Sir Dean walked through the hall to the room of his charge, Prince Castiel.

The Winged Royal family is the monarchs of the land and is in charge. The king has been missing for several years and the oldest prince, Michael, is in charge of the throne. He then ordered that the strongest men in the land would be brought to the castle and to see who is worthy enough to become a knight and guard the younger princes.

Dean proved himself and was assigned to Castiel, the tenth prince.

Dean thought Castiel was stuck up and Castiel though Dean was boorish. But everything changed when he protected Castiel from a crossroads demon.

He not only earned Castiels trust and respect, but also his affection and heart. He now shares his bed, but they are keeping it secret, in fear that Michael will put Dean to death for "corrupting" Castiel.

Dean remembered yesterday that he and Castiel had a race. He was riding his horse, Impala, while Castiel flew in the air. Castiel won and they shared a kiss afterwards.

Dean smiled at the memory as he went into Castiel's room, frowning when he saw it was empty. He then heard splashes coming from this bathing room and grinned to himself. He left his weapons by the door and then walked right in.

He smiled when he saw a startled Castile, waist-deep in the bathing pool, his black wings fluttering.

He loved Castiels wings,

They were so different from his brothers; they were a unique color, a bluish-midnight. They were also soft to the touch.

"Is there anything you need, my lord?" Dean asked, making Castiel smile warmly with a roll of his eyes. Castiel ordered that when they were alone, not to use the honorific. Dean still says it though, usually to tease him.

"Well, I would like you to join me."

"Anything my prince." Dean said as he quickly took off his clothes and joined him in the pool. He delicately strokes his face and kissed gently, the prince kissing him back with so much passion.

"I thought of you all day." Castiel whispered, "I thought of you …holding me, kissing me, caressing me."

Dean smiled and chuckled.

"What do you want, my lord?" he asked with a lighter tone.


That was all Dean needed to hear. He quickly prepared Castiel and then entered him, starting a slow rhythm for the prince to get used to. Drawn in from Castiels whimpers, he sped up, whispering sweet nothing to Castiel.

"My prince…" he moaned, "My sweet prince."

Castiel whimpered and gasped Dean sped up his rhythm and came with a choked cry as Dean came inside of him with a sigh.

They lay in the water, just holding each other gently. Then Castiel spoke up.

"I only have one command for you." He whispered.

"And what is that, my lord?" Dean asked.

"Stay by my side." Castiel said, "Always stay by my side."

Dean let out a hearty laugh.

"Oh my dear prince, you never to ask me that." He said as he kissed the blue-eyed prince, "I will be with you until my dying day."

AN: Fantasy AU and this was my favorite!

I was inspired by Nasyu fanart of a knight Dean and a winged Castiel. I thought that was such an awesome concept, so I made this. Storyline was made by me; I will probably expand on this in a different story.

Anyway, thank you for reading my list and stories!

Enjoy and comments are loved! I don't own SPN!