I was going to hold off on writing another story, but after watching the latest episode of Tenkai Knights, I had the energy to write the story. Plus, it's only three chapters altogether, so it shouldn't be too rough. This chapter is going to be shorter compared to the other two, which I hope will be longer.

Reviews are greatly appreciated.

Fighting the Corrupted on Quarton had become a routine for the four Tenkai Knights. It was really the same old, same old: go to Quarton, assist Beag, beat up some Corrupted, thwart Vilius' plans, and head home. It was tiring on the four boys, and to expecting for them.

The boredom of the whole thing had brought about more arguments as well. Toxsa and Ceylan were almost always at each other's throat over one thing or another. Sometimes Chooki would be pulled into an argument, but it was mostly Ceylan and Toxsa that seemed to have heated words with each other. Guren would be the one to stop them, but it was getting harder and harder to make them stop and make up. It would leave Guren very disheartened, since he hated seeing his friends so angry with each other.

Everything had been slowly bottled up, and it finally came to blows during an attack against the Corrupted who had attempted an attack on the Corekai's base. The four Knights were assisting Beag in defending the base, except that Toxsa and Ceylan were having heated would with each other over Toxsa's use of "geek-speak." Guren and guessed the two were going to have an argument, and because he wanted to save the image of the Knights for Beag and his men, Bravenwolf had the Knights fighting away from the Corekai army. The argument at hand, to an outsider, seemed trivial, but it was fueled by days of constant arguing that had been building up.

"You need to learn how to speak normal," Ceylan, as Tributon, snarled, shooting off energy arrows at the Corrupted soldiers.

"I don't need to do anything," Toxsa - Valorn - argued, shooting a group of Corrupted soldiers. "You're the one who needs to just get over it.

"Oh please Valorn," Chooki - Lydendor - commented, taking on his own set of Corrupted soldiers. "Your geek talk just gets on everyone's nerves."

"Guys can we save this for later?" Guren - Bravenwolf - requested, slashing up soldiers in his way.

"Oh you're one to talk, Mister 'I'm-perfect-at-everything,'" Valorn snapped at Lydendor, ignoring Bravenwolf's attempt to keep the peace. "You talk sports almost every other word!"

"I do not!" Lydendor shot back, sounding offended. "And even if I did, my sports talk outweighs your video games talk. At least I manage to make my references relevant."

"Why you dirty-"

"Valorn!" Bravenwolf shouted in warning.

The warning had come too late, and Valorn was struck by a blast from a Corrupted soldier. He fell backwards, releasing a grunt of pain. Bravenwolf made quick work of the soldier that had fired off and then moved quickly towards his fallen companion. Tributon and Lydendor were finishing off the last few soldiers, neither of them concerned with Valorn.

"Valorn, are you alright?" Bravenwolf asked.

"That was your fault Lydendor!" Valorn blamed, sitting up.

"My fault? You're the one with the terrible defense strategy," Lydendor shot back.

"Again with your sports!" Valorn snarled.

"Guys, come on," Bravenwolf attempted to calm them down.

"At least I can defend myself against a simple hit," Lydendor argued back.

"Oh please. You've been knocked off your feet by an enemy just as many times as we have," Tributon piped in, scoffing at Lydendor. "You're practically like pipsqueak over there."

"Guys, come on," Bravenwolf tried again.

"That's it," the green Knight said in frustration. "I quit."

"Me too," the yellow Knight stated.

"What?!" the leader gasped in shock.

"Ya know, that sounds like a great idea. I quit this stupid thing too," the blue Knight added.

"It's not like you haven't already tried to quit before," the yellow Knight snarked. "Maybe this time you'll actually mean it."

"Wait, guys. We can't just disband like this," Bravenwolf said, frantic at the way his friends were acting.

"Actually, we can, cause we just did!" Tributon shot to his friend, the first time since the beginning of the battle that Bravenwolf was acknowledged.

Bravenwolf watched in despair as the three other Knights walked away.

Mr. White watched the portal brighten and then dimmed, bringing the boys back from Quarton. He hadn't been watching their battle, and so he had no clue about the decision they came to on the other planet, though he could tell by the tensed atmosphere around the boys. That and how Chooki, Toxsa, and Ceylan looked angry while Guren looked worried.

"C'mon guys, you didn't really mean what you said back there," Guren spoke up. "This is all just a misunderstanding. We've had them before. We'll work through this, and then we'll be good as new."

"You don't listen very well, do you Guren?" Ceylan demanded harshly.

"He is a goody-two-shoes," Toxsa commented snidely.

Guren flinched from the personal attacks, but pushed away the hurt that they - his friends - would say such things to him and focused once more.

"I'm serious guys," Guren argued.

"And so are we," Chooki responded. "We quit. End of story. No more Tenkai Knights. Quarton can fight their own battles from now on, because I'm out of here."

"Me too. I'm done busting my hide for those guys," Toxsa commented, heading for the door like Chooki was.

"I gotta life to live," Ceylan added as he made his way towards the door. "If you were smart Guren, you'd do the same."

"Guys!" Guren called, but his three friends - ex friends? - continued out the door, slamming it shut behind them.

Guren's shoulders fell when he heard the slam, hurt immediately taking place on his face. Mr. White stared at the door in alarm, before looking back at the boy. He looked so crushed and defeated, that it panged the older man to see him so sad.

"I'm guessing what happened on Quarton wasn't something good," Mr. White commented to the boy.

"The Tenkai Knights just split," Guren answered, sounding so sad and hurt.

"I'm sure whatever has gotten to them will be gone with by tomorrow," Mr. White, trying to be optimistic about the situation, said. He walked over to the boy and patted him on the shoulder. "You boys have just been doing the same thing over and over again, and so they were probably letting off some steam."

Guren's eyes brightened with hope.

"You really think so Mr. White?" Guren asked.

Mr. White smiled in reassurance and nodded.

"I'm sure it will. Why don't you go home now and rest up," Mr. White suggested. "You've had quite the intense day, and winding down is the best thing to do."

"Yeah, you're right," Guren agreed. "Thanks Mr. White. Hopefully everything will be better in the morning." The young leader of the (disbanded) Tenkai Knights walked for the exit, giving the aging man a final farewell as he exited the basement.

The smile that had been on Mr. White's face fell after the door had closed, and in its place was a worried frown.

"This isn't good," he commented to himself out loud. "If the boys don't reunite tomorrow, the universe may be in trouble; not just Quarton. I hope they can overcome what has overtaken them quickly, or I fear we will not be alive for much longer."