Hi, guys! So this is my very first attempt at writing. It will be a series of seven oneshots each on the theme of one deadly sin. They will be published in no particular order and I really can't promise a fixed frequency of updates. School is a bitch. Also, please forgive my bad english, I'm still trying to improve. I've planned to post the first oneshot on Valentine's Day, but now I don't think it would be fair to post something about Wrath on such a fluffy day, would it? Review and criticism are vastly appreciated.


The most violent one isn't always the one that hurts the most

Many see Munakata as an exceedingly calm person. In battle, he never loses his cool even on most desperate occasions. No matter the difficulty at hand, or the atrocities he'd witness, he'd always manage to find the most efficient solution for it. It is no different during meetings, be it with the Gold King or any other high-grade officer. He'd take any underlying insult thrown by these useless ministers, always keeping his composure, not letting the slightest bit of his state of mind transpire, hidden behind his glasses. When he hears his subordinates call him weird or twisted when they think he cannot hear, or when he feels during the games he organizes that they want nothing more than to fly away, his ingénue smile remains and he acts like he doesn't see anything amiss.

When most people, including his long time coworkers think of Munakata as this emotionless man, the ever-so-untrusting, yet clever third-in-command of Scepter 4, Fushimi Saruhiko suspects that somewhere, the fact that his captain still keeps on arranging (rather 'imposing') these little parties, when knowing fully well they aren't much appreciated by his men, is Munakata's way of taking his little revenge for the "ingratitude" – or so he sees the obvious lack of enthusiasm. He'll never admit as much though. He'll always claim he does it because it is fun –and, well, Fushimi thinks he wouldn't even lie. It really is fun. For Munakata, that is. The Blue King will also say that it reinforces their bond. In a sense it does, because admittedly, in Scepter 4, there are at least two feelings that all the members –including the asocial third-in-command, seem to be sharing: the fear of their Lieutenant's bean paste, and of their Captain's attempts at socializing.

In a way, to Fushimi's eyes, who's served under two Kings, this is one of the many differences he's constated between them. You can hardly tell when Munakata's angry because he keeps an unshakeable façade. On the other hand, the Red King always seems angry (when he does not look bored). As a result, the two of them are surrounded by an intimidating atmosphere that scares most of their entourage. Still, Fushimi trusts his current King more, because he knows that Suoh is far more volatile, thus more dangerous, than Munakata. In fact, nobody really thinks the latter would ever snap. He has too much self-control to ever do so.

Despite this well-established reputation, Suoh knows better than to believe that it is Munakata's true personality. This stoic demeanor is Munakata's professional side. Suoh knows that outside of work, or rather, when he is with Suoh at least, Munakata is a true tyrant.

Today, Suoh comes over at Munakata's office. Of course, he isn't expected, and it's already enough to exasperate Munakata.

"Suoh Mikoto, I hope you have a good reason to come and disturb me when your band of hoodlums is already giving me enough trouble."

Suoh smirks and says in the most arrogant tone. "Shouldn't you be happy that I came all the way here to see your lonely ass, Munakata ?"

Such an annoying, vulgar man. Munakata closes his eyes and rubs his temples to attempt chasing the headache that's starting to form.

"Nobody's asked you to come. If you want to see me, why don't you make your visits useful and come when you are actually needed instead of sending your second in command to do your work?"

"Nah, it's too bothersome. Anyway Izumo's the most qualified for these kind of things."

It's Munakata's turn to smirk. "Well, I'll concede this."

Suoh looks surprised that Munakata's agreeing with him on something. But then Munakata adds, the smirk still on his face, "After all, I don't think there's anything you're actually qualified at doing."

"Always so smooth in your ways of picking a fight, aren't you, Munakata Reisi ?"

Munakata's expression turns smug, "I'm not trying to pick a fight, Suoh Mikoto. I'm simply stating the truth. Now, Suoh, you've wasted enough of my time so leave. I believe you don't need me to see you out."

Of course, there's no way Suoh's going to just head out, especially not after Munakata's riled him up like this. Munakata's no fool, so he isn't really surprised when he hears Suoh's answer, "I'm going nowhere."

"Now who's picking a fight?"

"You're the one who's got no sense of hospitality. Just let me stay for a while."

Without waiting for an approval, he goes to lay on the tatami on the left of Munakata's desk, very much ready to nap there.

Munakata, who hasn't moved from his desk until now, stands. He grabs his sword and walks toward Suoh. When he's next to him, his hand holds the handle of his sword, like he's ready to fight any time. He says, menacingly, "Leave."

Suoh, who's already closed his eyes, peers one open and says insolently, "What if I don't?"

Munakata frowns and points his sheathed sword at Suoh. "I'll make you comply by force".

Suoh ignores the threat and pulls at the sword directed at him instead, with enough force to make Munakata lose his balance and stumble on top of him.

This takes Munakata off-guard and while he is over Suoh, he lingers too much staring at Suoh's chest, forgetting he'd been pissed just seconds ago. He's taken out of his contemplation when he hears Suoh laugh. Munakata lifts his eyes to look at Suoh, who says smugly, "You're not doing very well on your threat, are you?"

This makes Munakata's anger return. As he braces his hands to stand, pick up his sword with the (not so) firm intention to stab the insufferable barbarian beneath him in his damn attractive chest, though, said insolent grabs him by the collar and pulls him so that they are face-to-face.

