Hello there my lovely readers and awesome Elejah shippers. I have returned, finally. Thank you to those who posted reviews of encouragement during this stories hiatus. It helped greatly!

I tried writing this chapter many times over the past months since my last chapter, but each one ended up being more awful than the last. But finally, after accidentally staying up all night last night reading Elejah fics, I finally got the inspiration I have needed to write this chapter. I gotta say, it was a lot of fun writing this, and it kinda wrote it self. Oh and I also wrote it on my tablet, so if there are any just horrible blatantly obvious typos (did I mention this is un-beta'd?) that might be why. It's not perfect, but I'm happy with it.

Oh and I really like sexy dominant Elijah, so that's how I'm going to write him (occasionally) from now on. Part of this next chapter was very loosely inspired by a particular scene from the movie "The Astronaut's Wife". With Johnny Depp and Charlize Theron. If you've seen this movie you'll know what I'm talking about. And also maybe a bit of the book "Gabriel's Inferno". Still keeping it relatively "T" rated... for now. ;-)

"This salmon is divine." Andie Starr exclaimed placing her knife and fork down after finishing the last bite of her fish.

It was the night of the dinner party, and the dining room was rife with tension, and meaningless small talk.

"Thanks," Jenna replied sheepishly and looked over at Alaric. "Although Ric deserves most of the credit. He prepared the majority of the meal. I just 'assisted'."

"What do you think Damon?" Andie said, flashing her super bright smile at him.

Damon cleared his throat. "Well, I don't know about you all, but I'm a lot more curious to hear what Elijah and Elena have to say for themselves. Whatcha two been doing? Shackin' up?" He pried.

Elijah sighed and Elena rolled her eyes.

"Well Mr. Salvatore, all you need to know is Elena is safe while she is with me. I have no intention to harm her, or to put her in harm's way." Elijah said, smoothing the napkin on his lap.

"And quite frankly Damon, the rest is none of your business." Elena snapped.

Damon just glared at her.

Stefan took a drink of his wine and spoke up. "I think what my brother is somewhat tactlessly asking you is about what your intentions are for Elena. We are just concerned for her welfare."

Elena scoffed. "Umm excuse me, 'Intentions'? What are you my father now?"

"Yeah, and you're grounded for a month little missy." Damon sneered.

Andie tapped Damon on the arm. "Come on now, don't be so rude." She looked over at Jenna. "Fabulous choice on the wine, it really pairs well with the salmon." She commented, trying to redirect the focus off of Elijah and Elena.

"Yes, it's a delightful Chardonnay. If my palate is correct, it's a 2000 Beaulieu Vineyard Carneros, no?" Elijah observed, taking another sip. "It's elegant yet structured, and hits all the right notes.

Andie and Jenna both gasped in amazement.

"Yes, that's exactly right, how did you know?" Jenna asked with delight.

"Well I fancy myself a bit of a wine connoisseur, and spent quite some time down in California, and parts of Europe developing my palate for exquisite wines." Elijah explained smoothly.

"So exactly how long is 'quite a long time'?" the Elder Salvatore asked snidely, obviously trying to ruffle Elijah's feathers.

Andie tapped Damon on the arm a bit harder. "That's enough."

"The only reason we agreed to attend this dinner was to make it quite clear that Elena was choosing to stay with me for safe keeping of her own free will." Elijah explained. "I have not compelled her nor have I manipulated her in any way. As long as she is with me, I give you my word she will remain unharmed."

"Well what happens when your big brother Klaus comes along to collect the doppelganger?" Damon demanded.

"First off, Klaus is my younger brother. Secondly, I have a plan on how to keep Elena safe during the sacrifice." Elijah continued, voice still calm.

"What exactly do you have planned, Elijah, if you don't mind me asking?" Stefan asked.

"At this time it is not in Elena's best interest to disclose the details. All you need to know is Elena is consenting to this." Elijah answered. "At this point, I will no longer be answering any further questions regarding Elena or the sacrifice. Should your assistance be necessary, you will be contacted immediately. Until then, it is on a need to know basis.

