of methods of how to nullify casting?"

"Well I know that if you fire a magic bullet at the circle, it can cease the casting before it imitates the spell."

"That's counter magic. Cast Jamming is more of disrupting the casting process of a user's spell. Antinite is an example of being used for Cast Jamming. Say when a person prepares to cast a spell and while the magic circle begins to prep to cast a spell and suddenly some waves began emit at the user's range. Then what happens?"

"It gets disrupted?"

"Exactly. So Antinite, is basically a magic disruptor. As long as the Antinite is activated it'll disrupt the magic particles in the air, thereby it'll give the magican difficulty of initiating a spell"

"Do you have any?"

"Sorry, but I'm not gonna give you something like that. Who knows what kind of shit, you'll do with that."

"Geez. Fine. Be that way."

"Well them, I'll just send you home now." The greek deity projected a magic circle underneath the human.

"NO WAI...,!" He was cut off as

Japan: Kuoh Town. Hyoudou residence.


As he stared at his house, all he could feel was a cold chill and when he took a step close to his house, an overpowering presence was crushing him.

At this point he was willing to run like heck and to nowhere but at this rate, he could feel a tall object with the sound of a flag flapping from the wind behind him. Either this was his first time experiencing a genuine death flag or was it just the sound of the wind.

As he attempted to back away from his house..

"Wuh the…?" he began to lose conscious.

From behind a person walked up to his body.

"Sorry, kid but you're gonna have to face the music now." Natalia chided as she held him.

When he woke up.

"…Oh no. They got me! I swear I didn't know that white powder was steroids I thought it was sugar! I didn't know that it killed the pet hamster!"

"…Well, that's interesting."


"Yo. So you already had encounter with drugs at a young age."

"….I would like to keep that under the bridge…permenalty…"

"Sooo? Playah. How was your first experience of abandoning your responsibilities involving the trouble you have caused for our race?'

"When the hell did I ever meet any succubae?"

"I meant the female race."

"Oh that? Well I sort got intimidated when a powerful well known Norse Magic user decides to let out her presence be known out of fucking nowhere!.

"Oh, so I guess she was interrupting a moment you were gonna have with Rukia huh?"

"Nope. She interrupted our safe walk home minus the possible Hisana interrogation."

"Yeah, while you were abandoning your responsibilities a ship war happened."


"Yep. Really."

"So…How did the fight go when they decided to go outside."

"Don't worry they didn't use magic. Just with wooden swords."

"Who won?"

"Well it was a tie since they were fueled by their pride for their ship to fully sail. So they both got exhausted."


"But I did found out that the girls are gonna get back at you and Issei is helping Rossweisse with her payback for you."


"By the way, don't think of calling your brother. Right now he's with both Hisana and Gondur. They know that you might call him, to get a better knowing of what was going on here.

"Damn that smarts."

As he tried to cast magic, the magic particles that were gathering around him were pushed away from him.

"Also, underneath you is a magic nullifier. This has a strong interference strength which can nullify magic particles around you and the ones inside you."

"How did you have the time to do that?"

"With all the commotion going on here. I thought something like this would be needed."

"That's good, but why am I tied up."

"Oh just to make sure you aren't running from your problems."

"So right now, I'm in the calm before the storm huh?"

"Yep. So what did you do?"

"Went to Hephaestus, picked a fight with a Hero Descendant that got a sacred gear and after that I got rekt'd and used my sacred gear and won."

"Really. You're okay right?" She asked with concern.

"Yep, but now I'm not gonna be okay for long."

"Oh yeah." The bluenette half-succubus decides to head upstairs.


"Sorry. But it's time for you t face the music now."

His face distorted into utter turmoil at the storm was now coming.

"I just can't fucking wait to see what happens to you now." she smirked with anticipation at seeing the outcome of Zeru's punishment as male that abandoned his responsibilities involving women.

As she opened the door.

"Hey! I got the idiot all tied up and ready!"

Zeru began to shake around frantically in the chair, but unfortunately he made himself fell down to the side.

As he closed his eyes and readied himself to see what happens…




From upstairs he could hear the rush of footsteps as if a stampede was happening.

"Oh please make it quick." He whimpered as tears began to drip from his face as he let his fear consume him as he began to slowly lose conscious.

"Well well, this is interesting."


"Somewhat close."

He wearily opened his eyes to see it was Rukia who was holding her phone.


"And Rossweisse." She pointed to the Asgardian next to her.

"…H hey Rossweiss…."


His face was kicked right in the face by the mini knuckles of a foot.


"You idiot "KICK* idiot "KICK* idiot "KICK* idiot "KICK* "idiot "KICK* idiot "KICK* IDIOT!"

"PWUH!" he began to repeatedly spit blood.

As Rukia watched on she couldn't believe this possibility could happen. They were lucky enough to be down here before their family members since they managed to get past them during their fight. At first they were originally just gonna punish him a little as in just a slap and then let him deal with the paybacks they had in store for him but this right now was going way too far.

"OW OW OW!" He kept repeatedly screaming in pain as he was being furiously kicked in the face by the Asgardian.

The kicker had had her eyes closed while having an angry poutish expression as she just kept kicking him.

"O-Okay Rossweisse…Let's just calm downa and.."

Rukia was then cut off as something dropped on the floor and rolled.

Rukia then looked down and saw the object and as she picked it up.

"Ugh." She was disgusted at the wet texture it had. But as she brought close to get a better look.

"Oh god." She realized that it was a tooth. A bloodied full grown tooth.

She then looked back at Rossweisse and she was now kicking an unknown object who was completely pixelated that was suited for censorship for comedic effect based on the current situation.

At this point there are some options Rukia has. Just leave them like this and let them suffer dealing Gondur. But on the downside if her sister were to see just Rossweisse and Zeru she would really get furious at how her suppose ship was defeated by an elderly women's ship who didn't even have a proper ship name.

