So that's the story. Gwen and I have been with the X-Men for almost two years now. The professor has daily sessions in a simulator that we call "The Danger Room" where we go to train with the other students. And the professor works with me every day on my nightmares and sometimes on my temper. I'm getting a lot better at controlling myself, and I've been having nightmares less and less often. And not to mention that Gwen and I have never felt like we belonged so much! We've come to trust these people, and they trust us. That's okay, though, because now that we've been with them for a while, I know that these are the kinds of friends who won't let us down. And that trust that I've been so afraid of my entire life turned out to be the best part of life at "Charles Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters."


Or rather.