"And guess what Damon? You don't need to know!" Elena exclaimed with a laugh.

Elena could see Damon sitting and stewing in his thoughts, becoming angrier by the moment. Maybe she had gone to far?

Then an uncomfortable silence fell upon the room, and then the silence became tense silence. So finally Alaric placed his utensils down on his plate and stood up. "Perhaps the gentlemen could retire to the living room for a digestif?"

Jenna smiled at him somewhat nervously. "Yes, and us ladies will clear and set up for dessert."

Elena got up from the table and walked towards the small hallway which lead to the kitchen. Next thing she knew Elijah had her pinned against near the front stairwell, well out of eye sight and vampire earshot. He brushed his lips up against the outside of her ear.

"As much fun as I know you're having, let's try not to encourage Damon's boorish behavior, shall we?" He whispered. "You look absolutely ravishing tonight by the way." He breathed ghosting his hand up her thigh and raising the hem of her dress just a bit to expose the lacy tops of her sheer black stockings and garter belt, while kissing her behind her ear, knowing it drove her crazy.

She let out a soft moan at the contact, and was aching for more.

"You made it very hard for me to pay attention to the other guests during dinner. But then you did that on purpose, didn't you?

Elena gave him a sly smile.

"Minx." He teased. "You'll pay for that later."

For the evening Elena had chosen a simple, yet sexy classic little (but not too little) black dress, which she paired with her classic black designer pumps Caroline had practically made her buy last year. They had been sitting in her closet since then collecting dust, as a simple jeans and a tee girl like her rarely wore such extravagant footwear. However she was to be on Elijah's arm, so she had to look good, even if it was just to a simple dinner party at the Salvatores. Plus she kinda wanted to see if she could get a reaction out of the always stoic Original vampire. And she had succeeded, with flying colors. For little did she know, Elijah loved a woman in designer heels. He gulped slightly and watched as she confidently strolled out of her front door, kissed him casually and lightly on the lips. Then she strode past him, teasingly sliding her hand along his belt, and walked towards his black SUV in the driveway.

However all the sexiness and teasing was hidden away as soon as they stepped across the threshold of the Salvatore Boarding House.

"Elijah are you going to join us?" he heard Alaric call from the living room.

"To be continued." The original whispered pulling her in for a quick kiss, and then he made his way towards the living room to join the other men.

The Brunette tried to regain her composure and then walked into the kitchen and Jenna turned from the sink where she was washing dishes, and stared at her straight in the eyes.

"Ok I know I'm supposed to be the 'cool aunt', but don't you think he's a bit old for you?"

Elena had to stifle a giggle. Oh Jenna if you only knew... Stefan and Damon haven't been my age in quite sometime as well. And that's putting it mildly...

"Look Jenna, I know you're trying to look out for me and be all guardian-y, but he's a good guy. Give him a chance." Elena looked in her aunts eyes, hoping she'd remember what it's like to be 17.

"I mean, c'mon Elena, the man is old enough to be your teacher. Actually he's older than your teacher. He's like 8 years older than Ric, and I for that matter." Jenna exclaimed.

"So he should be just at my maturity level then." Elena replied with a laugh.

"I'm serious Elena, what would your mother say?"

Before Elena could answer Andie walked into the room with her trademark smile. "So, how can I help out? How about I dry?" She asked, and before anyone could answer, she picked up a dish towel and began drying pots and pans, not at all sensing the tense atmosphere between the aunt and niece.

Jenna looked at Elena, not impressed. "This is so not over." She whispered loud enough for only Elena to hear.

"Ok fine." Elena whispered back, and then busied herself with loading the dinner plates and cutlery into the dishwasher.

Andie searched around the kitchen, looking for where to put her dishes. She stopped suddenly. "That Elijah, he's just so charming. I just wish I could hear more of his stories. I'm sure he'd have so many tales to tell, a worldly gentleman like him. Men like him are really hard to find."

