AN: This is the last chapter! Thank you so much for all of the reviews, follows and favorites. I was really nervous about posting my first multi chapter fic and I'm so many of you seemed to enjoy it. I have a few more ideas for more stories, but I haven't started anything yet. I am also thinking about getting a beta for future stories so if any of you are betas or know of anyone who can, please let me know!

The link to the dress that inspired Rose's is in my profile page.


"That is my name, Rose," the Doctor said softly. "I will not leave you. You can announce my name and sentence me to death or you can keep it close to your heart, as you will be the only one who will ever know it, and marry me. The choice is yours, my love."

As the sun rose over the kingdom, the citizens slowly began to wander out of their homes to the town square. Once there, they waited nervously for their princess to arrive. The longer they stood around waiting, the more they whispered about the Doctor. Did the princess find out his name? Had anyone gone to the castle with information? Would this mysterious Doctor be the man that would, in time, become their King?

Meanwhile, Rose stood in her room, deep in thought. She hardly paid attention as her maids dressed her and styled her golden hair that morning. Once she was presentable, the maids quickly left, sensing the princess's desire to be alone. Rose didn't know what to do. For the first time since she became of age to be married, she was unsure of what she wanted. She was still so frightened after her experience with Prince James and she didn't know if she would be able to give herself fully to the Doctor and marry him. But she couldn't bear the thought of standing by while she watched him lose his life because of her. She couldn't bear to see his kind, gentle eyes turn lifeless when the executioner killed him.

Rose's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door and her mother coming in moments later.

"Rose, are you ready?" Queen Jacqueline asked.

"Yes, mother, let's get this over with."

Queen Jacqueline looked over at her daughter worriedly. "Rose, I hope you make the right choice. I know you think I just want you to marry for the huge wedding and so I can have grandchildren but I just want you to be happy."

"Mum, I don't need to marry someone to be happy," Rose protested.

"I know that, love. But I see the way he looks at you. The Doctor adores you. And you hide your affection for him well, but I know you. You love him too. He can make you so much happier, Rose, if you just let that man love you the way you deserve." Jacqueline told her daughter honestly.

Rose didn't respond and merely looked away. After a few moments Rose replied, "Let's go. I'm sure everyone is anxious to know the Doctor's fate."

Jackie looked at her daughter nervously but Rose was already walking out the door. Rose had made her decision.

Princess Rose and her mother met up with her father before the small family made their way to the town square together.

The King and Queen stayed back while Rose approached the platform where the Doctor was waiting with Sarah Jane and Martha. Once Rose came into view, the Doctor inhaled sharply. She looked stunning in her golden dress that was heavily jeweled and hugged her body tightly. As she walked forward, one of her impossibly long legs was exposed by the slit in her dress that reached the top of her thigh. The Doctor couldn't help but stare in awe at the golden goddess that stood before him.

Rose stood next to the Doctor, but did not look at him. Instead, she addresses the people, who were staring at her anxiously. "According to our deal, I needed to find out the Doctor's name before sunrise to end our engagement. And I have done so. I know his name."

At these words, the town looked at her with dread. They had hoped this man would be the one to bring back the warmth in the princess that they had not seen in so long. Sarah Jane and Martha both bowed their heads, tears streaming down their faces. The Doctor simply stared at the woman before him, hurt filling his eyes.

"It is…" Rose trailed off, taking in a shaky breath before continuing, "love. Whenever I see this man the first thought that comes to my mind is love, my love. And I will marry the Doctor, the man I love. The man who made me better."

At this the crowd cheered, rejoicing at the young princess's confession. Martha and Sarah Jane hugged each other happily. Rose turned nervously towards the Doctor, whose teary eyes were filled with adoration and love. He quickly pulled her to him, embracing her tightly, before lifting her up and spinning her around. At this, Rose let out a warm laugh and the crowd cheered even louder. They knew that from now on, that Princess Rose would be the warm, compassionate princess they used to know.

The Doctor loosened his grip on Rose's waist and pulled back to stare at her. She was glowing, basking in the love and happiness she had not felt in so long. Cupping the Doctor's cheek, she whispered, "Doctor, my love, I'm so sorry for being so cold. I'm so sorry for pushing you away."

"Oh, my Rose, I forgive you. You were frightened. And I promise you; as long as I live you will never feel so afraid or sad again."

Rose beamed at him, her tongue poking out between her teeth. "I love you," she told him softly.

"Quite right to," The Doctor teased.

Rose smacked him lightly on the chest before pulling him in for a passionate kiss. As they deepened the kiss, they soon forgot about the crowd that was watching them. Once that became apparent, Sarah Jane coughed politely and both of them flushed deeply as they pulled away.

The next few hours passed by quickly for the couple, as they were whisked away into an impromptu party to celebrate their engagement. Rose barely paid attention as her mother went on about wedding arrangements, preoccupied by the man by her side.

Her eyes met his and he grinned happily at her. They both glanced over at her parents and their friends, all going on excitedly about the wedding, before the Doctor grabbed her hand and whispered, "Run!"

Six months later:

Princess Rose stood at her balcony staring up at the stars, reflecting on how much her life had changed in the past 6 months. The demeanor of the young princess had gone from cold and heartless to warm and kind since the Doctor entered her life. Since then, the past months had been exhausting, planning the wedding and getting to know her future husband. The more she had gotten to know the Doctor, the deeper she fell in love with him. And whenever he looked at her, he knew she felt the same way. He stood by her side while she publicly apologized to the families of the suitors that had died trying to win her hand. He held her hand tightly as she explained why she had been so against marriage and why she hated men. It was one of the hardest things she had done, explaining to the citizens of the small kingdom what had with Prince James, without going into too much detail. She was grateful of the support her people gave to her after her explanation.

Rose was pulled from her thoughts by a pair of warm arms wrapping themselves around her waist. She leaned against the familiar chest behind her and sighed happily. The Doctor made a pleased noise in the back of his throat as Rose relaxed against him.

"We're getting married tomorrow," he whispered into her ear, and she shivered.

"Yes, my love," She said happily and turned in his arms to face him. "And it is my understanding that the bride is not supposed to see her groom the night before her wedding," She teased giving him the tongue in teeth smile that never failed to speed up his heartbeat.

"But Rose." The Doctor whined, "I missed you. I haven't seen you since this morning, after Jackie whisked you away from our lovely breakfast for last minute arrangements."

"What is it, Doctor? Can you not last one night without sneaking into my room?" Rose said cheekily.

"Well, I do love falling asleep and waking up with you in my arms," The Doctor replied, smiling softly at her.

"And I love waking up in your arms," Rose countered. "But tonight, we shall sleep in separate bedrooms."

Rose, seeing the Doctor's pout, laughed and pressed a kiss to his mouth, which he returned enthusiastically.

Before he could deepen the kiss any more, Rose pulled away. "Well, out with you, Doctor. We have a big day tomorrow and we must get some sleep."

The Doctor frowned and muttered, "I'm not going to get much sleep without you next to me, Rose."

"It's only for one night and then I'm all yours," Rose said grinning widely, and the Doctor's smile matched hers.

"I'm looking forward to that, my love," he said huskily and Rose flushed.

"You really must go now, Doctor," Rose said softly, pressing one more kiss to his lips.

"I know, my Rose," he responded sadly, and turned to leave her room.

Before he could leave, Rose called out to him. "Doctor!"

"Yes, love?"

"How long are you gonna stay with me?" She asked, and the Doctor could see a flash of insecurity in her eyes. He walked back over to Rose to give her one last embrace before pulling back to respond.

"Forever," he vowed.