So all could she do was this.

"Rossweisse, stop!" she then brought her arms underneath Rossweisse's arms and tries to hold her back.

"Let go! He deserves this!"

"I know! But look!"

Rossweisse then cooled down for a bit and opened her eyes and then noticed something wet on the tip of her sock.

"What the?" Rossweisse had a surprised look.

On the front part of her white sock was dark red and wet based on the wetness she felt now. But as she got a whiff of the iron scent from her foot.

"What did I…" She then looked down at the source of the strong iron-scented smell.

Rossweisse's eyes widened and she covered her mouth at the sight of the disgusting pixelated bloodied whatever that was on the floor.

"U u ugh." The censored being grunted as it began to move.

"Kyaah!" Rossweisse squealed out fear of the bloodied censored being and slammed her heel straight on the being's head.


With that the two were left with a bloodied pixilated being.

"OUT MY WAY!" Gondur yelled.


The two teens were immediately covered in goosebumps at the close proximity of their family members that were coming over.

"Shit! What do we do now?!"

"I dunno, but I am not associated with this." Rukia attempted to back away.

"Yeah right! You're the witness!" Rossweisse dragged her back on the arm.

"Hey this all your fault for giving your grandmother a card for her to use."

"It's not my fault that I ended up knocking him out during the spar and he ended up seeing me naked by accident later on when he went the bathroom!"

"Well I sure as hell am not going to stay here!"

"Yes you are, you're the childhood friend."

"Since when does that give me any jurisdiction regarding the involvement of you beating the bloody pulp out of him?!…And why is he tied up?" Rukia then finally noticed that Zeru was tied to a chair.


The two sighed in relief that he was gaining conscious.

"What hit me?...Oh hi, Rukia and Rossweisse. How was your hell?"

"…How'd you think?" Rukia gave off a look of unamusement.

"Well it must've been very stressful, but since you two are still pretty and have no wrinkles or signs of any other stress related symptoms. So I'm safe. And why do I smell blood?" he asks unaware that his head was currently lying down on a puddle of blood.

Zeru then managed to fully open his eyes seeing the bloodied foot from Rossweisse's sock.


"I I…" Rossweisse stuttered

"So this is real karma huh? Oh well I had it coming. Except the part of me getting bloodied faced…"

The amulet appeared as it pinned itself to his chest as the blood and other wounds from his face began to remove instantly.

"How did you learn regeneration?" Rossweisse was shocked at this sudden healing process that happened.

"Long story, would like to tell if anyone of you would untie me here?"

"UGH." Something then fell straight down the stairs and hit the wall.

"ONEE-SAMA?!" Rukia cried out seeing it was her sister thrown against the stairs and ran up to her.

"Tch, damn hag…"Hisana grunted as she managed to stand up since she luckily managed to use kido to soften her fall.

In the blink of an eye the elder Asgardian appeared and when she noticed the current condition of Zeru and her granddaughter's foot was covered in blood.

"Hah take that brat!…YES ROSSWEISSE GOT HIM FIRST! FIRST BLOOD! THE DATE IS ON! Read it and weep brat! Remember the treaty." Gondur fist pumped in victory.


Either the worst possibility of when he got home just happened. Or was this some dream that he was so engrossed in that currently now in realty he was in a coma or did some unknown entity end up possessing his body by inputting random commands that caused him to lead to these events now.

Right now, there was one thing he could now was.

"HAH!" With the power of desperation and cowardice he repositioned himself up and began to hop away while still tied to the chair.

But unfortunately…

"GWUAH!" his face was immediately met by a fist which threw him against the wall causing the chair the break in the process. Leaving him lying on the floor covered in the remnants of the chair along with some splinters.

Gondur then approached him, and kneeled down to him.

"Sorry kid. But you had your chance of experiencing what it's like to be a deadbeat of escaping one's responsibilities. Now is the time you face them." She smiled, as she began to heal his injuries.


Unfortunately this was the horrible time for his straight man gimmick to come out right now.

Rossweisse was surprised yet again, to see another person to raise their voice against her grandmother besides Hisana. But in this situation his courage wasn't out of his own will, it was nothing but his desperation taking over him.

"Well. I never thought you would raise your voice at me like that."

"Eh?" he was surprised at how he wasn't dealt with the usual strict-elder-gets-irritated-by-a-brat routine, where the elder punishes the brat.

Gondur then helped him up and began to dust him off.

"But I'll let that slide unless you do good on the date."


In his head now, he had no idea what was going on at all, but all he could do was follow his instincts based on the current situation.

"AAAAAAAH!" He immediately ran to the stairs but ended up tripping over them, knocking himself out unconscious.

"Aw, he tried to run away. What a pity. Kay Rose, I got you a date." Gondur did athumbs up at her granddaughter, who was confused at how events like these happened so quickly. She only knew a human male for a couple days and this happens now.

"Why…" she sank to the floor on her knees lamenting on how her life as it was now.

Sorry it took long to update, had too many nitpicks and some writers block but all in all I managed to finally get this through.

So instead of creating a sub species balance breaker for Heracles, I decided to give Detonation Comet an alternative technique besides the missiles. Since it didn't give off the image of what Detonation Comet is supposed to like and make the balance breaker's other name it was known for, Malicous Wave of the Superman into another technique as well.

At last Zeru finally finally has his Sacred Gear and balance breaker basically has all of Fate Zero Berserker's abilities. Oh and then their's his date with Rossweisse, will see how that goes since the poll I posted will be related to the date.

Also I would like to thank Mahesvara for beta reading the chapter, it really helped a lot :)

Anyway, hoped everyone enjoyed the chapter and make sure to review :)