What Happens Next?

AN: Well this is my first FanFiction story it might not be any good. The story starts off pretty boring because I am trying to get the story to start off in a good place, plus there is a lot of plot bunnies in this chapter to Sorry about that

It was a placid morning in Death city. The sun high in the sky looking crazy as usual. Maka Albarn and Soul Eater Evans have been living together for five years, and have been weapon and mister. Maka had turn Soul into a Death Scythe when she was fifteen and when Soul was sixteen. Soul who was only seventeen and Maka sixteen have had a close relationship especially since they always use their soul bond, but now a days their relationship have been getting out of hand. What happen when they start to realize their feeling for one another and when Maka gets attack by a person on her way home by herself all alone? What happens when Maka wants to meet Soul family for the first time? What happens when Maka and Souls friend decide they need to come up with a plan to get Soul and Maka together?

Chapter one: What am I thinking?

Saturday, February 8, 6:30 am, Maka P.O.V (P.O.V = Point of view)


"Ugh" Maka groaned knowing that she thought she had turn off her alarm clock for Saturday. "It's only 6:30 am in the morning." Maka said feeling annoyed because she knew she would not be able to fall back asleep. It was early in the morning and bright as well. Maka was never an easy sleeper and she knew that, she had never really been able to sleep since her mom left a long time ago. Maka got out of bed and figured since she was up she might as well start cooking breakfast. Maka was really tired, she had only got no more than fours hours of sleep due to her new book she was reading.

As Maka headed towards the kitchen.

"MAKA YOUR FINALLY UP, I HAVE BEEN SO BORED!" Blair said happy and cheerful while she attack Maka with a bear hug.

Maka jump back startled and not in a mood to deal with Blair. "Blair let me go I am in no mood for this right now, I just woke from a sleep on a Saturday all because I thought I turn off my alarm for what to get scared half to death" Said Maka with hatred in her voice.

"Blair didn't mean to scare Maka half to death" Blair said as she let go of Maka. Blair is also Soul and Maka's roommate. They meet her a long time ago when Soul and Maka thought Blair was a witch. They had killed her to take her witch soul and Soul ate it thinking it would finally give them 99 kishin and one witch soul but then to found out she was a cat with nine life's (well actual 8 because they had killed her once) who had enough power to turn herself into a human and to do things that seem like she would be a witch and because of that both Soul and Maka had to start all over with founding 99 kishin Souls and one witch soul. Blair then follow them home and never left. The whole purpose of killing Kishin was to keep the world sane, and by doing so the weapon got to eat it.

"It's ok Blair I know you didn't mean to scare me like that" Maka said as she headed towards the kitchen once more trying to get breakfast stated."

"Is Maka-Chan making breakfast for Soul" Blair said in a mocking kind of way.

"NO! Well yes but not because I like him or anything I just don't want him to starve and don't you have to go to work or something." Maka said as she started to blush a bright color red. She didn't want to have this conversation with the cat since it was none of her business.

"Clam down Maka I was only playing with you jeez and now that you mention it I better get going don't want to be late for work. Oh and Maka"


"You don't have to be scared to like Soul you know, he cares about you a lot and you feel the same for him as well" Blair said as she headed out the door humming to herself."

6:50 am

That dumb cat I should have taken all of her nine life's when I had the chance to. Maka thought to herself. I'm not scared to like Soul and I don't even like Soul like that, we are weapon and mister, roommates, and friends that was it. Why would I like Soul more than a friend he insults me, he is lazy, always trying to act cool, thinks he better than everyone else, and is aggravating. Maka thought as she put the bacon on the stove. Why would anyone like Soul, but then again he wasn't all that bad he did have his moments and did do things that I liked for example he was always there to catch me before I fell, risks his live for me, took care of me when I was sick, was always there by my side when I was in the hospital, but when when I woke up he would blame himself when I got hurt because he knows he could have helped me. I also liked when he lookes at me with his toothy grin, when he looks at me with his red eyes, when he touches my hand, and whenever I look at him I can't help but to simile nervously and have to look away or when whoa whoa what am I thinking we are just friends nothing else I mean it just tha...

"Maka" Soul said confuse.

"Huhh" Maka jumped back startled and trip over Blair's cat toy. Soul caught her just in time before she hit the ground.

"Maka watch where your stepping bookworm." Soul said in a baritone voice.


"Oww why did you go and do that for, I'm not the one who trip over Blair's cat toy" Soul said as he grab at his aching head.

