Hey guys(: so I'm starting a new story, and updates on this one and my other one A Different Life will be slower than usual due to the amount of work and school... But I promise that I will update as quickly as I can for both(:

Disclaimer: Cassie Clare owns the characters, not me(:

This story will be in first person, but if you don't like the way it is, please PLEASE tell me!

Clary POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and a nauseous feeling in my stomach. Slowly, I rolled over to find a blonde, more like golden, sex god in my bed. At first I stared at him in confusion, not knowing how he got there. Then the night before flashed through my mind. Me and Iz, dancing at Pandemonium. Isabelle leaving me to go dance with some geeky kid with glasses, Shaun or Simon or something like that. Then this blonde kid asking to dance, then have a drink. The last thing I remember was crashing through the door, making out with a completely hot stranger. Or at least I thought he was a stranger.

I leaned closer to him to get a better look. His hand was over his eyes, and the only thing I could see was his slightly open mouth and defined cheek bones. But they were enough to know exactly who this "mystery man" was. I gasped and backed up to the edge of the bed. He sat up at the sudden noise, causing me to fall off. I let a small scream out and landed on the floor with a thud.

"What the fuck?" he exclaimed.

"Shit!" I yelled.

His head popped over the edge of the bed, and his eyes widened at the sight of me on the floor.

"Clary?" he asked in disbelief.

I stood up, and paced the room. "Jace Herondale. I slept with Jace fucking Herondale!" I said mostly to myself.

"Hey, I'm not that bad of a person." he said in defense.

I turned to him, "No! You shut up!" I looked down at his body, "And Jesus Christ, put some fucking clothes on!"

"God damn, fire crotch has got an attitude. That's hot." he winked.

I let out a scream of frustration, not wanting to deal with this shit right now.

"Whoa," he put his hands up in surrender, "why don't we talk about this civilly? Get some coffee, you know, calm down."

I pushed the tips of my fingers into my closed eyes and laughed humorlessly. "Fuck it." I said, giving in. I let my hands drop with a slap against my thigh. Suddenly I was very aware of what I had on. Nothing but a loose tank top and a pair of all lace underwear. Jace must have noticed to, because I swear I could see his Adam's apple bob just the slightest as he gave me a once over.

"Like what you see, Herondale?" I said giving my ass a small slap as I turned to walk to the kitchen. I could hear him let out a frustrated sigh and the rustle of sheets being moved to the side. I went into the kitchen, getting out all the necessities to make a pot of coffee. Jace shuffled into the kitchen and I could hear the creak of a chair being pulled out from the bar. I tried my hardest not to turn around and look at his golden face. Jace might have annoyed me, but damn that boy was sexy.

"So, how have you been Fray?" he asked in an awkward conversational tone.

"Fuck off Herondale. You know for a fact that we have more than one class together." I hissed.

"I know, but it takes a good conversation to get to know someone." he said jokingly.

I laughed, "Why would I want to have a conversation with you? The last conversation we had was when you asked to motor boat me in 10th grade."

Jace smiled, "It was a reasonable question." he said with a shrug.

"A reasonable question that got you slapped." I rolled my eyes.

He let out a puff of air that resembled a laugh without humor, "At least it was some kind of contact from you." he mumbled.

I spun around, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Jace sighed, "Just forget it." he said angrily.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the coffee pot, not wanting to continue our conversation. I pulled two mugs out of the cabinets and set one in front of Jace. I poured coffee into both of ours and sat across from him.

"So..." he said awkwardly, sipping his coffee.

"So..." I repeated.

"About last night." he cleared his throat, "Do you know what happened?"

I looked at him over my mug and nodded. "What?" he asked.

"Long story short, we fucked." I said, shrugging nonchalantly.

Jace chocked on his coffee, and set his mug down. "We did?" he asked quietly.

"No, not really. We stayed up all night talking about the Bachelor." I retorted sarcastically, "Of course we did. Why are you so surprised about it?"

"I'm not. I'm just surprised little Virgin Clary would do or say anything like that." he joked, trying to play his reaction off.

"'Little Virgin Clary' doesn't exist anymore." I snapped.

Jace laughed, "Obviously."

"Wait, you said you don't remember last night!" I yelled at him.

He shrugged, "Who could forget that thing you did wi-"

"Okay, okay! Enough! I don't need to relive what I did." I said, throwing my hands up.

Jace opened his mouth, probably to say something stupid, but was cut off by another voice.

"You would not believe the night I h-" Isabelle started as she walked into the kitchen, "Holy shit! What is Jace doing here?"

I bit the inside of my cheek and turned away. This was going to be hard to explain. "Clary, what the fuck is my brother doing in our apartment wearing nothing but boxers and a t-shirt?" Isabelle yelled at me. "And better yet, why the fuck are you only in a sluty tank top and underwear?"

"Iz, it's not what it lo-" Jace started, but I cut him off.

"God Jace! We're not idiots here! We all know what happened!" I yelled, turning back to look at Iz. "I'm sorry Iz. I wasn't planning for this to happen." I said apologetically.

She just glared at me and crossed her arms over her chest. Jace opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off again by another voice.

"Hey Iz, do you know wh-" a tall man with curly brown hair and glasses walked in and was stopped short, "Oh, I uh didn't know that you guys were here."

I looked at him in surprise. "Uh," he cleared his throat and reached his hand out to me, "I'm Simon."

I looked down at his hand then back up at him. He slowly put his hand back to his side and turned to Isabelle. "I should go."

Iz nodded, "Okay. I'll talk to you later?" she asked sweetly.

"Sure, I'll call you." he said with a smile and kissed her cheek.

I watched as he walked out the door, feeling angrier with each step he took. When he was finally gone I turned my attention back to Isabelle, "And you yelled at me for having a guy in my bed!"

