A/N: Minor spoiler for 'Black Water' (2x11) and a quotation from a great movie by Peter Jackson (Hope he won't mind.) : )

The afternoon had gone as slow as the morning, but exceptionally Kate had been glad that they hadn't caught a new case. The time she had left the office Gibbs had been unlocatable, but she was sure he would be at her apartment at 1900 sharp.

Unlocking her front door she stepped inside. Recognizing that her fingers trembled out of excitement again, she went for a calming shower.


Gibbs drove home in an even more terrifying speed as usual, because Leon Vance had detained him to discuss a minor problem. He checked his watch. Now he would have to hurry to be on time. A Leroy Jethro Gibbs is never late… nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. Jesus! This sounded like one of Tony's movie quotations… Pulling into his driveway, Gibbs arrived home.


Kate paced in her living room, too tense to sit down. She wore the same dress as on her date with Thomas McAllister years ago. 'Trust me, Gibbs liked that one!' Abby had told her. For the umpteenth time her eyes wandered to the clock at the wall. Slowly the minute hand slid into verticality. Although she expected it, she jumped at the loud knock at her door. Straightening her dress one last time, she went to open up.


The short moment between his knocking and the opening of the door felt like eternity for Gibbs. He still couldn't quite believe his luck to go out with this gorgeous woman. A week ago he wouldn't have dared to think she actually could be interested in him. The door swung open and revealed Kate to Gibbs. Beautiful! Was all, his mind managed.


Kate stood rooted to the spot in her threshold and admired her date. Gibbs had changed into black suit pants and an also black dress shirt combined with a fiery tie. He had omitted his usual sports coat and looked extremely hot. Maybe we should skip the dinner… Smiling on her thoughts, she greeted him. "Hi there!"

"Hey Katie. You look… wow!" His voice was soft and adoring, sending a shiver down her spine.

"You're also not to be sniffed at, Gibbs." Her smile widened into a full grin. This was easier than she had thought. Raising to her tiptoes, she gave him a small, chaste welcome-kiss.

"Ready to go, beautiful?" Also smiling, he offered her an arm, as she grabbed her purse and locked the door. "Maybe you should start to call me by my given name." He suggested leading her to the staircase.

"Which one would you prefer?" Kate asked, knowing that different people used the different forenames.

"Which do you?" He flashed his adorable grin at her.

"I don't really know. Leroy is how your father calls you. I don't want to sound like your father. And I don't want to stand in line with your exes and call you Jethro. So how about LJ?"

"Well, the man I was named after is called LJ… but I don't think you would sound like my father if you call me Leroy."

"As you wish, my king!" She referred to the meaning of said name and with that she had found her future nickname for him.


During most of their eating, Gibbs had remained relatively silent. He settled for watching and listening to Kate, replying to her talk from time to time. She seems to be comfortable with doing the main part of the talking. Well, she knew I'm not really talkative. Now that they had finished their entrée and waited for Kate's chocolate mousse and Gibbs' bourbon for dessert, Gibbs sneaked his hand into Kate's, holding it across the table. "I promised you a talk about us." He started.

"Yes, you did." She seemed eager to hear what he wanted to tell her.

"Katie, I'm not an easy person. I've already made many mistakes in my life, especially when women were involved, and I will, sure as hell, make more. I'm certainly not the man little Caitlin dreamed of and I will never be. But my gut says you're the one to handle this old bastard. And if you're willing to give us a try, I will be happy to do so."

Kate tried to blink the upwelling tears back. "Leroy, I'm no longer this little Caitlin. I don't need a perfect man and I know what I get into. Of course I want to give this a try." She had regained her self-assurance and added. "And if you don't behave, it would not only be a seven iron I'd chase you with…"

Gibbs smiled broadly. He seemed to be relieved by her answer. Pulling gently at her hand, he placed a kiss on its back, as their dessert was served.


After leaving the restaurant, they went for a little walk in a nearby park. Gibbs had wrapped an arm around Kate's shoulders. Snuggling closer into his embrace Kate wound her arm around his waist, sighing happy. Gibbs coughed slightly. "There is another thing I wanted to talk to you about." He said, subconsciously drawing circles on her shoulder.

"Yes?!" Recognizing his earnest tone, Kate skipped the joke about his talking habits that popped into her mind.

"I don't want you to get me wrong, but I'd like to keep this a secret for a bit. It's not that I don't want anybody to know, yet I would prefer to enjoy this for a while on our own." His eyes searched for hers and the look in them nearly seemed worried.

"I totally understand you." Kate smiled reassuringly at him. "At work we'll have to behave as always anyway, so it only means to not tell our families, and since I'd seldomly introduced a man to my family they will not get suspicious."

"I'm glad you agree." She could hear him sigh with relief. This emotional side makes me love him even more. She thought, returning her attention on his words. "Abby will remain silent and I promise, we'll tell the guys at NCIS soon, but for now I want to have you on my very own." With that he stopped, turning fully towards her to meet her lips in a sweet kiss. Soon the kiss got deeper and when his tongue begged for entrance to her marvelous mouth, she happily granted permission, claiming his body with her hands.

Coming up for air, Kate ginned at him. "Maybe you should bring me home now." And the moment he wanted to protest, she added. "This morning you promised me something, my king. And I intend to take you at your word."

Remembering his words that morning in his bedroom, Gibbs let her drag him towards his car. She's indescribable! He still wondered how he ever deserved her. But now that he called her his, he would move heaven and earth to keep her!

A/N: So guys. This was my story how Kate and Gibbs got together. I intend to write a sequel, if you're interested in their further ongoing and write me so. There is also an M rated scene still spooking through my mind, so maybe I'll write it down soon… Finally I want to say thanks to all who read my story, especially those who wrote me those reassuring reviews. I love you all! DarkSideCookie : )