"Whatever Soul and it's not my fault it's your fault for scaring me in the first place." Maka said as she put Soul's breakfast on the plate.

"My fault, all I said was Maka, but maybe if you were not staring into thin space you have not have been startled in the first place, and what were you thinking about anyway?" Soul said with confusion.

"Huh" BANG! Maka dropped the plate on the floor causing it to break putting broken glass everywhere. Fuck Maka thought to herself I can't believe I just drop that because of a simply question.

"Maka are you ok?" Soul said looking concern.

"Yes Soul I am fine." Soul could sense her through the bond and could tell she wasn't fine. I wonder what has her so upset this morning Soul thought.

"Are you sure you are ok Maka?"

"Yes Soul, I am fine"

"Ok but if you want to talk I am right here" Soul said with a reassuring toothy smile.

7:10 am

"I know that Soul, I am going to clean this mess up before someone gets hurt."

"Ok the broom and dustpan are in the hallway closet Maka." Their apartment was a roomy place and big enough for the both of them. The living room and kitchen were connected together. The hallway was in the living room and had a arch way leading into the kitchen. On the way in the hallway first came Maka's room, Soul's room, and the guest bathroom. On the other side of the hallway across from Soul's room was the hallway closet.

"Ok, Oww!" Maka had step on a piece of glass lodging it deep in her foot making a pretty nasty laceration. "Maka are you ok"

"Yes Soul I am fine." Soul got up to go help Maka. "Soul I do not need your help" Maka said in an irritated kind of way. Soul still picked up Maka bridal style whether she liked it or not and headed towards the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Maka tried to get down but Soul had a strong grip on her and was way stronger than her.

"Maka hold still"

"I do not need your help Soul I can handle it myself"

"Just hold still, all I want to do is get the broken glass out of your foot." Maka gave in and stop trying to break through his grip and let him get the glass out of her foot. Soul put Maka on the toilet and then got out the first aid kit. He inquire the laceration on her foot to see if he could tell how deep the cut went in. Soul got a dish towel and ran it under hot water to clean the laceration.

Why do I feel so uncomfortable he has done this plenty of times as I have with him. Maka thought to herself. He was being nice by picking me up instead of him just putting one of his arms around my shoulder and helping me to the bathroom. We have gotten hurt plenty of times and took care of each other but this times feels so different than the other times. Maybe it was because of what I thought about earlier, that had to be it right. I got myself all worked up and now it is affecting me.

"Soul you didn't have to do that I could have done it myself."

"Yeah sure you could that's why you step on it in the first place knowing there is broken glass everywhere on the floor" Soul said with a grin.

"Whatever Soul it's not like I plan this to happen."

"I know Maka but it did happen, oh and I almost forgot to tell you I am going to hang with Black Star at the basketball court around 11:00 am."

"Oh ok that's good because me and Tsubaki are going to go shopping together."

"Ok now let's go clean the mess up before you go and step on another piece again like an idiot."


Saturday, February 8, 6:20 am Soul P.O.V

He was very tired, he had a long night. He couldn't sleep whenever Maka was awake. He was always worried if he fell asleep that something could happen to her and he wouldn't be able to help her in time. He never told Maka that, whenever she would deiced to stay up all night to read a book or study it would prevent him from sleeping. How could he, she would probably say that's ridiculous how is me being awake preventing you from sleeping. He was happy when Maka decided to go to sleep, he finally felt calm down enough to get some rest. Soul started to feel like he was starting to wake up by feeling something land on top of him or in this case someone. Soul who already knew who it was but didn't want to find out for sure. As he opened his eye he soon regreted it. Soul put his hand over his nose.

"Soul is your nose bleeding?" Blair said.

"Blair get off me now, and put some cloths on."

"Blair doesn't feel like it."

"Blair get off me now." Soul said tiredly.

"Blair is bored and wants someone to play with." Blair said in happy cheerful tone. Soul noticed Blair always talked in the third person and didn't understand why.

"Go see if Maka is awake."

"Maka is not going to be awake, its Saturday see turn off her alarm clock last night." Blair said less happy.

"Then use your magic to turn it back on Blair." Soul said feeing irritated that Blair will not leave.

"Blair didn't think of that, pumpkin, pumpkin."

"Can you leave now and let me sleep" Soul said angrily this time.

"Ok Blair will leave now."

Soul thought he could finally go to sleep in till his phone went off and the caller id was the one and only Black Star.