"At least that guy wasn't my brother!" she retorted.

"Why the fuck would your brother be in your bed?" I screamed.

She let out a frustrated scream, "God Clary, you know that's not what I meant!" she yelled before stomping to her room and slamming the door.

I sighed and put my head in my hands. I almost forgot that Jace was there until I heard him laugh. "What?" I growled.

"Nothing. I think it's just funny the way you two fight." he said, still laughing.

"How the hell is that still funny?" I snapped.

"It just is." he said nonchalantly.

I took a deep breath and looked up from my hands, "You think everything is funny don't you?"

"Pretty much." he shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him. The last thing I needed was Jace's smartass comebacks.

"How come we didn't hook up in high school?" Jace asked all of a sudden.

"Because you say things like 'hook up.' Only douche bags say that." I explained.

"Huh, I've never had a girl call me a douche before." he said.

I laughed, "Not to your face."

He laughed back, and shook his head, "I should probably get going."

I nodded, "Yeah. I should probably go apologize to Iz again." I said with a sigh.

He gave me a small smile and went to my room to get his clothes on. He came back a few minutes later and we said our awkward good-byes. As soon as the door closed behind him I walked to Isabelle's room and opened the door.

"Iz? Can we talk?" I asked quietly.

"What do you want?" she snapped.

I rolled my eyes, "I just want to apologize for snapping at you earlier. I know it was probably weird to see that."

She laughed, "Weird doesn't even begin to explain that."

"Yeah... I guess." I said, laughing with her.

"Just promise me one thing." she said seriously after a minute of laughing.

"What?" I asked, feeling skeptical.

"Promise me that if you fall for Jace, that you won't keep it from me." she said quietly.

I laughed again, and when I notice she wasn't laughing too I stopped, "Wait, you're not serious are you?" I asked in disbelief.

She nodded, "I am. My brother has had a thing for you since high school."

I could feel my eyes widen at her words. High school? I shook my head, not wanting to hear what she was saying. I sat down on her floor, rubbing my hands up and down my face. "I hope you're talking about Alec, because I know for a fact that Jace has hated me for as long as I could remember." I knew that wasn't true, Alec was gay and had been with his boyfriend, Magnus, for three years.

"Of course I'm not talking about Alec ya dope." she teased.

I groaned in frustration, not wanting to joke about this. I could not and would not fall for Jace, and that was final.

Jace POV

Clary Fray! I had sex with Clary Fray! I groaned as I threw myself on top of my bed. I slept with the one girl I've been chasing after for years. The one girl that I was sure hated me, and didn't swoon over me like every other girl. To be honest, I really didn't know how to feel about it. I mean the sex was great, and she's a gorgeous girl, but I knew for a fact that she hated me.

"Where have you been?" Jordan.

I groaned again, "Can you not? I'm not in the mood to have the talk again."

"Well, maybe if you stopped sleeping with every g-"

"It was Clary." I blurted out, interrupting him.

He gave me a confused look, "Wait? Clary. As in Clarissa Fray? The only girl who didn't drool over you in high school?" he asked in realization.

I sighed, "The one and only." I replied unenthusiastically.

"Holy shit man." was all he said.

"Yeah, I know." I scoffed.

I laid in silence, not wanting to talk about my night anymore than I already had. Eventually, Jordan got the message and left. I was hoping that I would have no more interruptions, but I was never that lucky. My phone buzzed in my back pocket. I ignored it, not wanting to talk to whoever it was. That's when the banging on the front door started. I ignored that too, knowing that Jordan would get it. I was right, and as I heard him open the door, I heard a voice that I wasn't expecting at all.

"Where is he?" she snapped.

Jordan sighed, "Its nice to see you too Iz."

"Fuck off Kyle. Where's my brother?" she fumed.

"He's in his room. But I don't thin-" he stopped mid-sentence.

I could hear Isabelle's heeled shoes click down the hall in the direction of my room. I sighed and closed my eyes, preparing to be yelled at. The door flew open, making a large crack as it hit the wall.

I sat up quickly, "What the hell Iz?"

"I get we were all drunk last night, but I hope you know that Clary's heart is not a force to be reckoned with. Either you leave her alone or you try to get to know her without being a complete ass. Got it?" she yelled, getting straight to the point.

I threw my hands up in surrender, "I'm not that big of an asshole all the time, Iz. I know better than to mess with her heart." I sighed, "Not after what Sebastian did." I added quietly.

Iz glared at me, "And don't you dare bring that fuck face up!" she yelled, pointing at me.

I groaned in frustration, I was doing that a lot today. "God, Iz! I know that! Do you know how much I wanted to punch him after what he did to her? She deserves better than that."

"And you think you of all people could be better for her?" she asked harshly.

"I don't know! We're not the same people anymore Isabelle! I would like to say that I'm better for her, but we all know that's a fucking lie!"

Iz looked at me in surprise, "Do you... Jace do you love her?"

"Iz, I don't k-" she cut me off.

"Don't you dare lie to me Jonathan Christopher Herondale! Do you lover her Jace?" she yelled.

I stared at her in surprise, no one ever called me by my full name. But she was right, "Yes." I admitted quietly.

She looked at me, mouth gaping open and eyes wide. I looked down at my feet, not knowing what else to say. She didn't say anything else either and before I knew it her heels were clicking down the hall and the front door was closed behind her.

Never in my life did I think I would admit that I loved Clary. Let alone admit it to my sister, who was her best friend. Though that was the least of my worries. What I was most worried about was actually winning Clary over. She would never, not in a million years, fall for a douche like me. And I don't know if I would want her to fall for me. I'm not and never will be good enough for her.