Hey everyone! Sorry it took me so long to write this chapter. I couldn't decide where I wanted this story to go so I added a little more and have decided that this story will be a two-shot. So this is the second AND final chapter of this story. I hope you all enjoy!

Units Of Time As I Use Them:

Nano-klick – Second

Klick – Minute

Cycle – Hour

Joor – Day

Orn – Week

Decacycle – 3 Weeks

Groon – Month

Metacycle – Year

:Ratchet to Prowl:

:Yes, Carrier?:

:Can you and Jazz come back to the med bay?:

:Is something wrong carrier?:

:I'm not sure. I would like to do some extra scans of both of you.:

:Okay. We are on our way.:

"We need to go see Ratchet."

"We do?"

"He just commed me and said he wanted to do additional scans."

"Well… I suppose we should go see him before he comes looking and drags us by our audios."

The two walked in silence to the med bay. Entering the med bay Prowl called out. "Ratchet?"

"Just a nano-klick you two!" A few klicks later Ratchet walked out. "Sorry about that. I was looking for a data file."

Prowl saw the title and clung to his lover. "Prowl? You okay?"

"What does …that… have to do with us?" Prowl spat out.

Jazz was now really confused. First the SIC gripped him tight and now he looks like he was ready to murder a data file.

Ratchet sighed, "I have been doing some research and I believe that this explains Jazz's outbursts and his over emotional behaviour."

"Hello! I'm right here! Will the two of you stop talking like I'm not here and tell me what the slag is going on?"

The medic showed the file to the visored mech. Reading the title, the saboteur now knew why the tactician had tensed up and held him close. He turned so that he had his back to the medic and buried his face in his lover's chest plates.

"What is the point in making either one of us relive that!?"

"Will you calm down Prowl?"

"No! You have my lover upset, so no, I will not calm down."

"The file will help explain, until now, what I couldn't."

"I don't think you need to have the data file in servo to prove a point."

"You are right. You have my apologies. I will take this away." The medic left to put the data file away. After a few klicks the medic came back.

"You said that file had something to do with Jazz. Care to explain what that is?"

"I think only Jazz can explain that."

The visored mech turned back around, "Me? I'm not a medic. How the slag would I know how if that data file is related?"

"15 bots went on that mission. Only three of you came back. You are the only survivor of that mission, that is still online."

"I still don't understand."

"That means that only you can tell what actually happened on that mission."

"Mission Blackout… It was on course until we were captured. We were put in a room with no windows… We… We were gassed, with what I don't know. It didn't have a nasty taste nor did it have a nasty smell. I had never come across it in all my metacycles. Two bots hit the floor and seized for about two klicks before offlining. It turns out that they had ingested a fatal amount. That left 13 of us. The other 10 that didn't come back… one by one they suffocated… Of the 3 of us that managed to escape… One was shot."

Ratchet spoke up. "You are right here and the other was killed in last month's decepticon battle."

Jazz only nodded. "I don't understand how any of this helps."

"The gas that was used… You said that it wasn't nasty. Did it taste sweet?"

Jazz tried to remember. "Yes… It did."

"Your emotional state is the consequence of that gas; your paranoia, you mood swings, you wanting to die."

"You mean I have to live with this for the rest of my existence?"

"That or have a sparkling."

Both the TIC and SIC's helms shot up. "Did you just-"

"The consequence of the gas is showing in the way a carrying bot would act. The mood swings, the paranoia and even the heighten sensitivity. It is your call. That is all I wanted to tell both of you."

"You commed me and brought both of us all the way down here, to tell us that?"

Ratchet raised an optic ridge. "I thought you would happy that your lover isn't naturally suicidal."

"Are you seriously telling me that, if Jazz doesn't have a sparkling that this will continue for the rest of his existence?"

"Assuming that it doesn't kill him, yes."

"How can it kill me if I'm still alive? I didn't ingest as much as the others did."

"It will kill you if you give in to it."

Jazz ran out of the med bay in tears. Prowl glared at his carrier before chasing after his soon to be bonded. "Jazz! Wait!" The saboteur disappeared into the tactician's quarters. The SIC sighed and went in. "Jazz… Please talk to me…"

"Leave me."


"End our relationship! Do it!"

"No! Those words will not come out of my mouth!"


"No buts, Jazz!"

"Ratchet is calling me weak, it was a personal! I've already given in to it and it nearly killed us both!"

"Jazz, I'm not going to give up. I love you too much to just give up! We can and will beat this together!"

"We've never talked about having creations. I can't force you in to that!"

Prowl wrapped his arms around Jazz. "Shh…. Jazz, I'd be more than happy to have creations with you. I've always wanted a family. I should have brought it up sooner."

"You really want creations?"

"Of course! They will be unique versions of us. How could I not want that?"

Jazz clung to Prowl as he sobbed. "I love you, Prowl."

"As I love you, Jazz. We can bond and start trying whenever you are ready."

