The wrong guy

"We shouldn't be doing this" She murmured as his lips met hers, he held her waist as he gently pushed her against a wall. This time, his kiss was hungrier, full of passion. "Do you not want this?" He asked and she responded with attacking his lips and before she knew it she was crying out his name in passion.

Morning afters were always the worst especially after a one night stand, there was no set rules. Do you leave before the guy wakes up? Do you have breakfast together? Do you exchange numbers despite the fact you don't intend to speak to each other, ever? That was partly one of the reasons she never had one night stands.

It was so unlike her, especially not with her former English teacher. She held the sheet to her bare chest as she looked at the ceiling. It had only been ten minutes since she had woken up and she had already regretted the night before.

Sure it had been amazing, one of the best nights if not the best she had ever had but he had been her English teacher for two years, he was her mother's college and he had been over for dinner a couple of times. He was a family friend and she had slept with him.

Her phone buzzed, her eyes widened hoping that the ringing wouldn't wake him up. She quickly got out of bed not caring about the fact that she was naked, she found her phone under a pile of clothes

"Hola, where is ya? Spence's is going cray-cray"

Aria heard Hanna's voice and rolled her eyes at her slang, she knew her well enough to know that she was probably only doing it to piss Spencer off.

"At my parent's house" She lied, believably. Her years of lying to her parents during her high school years helped her skills with the art of lying. She grabbed her bra and panties off Ezra's floor and attempted to hook her bra with only one hand before eventually giving up.


"What? – what makes you think that?" She stuttered

"Aria Montgomery where the hell are you? And don't you dare lie I called your parents" Spencer's voice suddenly came onto the phone.

There was no point in lying anymore; she didn't even bother to question Spencer on why she called her parents.

"I kind of spent the night with someone, I'm at his apartment. Bye" And with that she hung up, she tried to hook her bra again but failed. What was wrong with her today? She felt a hand on her back hooking her bra.

"Here" He mumbled, drowsily. She turned to face him and gulped, the plan was to just leave. Why did he have to wake up now?

"Good morning" She said, awkwardly as she sat in her bra and panties on his bed.

"Morning" He replied, a boyish smile graced his face. She returned it, they both looked at each other for a little bit before he began to speak again "About last—,"

"I don't expect anything from you Ezra; this was just a one night thing. Something we'll forget in no time, I have to go before my friends send a search party out for me" Aria attempted to joke, she looked at his face and could have sworn she saw a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

"Where were you? Spencer called me every hour asking if I've heard from you"

Emily said as she let Aria into hers and Paige's apartment, she looked at the dishevelled brunette who walked into her apartment with a crinkled dress, smudged makeup and messy hair.

"I was at someone's apartment" Aria said briefly "Do you mind if I take a shower?"

"Define someone"

"Just someone" She said as she walked towards the bathroom, ignoring her questions. Ten minutes later she stepped out of the bathroom with wet hair and a towel wrapped around her body.

"Noel someone?" Emily questioned.

Aria rolled her eyes and shook her head, she and Noel had been on and off for the last couple of months and right now they were currently off. They had a big fight; she couldn't even remember the cause of it. He still hadn't called her yet, she wondered if this time was going to be it.

"Here" She handed her a pair of jeans and a top that Aria had left over the several times she had come over.

After getting changed, she put her hair in a messy bun and applied some makeup "Want to get some coffee from the brew?"

"Sure. Now tell me someone who?"

They walked side by side towards the brew; Aria put her hands in the pockets of her jacket. As much as she wanted to tell her she couldn't— after all that was the deal with Ezra, well she hadn't let him exactly let him talk.

"Just someone" She added vaguely

Emily rolled her eyes as she entered the brew, they ordered their coffees and waited for them. She didn't nag her even more on the subject which was the reason she went to Emily's.

"So, how's helping Coach Fulton with the sharks?" Aria asked, wanting to change the subject from who she had spent the night with.

"I thought I told you Coach Fulton resigned, it's Coach Grey now. She's much younger, I think like twenty five or something and has a thing for Fitz" She said, somewhat amused.

This piped Aria's interest, for some reason she couldn't explain. The thought of Ezra being with another girl made her angry.

"What? Why?" She said a little too quickly and too aggressively.

Emily let out a little laugh "Well he's not exactly the worst looker is he? Most of the girls in rosewood are fawning over him and unless I remember incorrectly you had a thing for him too didn't you?" She teased

"God what's taking so long with the coffee?"

"Patience is a virtue" Zack added with a smile as he handed Aria a coffee "So how's your mother?" he asked with genuine curiosity.

"Good, better. Why, do you want her back?" Aria asked, teasingly. Zack and her mother were history, she was back with her father but she still held a good relationship with the man she once dated. Aria did as well, at first it was in hope for free coffee but then they became friendly acquaintances.

The two continued to talk, Emily noticed Ezra walk into the brew. She narrowed her eyes as she saw the way he looked at Aria gulping slightly.

"Hello Mr Fitz" She said, smiling. The sound of his name caused Aria to turn around and drop her coffee cup.

Eyes wide she immediately apologized despite Zack reassurance that it was fine, she looked at Ezra who was smiling at her amused. A blush made its way onto her face; the two looked at each other for a second. Memories of the night filling both of their head

"Oh my god" Emily said as she realised, Aria looked at her biting her lower lip guilty. "You and –," Before she could respond Aria quickly took her arm and rushed her away.