Song Of Hope: These are the people I have stories from, in order of update. (3) GoldenAngel999, (7) KHMFBHomestuckGlee Girl, (10) GhostFairy, (13) Grace Of Light, (14) SilentWhisper43, and (20) BlueButterflyRose. Please get them in, I really need to up this together fully.

Many people were at the side of a grave crying. There was a black coffin with a closed lid, and a gravestone that said "Kiara Destiny Summers". There was a wooden podium, or which a woman with curly brown hair and hazel eyes stepped up to it. She wore a black dress reaching to her knees with a t-shirt top and black flower patterned netting over it, as well as black tulle underneath to make the bottom flair out a little. On her wrists she wore wrist length black gloves. For her shoes, she wore black ballet flats. Her hair was also down and very unkempt. Her eyes were red as black eye liner and mascara dribbled down her face. She tapped on the microphone to make sure it worked before speaking.

"Hello, I'm Hope Song. Many of you know me, and many of you don't. I don't care about that. What I care about is that a dear, dear friend of mine, and of all of us, died. Her name is Kiara Destiny Summers. I wish the world didn't work in this cruel way, but it does. Death is cold, and uncaring. It does not care whether you are old, young, full of life, void of it, loving, hateful, kind, cold, generous, or selfish. All it cares about is claiming its next victim. This time, it's taken someone we all know and love dearly. I've tried not to shed tears, I've tried not to cry about it, but it's so hard when someone you care about isn't there to support you.

"I've been praying, ever since I heard the news "please, let this be a joke! Please God, please don't take away my friend! Please let her just be seeing if anyone actually cares, like our dear friends Simi and Sami did! I am begging you not to have taken her!" But now that I've seen her body, I know it's the truth. Our friend, in body, is gone. She isn't gone in spirit though. We will always be able to remember the girl who would call Kyoya "Kovu" just to annoy him. I'm sorry I never got to ask her if it had anything to do with the Lion King. We will always long to talk to the girl who had good advice because of all the, pardon my language, shit that life has dealt her. We will never have quite as good of a friend as her.

"You might think that you can't let go of your sadness, because she wouldn't want to be forgotten, but that's a lie. She's get pissed off if we stayed sad because of her. We have to be strong, like she always was. She told me once, a long time ago "I can't help but feel that I'm missing something right here," Hope put her gloved hand over her heart, "and I know it's something I'll never get back. But I've learned not to dwell on it. Instead, I think about the good times, and instead of regretting the times I didn't have, I'm glad for the times I did have." We must take the same approach to this that she took to when her own brother died. We have to let go, not of our memories, but of our pain. When we drop Kiara into this grave and bury her body, we must also bury our sorrow and our regrets along with her. We will, instead of being sad that we didn't get to talk to her as much, or didn't get the deep emotional bond that we wanted, or maybe might not've been on the best terms with her, we will think about the times we did get to talk to her, the times we connected emotionally and understood each others problems, or the times when we weren't fighting with her. Remember the good times, and throw away the bad times, and the pain. That's all I have to say. Who's up next?"