"They sure are." Jenna agreed with a sigh.

"What's wrong? I thought you and Alaric were doing great." The other woman asked, picking up a frying pan and drying it off.

Jenna took her hands and the dish rag out of the water and wrung it out and cleaned the soiled counter tops. "I thought we were, but I get the feeling that there are things he's not telling me."

Andie let out a contented sigh. "That's why I'm so glad Damon is open and honest with me. There's no secrets."

Elena rolled her eyes. The poor woman had no clue Damon was just using her. Heck he had probably compelled her on how to "behave" tonight.

But before she could say anything to Andie disproving her comments, She heard a ruckus coming from the living room and dashed in to find Elijah on the carpet, with Alaric over him, holding the dagger with the white oak ash.

Elijah had his hand over Alaric's and had turned his hand so the stake was pointing up and about to plunge into Alaric's chest, straight through his human heart. Damon and Stefan had been tossed to either side of the room and were quickly gathering themselves together, then ran to help save Alaric from another painful, yet temporary, death.

"Elijah please stop!" Elena cried.

The Original looked up, and tossed the high school teacher off of him.

He got up quickly and wiped off his suit and looked around the room menacingly, and then at Elena.

"No, Elena I have had enough. I have made allowances because you obviously care for these... children. But this is their second, albeit pathetic, attempt on my life. I cannot, and will not allow them to live." Elijah said sternly, the warmth from his eyes disappearing, leading way to the cold and ruthlessness his siblings were known for.

Elena slowly approached him, looking into his eyes tenderly, hoping to find in him the Elijah she knew and cared for. "Please. Spare them. Then we can leave here right now, I'll go away with you like you originally planned. We'll leave Mystic Falls entirely. Start fresh."

Then she turned an angry eye to Damon and Stefan who were about to protest, "And you two will not interfere, for I'm not sure I'll be able to or want to convince Elijah to spare you next time." She said firmly, in a voice similar to one used on misbehaving children. If they were going to act the part, they were going to get what they deserved. "Do I make myself clear?"

Damon went to speak, but Elena cut him off before he let a single syllable out. "Do I make myself clear?" She repeated.

But Damon couldn't leave well enough alone. He went to go grab Elena, but with vampire speed Elijah had cut him off before he had a chance to pounce.

Then the Salvatore, in a last ditch effort, wrapped one hand around the front of the elder vampires neck and tried to strangle him, but to no effect.

Elijah effortlessly pulled Damon's hand from his neck, and in a split second grabbed a pencil lying on a table within arms reach and stabbed the younger vampires neck. Then the Original grasped the front of Damon's dress shirt and lifted him off the ground slightly. "I'm an original. Show a little respect." Elijah glowered at the sniveling vampire and then easily tossed him on the floor like he was trash.

Damon clenched his teeth as he pulled the pencil out of his neck and tossed it across the room, glaring daggers at the Original.

Andie ran into the room and gasped when she saw Damon lying on the floor, blood trickling from the stab wound on his neck. She knelt down beside him, stroking his head tenderly, and carefully dabbed the dish towel she still had in her hand on his injury. "Are you ok?" Andie asked, sounding confused, scared, and concerned all at the same time.

Elena shook her head. Damon had pulled such a head trick on the poor woman with his continuous compulsion that she was totally lost.

Damon just looked into the TV reporters eyes, and once again compelled her. "Nothing happened, I'm just fine. Now go back in the kitchen and get back to those dishes." With that he dismissed her. Then he got up off the floor.

Elena walked over to Elijah and grabbed his hand and looked up in his eyes. There she saw the warmth had returned to his eyes. "Let's go." She said softly, and the two walked out of the house, and left the Salvatore Boarding house for what she hoped was the last time.


(And yessss Part 2 is coming soon-ish, aaaaaaaand it's going to continue right here as usual. Not sure when... But eventually.)

Oh yeah and I know nothing about wine... All the stuff about it I pulled from a few websites. Please don't sue me for plagiarism! I'm broke. :-(