Ike had never heard of the sky. Ever since the moment when he was born, he had been living in an underground city with his best friend Marth. The two bluenettes worked for Bowser's power company. Bowser treated his workers like lifeless items. If they could, Ike and Marth would've quit their current job and look for a better job. Sadly, working in the power company was the only job they could have.

On one fateful day, Ike and Marth discovered Link, a male with pointy ears used as an infinite energy source by Bowser. The poor blond was nearly mentally broken by the company's heartless action. Aided with Samus and their newly-found friends Roy, Fox, and Falco, Ike and Marth planned to flee their home and bring him back to his homeland, a mysterious land that towers above all of the underground cities. They despised Bowser, his selfish and greedy actions, and loyal minions.

After many tiring days of traveling through treacherous tunnels inhabited by the unknown dangers and temporary defeat Bowser's men, Ike and his companions finally made it to Link's world. When he walked out of the dark tunnel onto its land with Marth, Ike was bewildered at his new surroundings. The bright sunlight lightened up the place, making it seem cheerful and lively. The wind gently blew in his face, relieving him of his exhaustion.

"This is a nice place isn't it, Marth?" Ike asked his best friend, looking up at the endless sky.

"Yeah!" Marth answered with a soft smile as he watched the puffy clouds roll through the sky. "I feel much happier for some reason!"

Ike and Marth heard Roy laugh out loud and quickly looked down. Their smiles widened as they watched Fox and Falco chase the beaming Link and Roy in a small game of tag. Color returned to Link's deathly pale face as he inhaled fresh, clean air. His blond hair shimmered and his azure eyes twinkled with happiness as he hastily ran around with Falco hot on his trail.

Samus went by Ike's and Marth's side. "It's nice to see Link free to do what he wants." She said with a calm smile.

"Yes." Ike answered. "He really missed his homeland."

Suddenly, Ike's throat began to tickle crazily. He began to cough up filthy black smoke. In fright, he quickly backed away and cringed. He must have coughed up dirty air from the cities! How was he still alive? No wonder why Link had difficulty breathing!

"Eww!" Marth exclaimed.

"S-Sorry." Ike apologized as he swallowed some spit.

"It's alright." Marth replied. "The black smoke just scared me."

"Yeah…" Ike responded. "Now that I just saw that, how were we able to breathe and live in the city?"

"It probably has something to do with evolution and adaptation." Samus spoke.

"Maybe." Ike said. "That explains why Link couldn't breathe." After being tagged by Falco, Link scuttled back to Ike. He had a smile on his face, yet his worried eyes were not smiling with his grin. "What's wrong, Link?" Link's lips moved, however Ike could only hear a soft mumble. "Did you lose your voice again?"

"N-No." Link quietly answered. While held captive by the power company, Bowser ordered his men to surgically remove Link's vocal cords so he could not protest. "I would like to thank you and your friends for returning me home."

"Is your home around this area?" Marth asked.

Link uneasily glanced around his sunny surroundings. "I don't recognize this area." he softly whispered. A startled chill shot up his spine as he tried to stay calm. "H-Hold on!" he said as he rushed towards the forest.

Ike and the others hurried after Link. "Link! Where are you going?!" Ike asked, a bit startled. "Link?"

Link ignored Ike for a second. Upon reaching the edge of the forest, he climbed up the tallest tree with all of his renewed strength. Once when he reached the top, he nervously glanced around his surroundings. His azure eyes widened in frightening realization. The only things he saw were tuffs of greaves perking from the ground and the stretching sky.

"I don't know where I am." Link softly whispered to himself, the wind blowing against his blond hair.

He carefully climbed down the tree and reunited with his friends. All of them had a worried look on their faces. Why did Link decided to run off suddenly? Did he know how to get back to his home?

"Everyone, I'm sorry." Link uneasily apologized, looking down at the grass with a sad look. "I... I don't know how to get back home. I... I don't recognize this area."

"It's alright, Link!" Samus replied, nodding her head. "We'll guide you back to your home!"

"But... None of you have been here!" Link replied. He began to pace around. "Besides, all of you must be very tired and really want to go back home... I think I can find my way back by myself!"

"Link, you can't!" Fox warned sternly. He pointed up to the sky. The blazing sun was slowly sinking below the trees, turning the sky into a fruity, orange color. "Night is slowly setting in. In the nighttime, dangerous Pokemon will come out!"