Suoh then says in a deep voice, "It's been a while since we haven't done it." To make his point, he lifts his leg and rubs it between Munakata's, making him jolt.

Right now, Munakata's having an internal debate on whether to take up on the oh-so-tempting offer or stick on his initial plan to rip that smile off of his obscene face with his sword.

It's Fushimi's entrance that spares him from choosing. The teen looks rather worried at seeing the two Kings on the floor. He still manages to say, "Captain, please don't fight here. You're going to destroy the whole facility. I doubt that saying the Red King has broken an entering will be an acceptable reason for the damages caused."

Suoh makes an annoyed sound a lets go of Munakata's shirt, and they both stand. Munakata, who's still a little flushed, fixes his glasses and says, "I'm aware, Fushimi-kun. I wouldn't put our headquarter in danger for this barbarian there." Suoh huffs. Munakata adds after a brief pause, "So, Fushimi-kun, what is your business here?"

"I came to deliver a report."

Somehow feeling the need to justify himself, "I knocked but there was no answer so I just opened the door."

"I see. Sorry, I must have been busy trying to make Mister leave and probably didn't hear you. Thank you for the hard work, Fushimi-kun. You can leave your report on my desk and go."

He does so without being told twice, eager to leave the heavy atmosphere of this room.

When he is out, there is an awkward silence between the two Kings, neither facing the direction of the other. Munakata is the one to speak first, "So, Suoh, will you ever tell me the real purpose of your coming here?"

Suoh shrugs, "It's too noisy in HOMRA right now. They're preparing Anna's birthday."

"And is there no other place you could have gone to if you just wanted to avoid the noise?"

"Well, I thought I could kill two birds with one stone and come to see you." The suggestive look in his eyes is clearly a renewal of his earlier invitation before Fushimi interrupted them.

Munakata sighs, "Because of you, I'm late on today's schedule, and I still have to check Fushimi-kun's report. You'll have to wait until I'm done."

"Yes, Sir," Suoh says with a grin, a little surprised that Munakata's relented so easily and hasn't kicked him out of his office.

Suoh settles back on the tatami to finally take his nap and Munakata comes back to his desk, resuming his work. Neither say anything more for the rest of the day, but the silence isn't uncomfortable. Suoh, who is used to having nightmares feels somewhat at peace when Munakata's around, conscious that he is there to stop him from destroying everything. Munakata too doesn't have to worry about Suoh being in some place, abusing of his powers.

Despite being able to work without interruption, there's still a huge pile of papers on Munakata's desk and even though he is somewhat conscious that he wouldn't have been able to finish everything even if Suoh hadn't come, he still wants to blame him, and make him pay. So he starts thinking of ways to make Suoh regret this, but to his dismay, all his 'punishments', involve the both of them naked in bed. He tries to stop fantasizing about such things and get today's work done but finds himself unable to. This of course only adds to his frustration. Realizing that with this state of mind, he won't be able to do any more work for today, he decides to wake Suoh and drags him out of Scepter 4's building to the nearest hotel room and put on practice all of those things he'd been thinking of earlier.

Very soon after their latest meeting, Munakata hears about Totsuka Tatara's death. The rumors say he's been killed by the new Colorless King. Munakata knows Suoh well enough to be aware that the Red King will never let this pass. He might sleep all day, not doing anything, but Munakata knows he feels responsible of his clansmen. Munakata also knows that Suoh's sword of Damocles is already in a critical state, and that it'll fall if Suoh takes his revenge on the Colorless King. He knows that another incident like the Kagutsu Crater is absolutely out of question, but Suoh'll never give up on his decision to avenge Totsuka. So he'll have to kill Suoh before his sword falls. The knowledge that Suoh probably realizes this as well, but will carry out his vendetta nonetheless saddens Munakata so much more than it angers him. And it's not even like he isn't angry. He is. That's why it hurts so much.

Still, Munakata's not one to give up without fighting. So he'll do what he can to stop Suoh.

When he visits him in his cell, he slams Suoh's head against a wall. This is his way of venting his anger, his sadness, and all the conflicted emotions he feels, hoping that maybe, Suoh would get them, and let Munakata take care of everything. He is very conscious that it is a foolish hope. The meeting leads them nowhere. If anything, it only adds to Munakata's pain.

His next attempt to bring Suoh back to his senses is just as fruitless, and in fact, Munakata just wanted a final conversation with Suoh. In the back of his mind, maybe he was hoping for a miracle too, but miracles it seems, never happen for him.

He might have been prepared to it, but he the sword pierces Suoh through his heart, Munakata could swear that his has been stabbed too. He is so angry at Suoh, for making Munakata clean after his mess, for putting his revenge before whatever they might have had. More than anything, though, he is angry at himself. He blames himself for not being able to convince Suoh, for not being able to find the Colorless King before him. He finally blames himself for caring so much about such a selfish man. Normally, he channels his frustration on Suoh, because it is convenient for he knows Suoh never judges him, but now there is nothing left of him.

He hears HOMRA's motto in the distance, "No blood, No bone, No ash."

Indeed. Now that he's gone, Munakata, with no one to turn to, will just have to actually become that man everyone thinks he is. The emotionless Blue King.

(PS: I swear it isn't all as angsty as in wrath. There's also crack and fluff, ie. Greed and Sloth)