Sora lied in his bed that evening.

His mother had grounded him for the week for catching a cold, running away, attempting suicide and getting his leather jacket wet. That shit's dry-clean only. This day had been a roller coaster of emotions for him. He lost Aki, then he met Evan. He doesn't even know what goes on in reality anymore. He was about to snap, until he set his sight of a photo of Aki.

His madness instantly disintegrated, and was replaced by hope.

"I want... to live... for Aki-neechan."

He muttered those words softly, knowing that his death would only cause Aki unbearable pain. He reached out his hand and aimed at the stars above. "Someday Aki-neechan, you and I will be together again. For now, all I have to do is better my own life." he uttered a weak smile, and pulled out a photo album.

He stared at the pages, mostly the ones with himself and Aki in them. Some of them was Aki in a uniform, himself in a cat suit (courtesy of Nami, no less) and the two of them wearing a kimono.

Sora reached his hand down his pants, remembering the sex they had after receiving the red string of fate. His face was now a deep crimson as he began pleasing himself at the thought.

"Aki-n... eech... an..."

Oh how he missed Aki. He missed her presence, scent and touch. He missed the soothing, yet seductive voice that cooed in his ear. He missed the back of her womb that he used to pound really really rough. Upon thinking about the times he released deep in her mouth, he climaxed in his pants, coating his own right hand in cream and staining his pajama pants. Immediately, his chest was filled with guilt.

Sora just released after thinking about Aki. He felt like a total whore for that act alone.

The following day, the twins had left for school. Nami had separated with him after seeing her lesbian lover Kana. Now it was just Sora alone.

"Aw no!"

He realized that he left his scarf at the old playground. Apparently he dropped it after the mysterious fellow carried him back home. He ran towards the playground's direction to retreive his neckwear. He stopped dead in his tracks seeing a few men cornering a young schoolmate against a wall.

He had to two options:

Either play dumb and pretend her never saw anything.

Or play hero and get himself beaten up.

Or the man he met yesterday would arrive right behind him.

"Oh my." Evan, who had just appeared, pat Sora's head. "You're going to be late for your first period." he uttered a weak smile at the young child, who panicked. "Evan-sama, we have to help her." Sora pointed to the girl, whose purse was now being pulled by one of the men. "I'll call the cops."

"Aww Sora that's adorable, you think they're a threat." Evan smiled and pat his head again, before walking towards the men. Sora reached out to stop him but to no avail. Immediately the hecklers noticed him walking towards them. "Eh-erm, please let go of one of my students. She has a class to attend to."

"And who the hell are you?" asked a blonde man with a red shirt.

"I'm the guidance counselor of our school. Now let that little girl go, and her purse."

"Hold on a minute, there's five of us armed against one of you. We can just mug you, y'know." another man added.

"Very cure. Now are you letting that girl go or do I have to break all your bones? Or maybe send you into a comatose state?" Evan went closer, yet that smile on his face never seemed to fade. His smile became more disturbing than encouraging.

"Evan-sama! Don't do it! They'll kill you!" Sora yelled from afar.

The red shirt blonde swung his iron pipe at Evan, only for him to catch it with the back of his palm. He raised his other hand and launched his back palm across the offender's cheek, sending him flying into a wall.

"As I was saying... LET. HER. GO." warned the mysterious man, still smiling.

One can either question whether he's just stoic... or insane.

Two of them drew out a knife and a machete respectively and ran towards Evan. He smacked the weapons away from the hands and flicked their noses. Surprisingly, blood flowed from their nostrils before passing out. The remaining two grabbed the little girl's purse and ran off.

Evan bent over and picked up rocks on the ground. He tossed both of them into the air, and seconds later, it came raining towards the thieves like a hailstorm. Some of them nailed the two in the skull, sending them into dreamland.

Sora just stared at him in shock, awe and fear all at the same time.

The little girl picked up her purse and bowed. "T-thank you Evan-sama."

"How about you come with us, little one? Don't worry, I'll bail you both out from being late."

"Yes please." the little girl nodded and stayed behind Evan the whole time.

At school, Sora was now on his first class. Nami and Kana were now running towards him, with the former really worried. He pulled Sora into a deep embrace, which mostly consisted of her bosom squashing against his face. "Oh Sora you're alright! Are you hurt? Wounded? Injured? Dead? Oh goodness you had me so worried."

"Can't... breath..."

"I heard from Shiki-san that you were both saved by Evan-sama. Wow, not even a week and already that guy's already had an achievement. Pretty cool, right Sora? Sora, Sora—oh crap Kana you're strangling him!"

Kana immediately let go of Sora after seeing his face turn blue from oxygen deprivation. She scratched her head in shame and rubbed his back. "Sorry about that Sora-kun. I was just a bit too worried."

The small blonde boy coughed and hacked before finally regaining his composure. He sat back on his chair and thought deeply to himself.

"Okay let me get this straight. First Aki-neechan leaves me, then Evan-sama appears. The very next day he almost kills 5 armed men. I'm 16 years old, Aki is 20.

20/16= 3.3, which is the estimated joy I had left yesterday.

Evan-sama appeared to me yesterday which is January 16.

16+(5x3.3) ="


"Is there something wrong, Sora-chan?" asked Nami.

"Nothing. I-it's just, all these strange events have been happening ever since Aki-neechan left."

"What strange events?"
