AN: This is based off of the opera, Turandot. Everyone is human. I know this chapter is short, but I will try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can.

The Doctor had finally done it. He had finally escaped from his rigid family that ruled over the kingdom of Gallifrey. He had always thought about leaving, about running away, but could never bring himself to abandon his duties as prince. However, when his family attempted to set him up the ambitious Reinette, he knew he had to leave. Yes, Reinette would make a great queen of Gallifrey, because that was the only thing she wanted. She wanted power and the Doctor knew he could never learn to love her.

So the night his parents announced their intentions for him to marry the courtesan, he snuck out of the palace on his beloved horse, who he named Tardis, and rode into the night. It was just approaching dawn when he reached the outside of the kingdom that he recognized from his rigid studies as Vitex. Entering the gates, he was surprised by the emptiness of the streets. He was beginning to become worried that something was wrong, when he heard the noises of people coming from further into the kingdom.

The Doctor followed the noise to the crowd that appeared to be gathered in the large kingdom square. He wandered into the crowd, trying to get a better view of what was occurring.

"What's going on?" He asked the woman beside him, looking towards the large platform ahead of him, where a man with his arms tied behind his back stood.

"Prince Michael has failed. He is about to be beheaded," the woman said, looking up at the man, Michael, with tears in her eyes, "He's the fifth man who has been beheaded!"

"What? What has he failed? And how could it be that bad that he must be beheaded?" The Doctor replied, horrified.

"Oh, dear, are you not from around here?" The woman replied kindly. At the Doctor's nod she continued, "I'm Sarah Jane."

"I'm the Doctor."

Sarah Jane looked at him curiously, as if she wanted to ask him about his name, but resisted. Instead, she said "Here in Vitex it has been declared by royal decree that any man who wishes to wed Princess Rose must answer her three riddles. If he fails, he will be beheaded."

"Beheaded! I can hardly believe anyone, princess or not, would be worth losing their head over," The Doctor said in disbelief.

"Love, you obviously have not seen the princess yet. Many say that one glance at the princess and her beauty causes any man to lose his head anyway, by the love he feels for her. Frankly, I'm surprised there aren't more men who insist on answering the riddles."

Before the Doctor could reply, the procession of trumpets began to play, signalling the arrival of the royal family. First, the king and queen came forth. The king, a ginger, the Doctor jealously noted, came forward to the platform, with the queen by his side. The queen was dressed in an ornate pink dress that was adorned with jewels.

"That's King Peter and Queen Jacqueline," Sarah Jane whispered to the Doctor, and the cheering crowd fell silent.

For walking up to the platform to stand beside the King and Queen, was the princess. The crowd stayed silent for a few moments just to stare. The girl was blonde, with a silver tiara placed upon her head. Her dress, a light blue one, was elegant and much more simple than her mother's, but not certainly plain. The Doctor could do nothing but stare along with the crowd, captivated by her. She was beautiful, but that was not what drew him in. No, he was captivated by her eyes. They were hazel, ones that if anyone else's, the Doctor suspected, would be warm and inviting. But such was not the case with Princess Rose. Her eyes were empty, almost cold. But still, they were what intrigued him and he wanted to know what had happened to her that would cause her eyes to be so empty and unfeeling. Instantly, he knew that he was enamored. He knew that he too, had as good as lost his head like the other suitors. Because he wanted her and he would do anything for her.

The Doctor was shaken from his thoughts by the king, who announced, "Citizens, we have gathered here today to witness the execution of Michael Smith. I know many of you protest another death like this but, unfortunately, he knew full well that this would be his fate should he not answer Princess Rose's riddles. And now he must honor his deal with the princess. We must execute him."

Suddenly, a girl behind the Doctor, rushed forward, crying out. Sarah Jane grabbed her before she could go any further and pulled her back.

"Martha, I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do for him now," Sarah Jane told the younger girl.

"But Sarah Jane, this should have never happened! I warned him not to ring the bell to accept the riddles and try to marry her! But he wouldn't listen," Martha sobbed.

Martha let out a loud cry as Prince Michael was beheaded and the rest of the crowd cried out with her.

"Shh, it's going to be alright," the Doctor told the girl, who looked up at him, noticing him for the first time.

"Do you really think so?" the girl whispered, staring up at him.

"Of course," The Doctor replied, smiling, his grin broadening when he saw her small smile, "No other man will die by the hands of this decree!"

"Doctor, how do you know that?" Sarah Jane asked, even though she already suspected she knew the answer. She had seen the look in his eyes when he saw Princess Rose for the first time. It was the look the all of the other suitors, including Mickey had.

"I have the perfect solution!" the Doctor said, excitedly, "I shall answer the three riddles and marry Princess Rose!"