A/N: Soooo this one has a bit of an OC named Corra and it's from her point of view because honestly I could not for the life of me figure out what to do for this theme...it was driving me insane. I had to ask for help from two of my friends because I was going to cry out of frustration if I didn't get help lol. But I hope you guys enjoy.


When I had first met Newton Gieszler I thought he was a complete and utter idiot even when he had tried to help me wipe the blood from my nose and press the ice pack to my black eye. Ironically it was that same day that I saw him in a different light.

Working for Hannibal Chau has it's ups and downs, being one of the few females to work for him and a kid from the streets were two of those ups and downs. There were days that I was respected, almost as much as Fang, and others where the guys treated me like a liability to Hannibal. So men became a little distasteful in my book, resulting in Fang became one of my few buddies within the gang. I didn't count Hannibal as a friend not only because he was my boss but he had helped me and got me on my feet again and from then until my time comes he'll always be my boss. So when Dr. Geiszler started making more frequent appearances in the bone slums I was distrustful of him. He was a smart ass, snarky as fuck, and clearly did not have a mind-to-mouth filter.

Most of the stuff that fell out of his lips was a snip at the boss or an excited sqwak over his beloved Kaiju bits. He got on my nerves...a lot...but I still stood by him when the boss asked hence the reason I ended up so battered and bruised while on an adventure with him. It wasn't a particular good day on my part and thinking back on it I honestly shouldn't have taken it out on him though it had been his fault for picking a fight with the wrong dude in a suit.

But for a simple 'walk to the Shatterdome and back', as he had said, it had been more trouble then it was worth. He proved he had more balls then brains in some respects that day though. He defended me when one of the rival gang members shoved us aside and called me the N word. I was good about ignoring shit like that but Dr. Geiszler...wasn't. He got up in the guys face and ordered him to take it back. I would have laughed if I hadn't been busy pulling him away from the knife that was suddenly at his throat.

That was when all hell broke lose.

The fight was three to one and despite having won I didn't walk away unscathed. My side was cut bad, my eye blackened, my lip and nose bleeding, and my arm felt like it had been ran over by a train. He gave me kudos since he knew some of the guys in the gang couldn't even fight like that but that didn't stop the rage that was directed toward him. He was an idiot for picking a fight like that and I told him so but with more four letter words and such. He didn't speak the entire time we walked back to the slums where he helped me clean up.

The walk had calmed my head but I still refused to open my mouth only hissing in anger when he'd press the damp towel to my lip and nose. He didn't say anything until he moved to my arm and splinted it, reassuring me that it wasn't broken only bruised and fractured before he stitched up my side. For once the twitchy fucker was calm and didn't utter a single word unless it was needed. He was still an idiot in my eyes but I was getting attached to him so when he apologized I didn't speak out of ill will.

"Corra...I'm sorry. Really I am. I know I'm a retard when it comes to situations like that...but seriously the dude had it coming! You don't say that to my sassy bodyguard that was personally assigned to me by the most badass gangster in Hong Kong!" He had squeaked at the end, arms flailing a bit to show his enthusiasm that he hadn't had a chance to express earlier. It had actually drawn a laugh out of me, startling him a bit.

"Relax doc...I understand. I'm sorry I got angry. Wasn't a good day to begin with and you get on my nerves easily." I smiled a bit when all he did was shrug and mutter an 'Eh what can ya do?' making me shake my head and slap his cheek lightly. "You got a good heart kid..." And I wasn't lying though I wish I was some days because after that Hannibal made me his little scientists permanent bodyguard...yay.