The saboteur looked up at his soon to be bonded and pleaded. "Now, please. I don't want to spend another nano-klick unable to feel you or hear you."

Prowl smiled and led him to the berth. "You took the words right out of my mouth, Jazz."

The following morning Prowl came online and he smiled feeling his mate's contentment.

::Morning Sunshine.::

Jazz walked in to the berth room. "Morning to you too."

"If we talk through the bond more it will become easier and easier."

::We have an advantage. You and I have a lot of focus.::

::That is true, but it can be taxing on us if we use too much of it at once. You've seen what has happened to me.::

Jazz winced as he remembered. ::Yeah, that is something I don't want to do. I don't like Ratchet's wrath.::

The tactician sat up. "He can't hurt you. Not now, at least."

"What do you mean?"

"Ratchet has a soft spot for his family. Why do you think that the twins get it worse than Wheeljack, yet Wheeljack does worse than the twins?"

"Jack and Ratchet are family?"

"Yeah. It's no secret, Jazz. They are brothers."

"Right! I remember now. But how do you fit in to that?"

"I am the eldest creation of Ratchet and Prime."

"Ratchet and Prime are your creators?!"

"I thought you figured that out when you accused me of cheating and I told you that Prime and Ratchet were my Carrier and Sire."

"I merely assumed that you had said that so I would stop accusing you…"

The SIC showed his bonded memories from when he was young. "As I was saying, Ratchet won't actually hurt you. My wrath is just as bad as his and he doesn't like a taste of his own medicine."

Jazz laughed and Prowl pulled his bonded on the berth with him. "I love you Jazz. I love you so much."

"I love you too Prowl. Do you think…?" Jazz trailed off.

"I'm not sure, but it is possible. We will know for sure in a few joors."

The saboteur hugged his bonded. "I love you."

The Tactician merely smiled. "I know you do. I can feel your love for me. I love you just as much as you love me. Now come here. We both have the joor off and I have a few ideas on how we can spend it.

The TIC laughed and kissed his lover.

7 Metacycles later

"Sire!" Prowl smiled to himself as he felt 2 sets of little servos and pedes crawling on him.

"Why aren't you two in your berths recharging?" Prowl onlined one optic to look at his creations.

"Present time!"

Prowl onlined his other optic and looked up at his bonded. "Present time?" The SIC was thoroughly confused. ::Mhm. It's Sire's Day.::

::Really? That time already?:: Jazz merely smiled and laughed at his bonded.

The two little ones handed their sire a cube of energon. "Thank you." The two little ones laughed and smiled. The young femme then climbed off the berth and raced out of the room.

::Is she okay?::

::Yes. She showed me what she did for you and I told her to wait to give it to you so that you two could share some alone time while you looked at it.:

Prowl nodded and looked at the little mech that was still on the berth. The young mech handed his sire a box. The SIC opened the box and smiled. "I love it." He put the box down and picked up his son and gave him a hug and kiss on his forehelm. He pulled the rock out of the box and smiled as he saw smaller stones in the rock that spelled, Sire Rocks.

He put the rock back in the box and placed the box on the night table next to his berth and started to tickle his little mech. "I love you, Kadin. Your gift was awesome. Thank you."

Kadin kept giggling. "I love you too sire." Kadin jumped off the bed and ran out of the room giggling.

"What is so special about Scarlett's gift that she couldn't give it to me while Kadin was in here?"

"I'm not going to tell you much because I don't want to ruin the surprise, but when Scarlett showed me what she had done for you… Well… I started to cry. So I figured it was best if she gave it to you alone and I would keep Kadin busy."

"Oh. In that case, send her in. I wanna see my little princess." Jazz laughed as he left the room. A klick later the little femme came in the room holding something almost as big as her. The tactician smiled at his daughter. "Come on up, my little princess." She smiled and climbed on to the berth

She sat next to her sire and handed him what she had been holding. "I hope you like it."

He smiled brightly at the object. "Did you make this book all by yourself?"

"Carrier put it together for me. But the rest I did by myself."

He flipped through the pages and Scarlett described the meaning of every drawing, painting and poem.

He started to tear up at the last poem in the book. He now knew what Jazz had meant.

I love my sire so much and dear,

He is sadly the object of my biggest fear.

My biggest fear is that one joor he'll be gone,

Gone to a place far beyond.

Should that joor come to pass,

I'll be the saddest femme in the world saying that my best friend has sadly passed.

Prowl put the book down and held his daughter close. "Oh sweet spark… I will continue be around for many metacycles. You have nothing to fear. I will always be here for you."

"I love you sire." The young femme wrapped her arms around her sire as best she could.

"I love you too, princess. I love you so much."

He smiled a little knowing that Primus would allow him and Jazz to be around for metacycles to come.

Hey Everyone, I hope you all enjoyed this and again, my apologies for this taking so long to get posted.

Until Next Time,