"I can defend himself!" Link pointed to his sword, which had an indigo hilt and a flaming blade.

"Then what if you get injured?" Falco asked. "Who would help you?"

"We want to make sure that you'll reunite safely with your friends and family." Ike said bluntly.

Link looked down in guilt. His friends were right... But he did not want to burden them. "All of you are right." he admitted. "But, I don't want to be a burden! Also, I don't want any of you to get hurt too!"

"Hey, that's what friends are for!" Marth replied with a smile.

"We'll be careful." Samus added. "Also, if anything happens, Roy can fix it, right?"

"Yes!" Roy answered cheerfully.

Link nodded in understanding. "Thank you, everyone. Shall we begin our journey?"

"Yes, let's get started!" Ike said.

With that sentence, Fox and Falco began to guide their friends into the forest. However, as soon as his foot stepped into the forest, Ike suddenly felt lightheaded. With a groan, he clutched his head, waiting for the headache to vanish. Marth quickly stopped and worriedly looked at his best friend.

"Hey Ike, what's wrong?" Marth asked, setting a gentle hand on Ike's shoulder.

"I suddenly got this headache..." Ike groaned, gnashing his teeth in pain. "Urk..."

Marth gave Ike a pat on the back. "Don't worry? You must be hungry and tired!"

As soon as Marth said his sentence, Ike's headache suddenly vanished. The hammer that smashed the insides of his head turned into a light pulse and then nothing.

"That's strange..." Ike said, blinking. "It disappeared..."

"That's good!" Marth smiled at his friend.

"Hey guys! What's keeping you up?" Samus called. "It's getting dark! We need to try to find our way out of the forest as soon as possible!"

"Alright! We're coming!" Ike and Marth hurried after their friends, ready to start their adventure.

Meanwhile, Bowser grouchy sat in his office. The entire office was dark, as he wanted to sulk in the darkness. The only source of light was the tiny lamplight that sat on his desk. After learning that Ike and his friends managed to flee with the precious energy source, he was less than happy. He was ENRAGED. Great, now his men had to chase after them. The problem was, Ike and his friends could be ANYWHERE in the upper world. It would take DAYS for his men to find them, if they could learn where they were. Bowser was annoyed by this fact, as he greatly loathed waiting.

With all of his heart, Bowser wished that there was a quicker way to find the pointed-earned boy. He wished that one of the boy's enemies would suddenly appear and offer to retrieve the boy, that is, if the boy had enemies.

Just as he thought of that, his wish was mysteriously granted.

"My, you seem upset." a voice in the darkness suddenly spoke.

Bowser jumped at the voice as he recognized it. "Is... Is that you?"

"Yes, it is me, Bowser." the voice answered. "I've learned what happened recently. Your beloved energy source was stolen, am I right?"

"Yes, by Ike and his friends." Bowser growled in annoyance. "My men are planning to the surface to look for them now but... They currently don't know where had Ike and his partners had run off to."

"I do. Hadn't you forgotten? I come from the surface itself. I know where everything and everyone is. Including where the boy lives."


"Yes, I do. Do you not remember? I was the one who informed you and your men about the boy's secret powers and his home."

"Oh yeah!"

"I have a great plan. I will go to the surface and try to find the boy's current location while you arrange your men. Once when I return with information, your men shall set off to their journey to recapture the boy. Is that a well plan?"

"That's an excellent plan! I think it'll work! Should we begin now?"

"Yes, we shall." With that sentence, the voice vanished into bright, sparkling rays of diamonds.

Author's Notes: IT'S FINALLY HERE!

Welp, here's the sequel everyone(?) has been waiting for! When Hollow was finished about a year ago, everyone was like "Please! We want the sequel!" Just a heads up, this story might be a bit short. It might range around 10-15 chapters.

Also, I opened a poll asking which fanfic should I start next. I'm going to allow voters to vote for 3 choices. After a while , I'll delete the choices with the least amount of votes and maybe reopen the poll with the remaining choices. (Man, that was worded strangely!) I kinda want this to fair for everyone. (I know, it does sound annoying.)

I don't really know what questions to ask for now so, I'll just wait and see what you guys have to say about the first chapter!

PS: I DO NOT own Super Smash Bros.