"Black Star what do you want now" Soul said really angry.


"Surpass god yeah I know get to your point." Soul said.

"Fine." Black Star feeling disappointed that he didn't get to use his favorite line he likes to say. "I'm just calling to make sure you remember that me, you and kid are meeting up at the basketball court."

"Yes Black Star I remember, and what about Liz and Patty where are they going?"

"Kid told me Liz had an emergency nail appointment and was going to drag along Patty with her."

"What about Tsubaki, said something about shopping with Maka."

"So none of the girls are showing up?"

"Nope, TO BAD THEY WONT BE ABLE TO SEE ME HAND YOUR ASS TO YOU ON A SILVER PLATER!" Black Star said with extreme excitement.

"Yeah I like to see you try, let's make a bet on it."


"Ok see you then." Soul said.

"SEE YOU THERE!" Black Star said. Soul hung up the phone. " I swear how does Tsubaki handle him, he is a nightmare sent from hell."

"Because Tsubaki is kind hearted." Blair said.

"What are you still doing in here Blair leave now!" Soul said in a demanding way.

"You do not have to be so abrasive about it, all you had to was just ask me and I could have left." Blair said in a nice tone and kind of hurt as she left his room.

"Are you serious all I have been doing is asking you to leave" Soul said in a low baritone voice.

6:30 am – 6:50 am

What is wrong with the cat? Soul thought to himself. She is always doing inappropriate things that are not right. Soul thought as he started to fall back asleep in till he heard a certain cat screaming at Maka, What is it now? She just doesn't know the meaning of quiet or what. Soul can sense Maka through the bond feeling quite irritated, and anger towards that dumb cat. I guess tiny-tits got scared by Blair. I wonder what they are talking about in there. Soul giggle when could feel Maka say "That dumb cat I should have taken all of her nine lives when I had the chance." Soul couldn't figure out why he could only sense certain things being said almost as if she doesn't want him to know something. He wonder if it was something bad she doesn't want him to know. Soul sat there wondering what was happening now since he couldn't feel or sense anything, but eventually he could smell breakfast being cook so he decided to get out of bed to eat since he wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep.

Maka didn't hear Soul come into the kitchen. Soul stood there and watch her cook breakfast. I wonder what she is thinking about. Soul watch her cook for a while. She kind of look cute Soul thought to himself, wait what am I thinking she is my mister and friend nothing else. Plus since when do girls with tiny-tits look cute but then again her boobs have grown quite a bit since last year she went from a, A cup to a Low C cup, he also notice that her body has change a lot like her hips came out more her legs are longer and yet slightly toned at the same time, her butt was also a little bigger to she look kind of looked hot. What am I thinking? Then all of a sudden Soul could feel distress on Maka side of the bond worried that Maka heard what he thought he ask Maka if she was ok. Soul had scared her by accident causing her to trip over the cat toy, but Soul had caught her before she fell on the floor. Soul figured out that she did not hear what he said because he could still sense her thinking about Blair for some odd reason.

Soul then got Maka-Chop, and thought he kind of had it coming when he called her an idiot. Soul still couldn't get over what she was thinking about so he ask her what she was thinking about and then she drop the glass plate. What has her so worked up? Either she is just acting dumb or something really bothering her.

7:10 am

Soul almost freaked out when Maka step on the piece glass and got hurt. He also felt guilty because he felt like this was his fault from asking her what she was thinking. Soul picked up Maka bridal style and carried her the bathroom because he thought he could have hampered her from steeping on that piece of glass when he also knew there was glass everywhere. Soul tried to remain as poise as possible when Maka was struggling to get down from his grip. Soul could tell something was really starting to brother her when he was in the bathroom helping wither laceration. Soul didn't want to force her to him so he decided that she would tell him when she felt comfortable enough. Soul started to feel uncomfortable with the awkward silence so he brought up the day he was supposed to have with Black Star. It didn't help like he had hope it would, so he offer to help Maka clean up the mess ending the sentence with an insult which got him Maka-Chop.

AN: It's not as good as I had hoped but it's not all bad either. So I have not decided what bet I want to make between Black Star and Soul So leave a review or message me on what you think the bet so be, make it a good one. I am also going to try to get the next chapter done within two weeks, the story is going to get better I promise so follow my story if you want. I also kind of rush Soul P.O.V because I really want to get started on the next chapter plus this one is getting boring. But plz follow the story, it's going to get better, I'm almost done with the chapter and something big is going to happen. Don't forget to review.