Just as a wave of relief washed over Ike, a sudden jolt of Warner's and fright struck him. "Where's Ghirahim?!" he asked, cautiously looking around.

Link pointed to the fragments of Demise's shattered sword, which were slowly vanishing into black, worthless dust. "I think he's there..."

"He must be connected to Demise in some way..." Marth commented. "I don't know how... All I know is, he's probably gone for good."

Ike and Link nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, after many days of running, shedding tears, and fighting, they were finally released from their tortuous prison of fate. Finally, they could enjoy life on the Surface with fewer worries. Their wish to stay in the world with a free, clear sky and bright sun was granted.

But, what if Demise returned? What if Medeus was strangely revived and reawakened by a mysterious force, without the need of the Prince's Spirit? That meant that peace on the Surface would remain until Marth and Ike passed away. Their souls were simply reborn, thus beginning the inevitable cycle again.

Ike's eyes widened in confusion and surprise when his piece of the Triforce began to shimmer brightly, along with Marth's pans Link's piece. What was happening? Did it sense incoming danger? Was Demise nor defeated after all? Was he trying to talk to them, vowing to return?

"Link, what's happening?" Ike uneasily asked.

"I don't know." Link answered. "This never happened before!"

Zelda and the rest of Ike's friends suddenly rushed into the temple. "Link! Where is Demise?!"

Link looked at Zelda with a reassuring shine in his eyes. "He's gone." His calm expression slowly fell and turned into a worried look. "Princess Zelda, what's happening? The Triforce, it's shining for a strange reason!"

Zelda looked at the back of her left hand and noticed the Triforce of Wisdom glowing brightly, as if it wanted to tell her something. "I think the Triforce wants to be united." she replied.

As soon as when Zelda said those words, all of the pieces of the Triforce shimmered brighter. Their light was so blinding, Ike, Marth, and Link had to squint their eyes to protect their sight.

"It's getting brighter!" Marth cried out.

Ike noticed the rest of his friends watching the scene play out, not knowing what to do about the situation. "Everyone, look away!" he yelled, just as gold light engulfed him, Marth, Link, and Zelda.

In a quick response, Samus immediately buried her eyes into her hands. Fox and Falco shut their eyes and hurriedly got down on the floor, taking cover. Roy and Elwiood protectively embraced each other and buried their faces into each other's shoulder. pit, who was next to the two redheads, shielded them with his wings and buried his face into his hands. It was either look into the light and never see again, or quickly look away!

In a split second, gold light completely engulfed the room. It shot out of the doorway, taking the impression of a large, powerful beam of light splitting through the dark wasteland. The surviving soldiers looked at the spectacular sight in awe.

After a few moments, the light finally died down. Ike and his friends, who were still remaining in the temple, dazedly looked around, confused. Listening to his friends mumble to each other, Ike took at the back of his left hand and jumped. His Triforce flickered weakly and dimly before vanishing completely.

"My piece! It vanished!" Ike gasped.

"Same here!" Marth replied in shock. "What happened to it."

Link suddenly looked up at the altar. "Look!" he exclaimed, pointing at the altar.

Floating above the altar was the entire Triforce itself. Its three pieces finally united after countless centuries, it shone its majestic, gold light proudly at the stunned mortals and chased away the shadows, which cowered in the corners, unable to fight back.

"I assume that the Triforce sensed Demise's and Medeus's presence here." Zelda spoke. "It must have the power to seal both Demise and Medeus away for good."

"Permanently?" Link questioned in hope.

"I'm not sure." Pit answered. "Maybe, not. The ancient magicians of the angels had quite mysterious powers. I need to ask Lady Palutena about it..."

"All I know is, even if our souls are reincarnated," Ike started. "Demise nor Medeus won't return for a while!"

There was an awkward moment of silence; Ike and his friends let the unbelievable statement hang in their thoughts for a moment. Finally, Marth spoke.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" he asked with a wide smile. "Let's return to Castle Town and celebrate!"

With a loud, joyful cheer, the gang began to exit the Dragon's Table, knowing that they successfully won the war against Demise. As he followed Link and Marth, Ike turned around and took one last glance at the Triforce, before stepping out of the structure.

When the surviving soldiers began their trip back to Hyrule, it began to rain violently. Large droplets of cold water plunged from the sky and fell on the weary travelers. Yet, they did not feel upset, angry, or disappointed. They felt free, as the rain represented their liberation.

With Demise gone, Ike and his Hollowian friends were free to stay on the Surface with Link and his family. Once when they finally arrived to Castle Town, a large celebration was held for days, lasting nearly for a week. It was a fantastic party with large, mouthwatering feasts and endless dances.

What about Bowser? After being interrogated repeatedly by the police, he finally admitted to his wrongdoings. He was stripped of his power; another responsible man with a larger heart took his role in the power company. After a few days, Bowser vanished, never to be seen again. What happened to him? Some say that he and his henchman fled. Others say that he took on another identity so he could start another life anew. However, there was one thing that nearly everyone agreed one; he was definitely up to no good.

Most of the Hollowians that traveled to the Surface enjoyed their experienced. Wanting to set a permanent life on the Surface, they returned to Hollow to gather their belongings and loved ones. However, not everyone could live in Hyrule Castle Town. The tiny kingdom only had so much space.

Because they gained fame for being the saviors of the world, Ike, Marth, and the rest of their Hollowian allies decided to found a kingdom neighboring Hyrule, so they could visit Link and his family when they had the chance. Instead of having just one king however, Ike and Marth decided to work side by side together, supported not by each other, but their closest friends.

Yes, Hollow still had people residing in its underground caves and tunnels. Yet, it did change. It was no longer a world without a sky, but a world with a new beginningabove.

Author's Notes: Welp, here's the final chapter!

Well, I'm glad that this fanfic is finished, so I can get started on the next one! To be honest, I kinda feel that I rushed on this fanfic. I mean, I could've done better on some parts, right? Hopefully, you guys enjoyed it! And no, I don't think this story needs a sequel, sorry guys! *gets hit in the face with a cream pie*

I'm going to upload the first chapter of my next fanfic tomorrow. The fanfic is called "A Basket of Fruits". Just a heads up, contray to the title, it is NOT going to be one of the happiest stories ever. So check it out if you want to!

Story Questions:

What is your favorite part of the story? Your least favorite part?

Would you rather live in the Surface, or Hollow?