Hey everyone, here is the last chapter for you all. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. This is the last chapter I'm afraid. I've loved writing this and I hope you all like the last chapter. One of you guessed where I was going, to the reviewer who did, I swear you read minds from a distance because this isn't the first time you've guessed right. I am sad to see this go but this was never intended as a big long-term fanfic. I'm going to start my new fanfic on thursday, I would do it tomorrow but I'm a bit more busy than usual. Enjoy everyone and let me know what you think.

Thank you for all the reviews throughout this entire fanfic, you're wonderful and I'm so lucky to have you all as readers. Thank you!

Enjoy and please review

All mistakes are my own

"What do we need to talk about?" he asked.

"I need to tell you something and I don't know how you're going to react. Reid, I'm pregnant and it's Sam's baby. I know when it happened, it was after the kidney transplant. We were broken up and even now I don't understand why I slept with him. It happened about month after I gave you the kidney, I didn't tell you because it was personal."

"You're pregnant," he said in surprise. "What did Sam say?"

"He doesn't believe that it's his baby," she said. "Reid, what am I supposed to do?"

"That son of a bitch," Reid muttered. He stepped around the kitchen unit and gave her comforting hug, she leaned against his shoulder and he knew there and then that she needed him as a friend, not another man in her life who wanted a relationship with her. He could live with being a close friend and after everything she had done for him, he wasn't going to let her go through this alone. He brought her away and smiled at her.

"I'm going to have words with Sam and I'll be bringing Morgan with me," he said. "If Sam still refuses to take responsibility for the baby, you have a family all around you that will help you take care of the little one. Who does he think the father of the baby is?"

"He accused me of sleeping with either Morgan or you. He told me that I did everything for you two and I never did enough for him. He's got a new girlfriend and he doesn't want to know because he refuses to believe that it's his baby."

"You gave me a brand new life," he smiled at her. "No matter what happens, I'll help you through the pregnancy and I'll help you raise your baby too. You'll never be alone, I promise. We do need to keep an eye on you though during this pregnancy as the usual safe time to have a baby after giving an organ donation is three to six months and you only one kidney, we need to make sure you're looked after too. How do you feel about this?"

"I'm happy but I'm worried that I won't be able to give him or her a good life."

"Stop thinking like that," he said to her. "You'll be a wonderful mother."

The next day

Reid and Morgan stood outside of Sam's door, both fuming with rage. The door opened and Sam looked at them with hate. "What do you want?"

"We're here to talk about Penelope and her baby," Morgan said angrily. "Now, I hate seeing her cry and that's exactly what you've made her do."

"Look, I don't care what she says, that baby isn't mine," he snapped. "Most likely, one of you two is the father."

"She's my best friend, you dick," Reid shouted. "You were her boyfriend and you couldn't take how close she was to Morgan and me. We have never slept with her. That baby is yours and I'm not going to stand by and let you swan off with no care for her or your child."

"Don't come here and tell me how to live my life. She never had any respect for me and I don't see why I should respect some whore like her."

Sam flew back and hit the floor within a second of saying the last word, Morgan watched as Reid came round and shook his hand. He had planned to do the same thing but Reid had beaten him to it. He watched as Sam stumbled to his feet, clutching a bloody and broken nose. "You broke my nose, you bastard."

"You deserve more than that," Morgan growled.

"I'm pressing charges," Sam moaned as he grabbed some tissue and put it to his nose.

"Oh, go ahead," Reid said. "Let's see how far it goes and how much your new girlfriend finds out when this goes through the court. You really want that splashed everywhere?"

Sam came forward and slammed the door. Morgan turned around and watched Reid flex his hand painfully.

"You deserve a beer after that," Morgan smiled as he put his arm around Reid's shoulders and led him away from Sam's apartment. "Let's get some ice on that."

"I don't drink beer," Reid said to Morgan.

"I'll buy you a juice then," he smiled.

Penelope put the ice on Reid's hand and shook her head. "I can't believe you punched him. He deserved it but I don't like seeing you hurt."

"Baby girl, Sam deserves much more than a punch," Morgan sighed. "You're pregnant and Sam needs to take responsibility for this baby. I'm proud of Reid, he defended your honor with a nose breaking punch."

"A bruised hand is worth it, I'll never forget Sam clutching his nose," Reid smiled.

"You two are my special boys," she grinned before touching her stomach. "I guess I'm going to gain all my weight back."

"Big booty or small booty, you're still a sexy mama," Morgan winked playfully. Reid choked on his tea as he let out a small chuckle, Morgan patted his back. "Easy there, kid."

Once he had calmed down, Reid looked up at her. "We're all here for you. Day or night, you can call and we'll be there for you."

Fourteen months later

Reid sat on the couch with the tablet in front of him. He flicked through the photos. He smiled as a small hand hit the screen when a picture of Garcia came on the screen. "Yes, that's your mommy," he said before putting the tablet down and picking his godson up. He rose up from the couch with the baby in his arms and took him over to the small rocker.

Eight months ago, Garcia had added another member to the BAU family and had named her son, Spencer Derek Garcia. Sam had rejected the baby and Garcia didn't want her son to have Sam's surname. His first name and middle name came from Morgan and himself. He came over with a pair of shoes and placed them on the eight month old baby. Little Spencer giggled and cooed as he reached up for the toys above the small rocker. Reid finished getting him dressed in the outfit Garcia had chosen and brought him out of the rocker. The whole team was having a picnic at the park and he had to leave soon with little Spencer if he was to make it in time. Garcia would already be there after shopping with JJ and Blake, Emily was with them too after coming for another visit.

As he lifted him up, he brought him over to the pram and put him down. Grabbing the baby bag and satchel, he thought about the strange situation he was in when it came to Garcia and the baby. Morgan and him had become the fatherly influences to the baby. Both of them spent equal time with little Spencer and since the day he'd been born, they had both helped raise the baby with Garcia. Morgan was no longer in a relationship with Savannah which gave him plenty of time for Garcia. Reid decided that he never wanted to risk the close friendship he had with Garcia and was fine with being her best friend.

He went back to the pram and smiled at the baby. "Hey, Spencer. Let's go and see everyone."

Garcia put the last plate out on the long picnic table and stepped back, everything looked wonderful and she couldn't wait to get the picnic started. Morgan, Will and Hotch were playing with Henry and Jack while Rossi was speaking with Emily on the bench. JJ and Blake were helping her set up the picnic table while Beth was unpacking the bottles of drink.

"Where's Reid with the baby?" Garcia said looking at her watch.

"We're right here," he said as he came up next to her. Garcia hugged him and then looked into the pram, she picked up her son and kissed his cheek.

"Has he been good?" she asked.

"He's been an angel," Reid nodded. "Are we about to eat? I'm starving."

"Yes, we are," Garcia giggled. "GUYS! Come get something to eat!"

Reid sat at the end of the picnic table with baby Spencer on his lap, he looked around the table and watched as everyone laughed and tucked into the picnic, he smiled at how wonderful he felt. This was his family, each member with an individual strength but he knew when those strengths came together, there was nothing that could beat them or stop them in the world. He looked down at little Spencer as the baby cooed happily at him.

"You know, Spencer, you're part of the best family in the world. You're always going to have a wonderful life. They've given me a great life and they'll give you one too."

He hugged the baby close and looked forward to the rest of the day with his family.

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