Hello everyone and sorry if I haven't updated this or my other stories in a while. But hopefully this chapter made you laugh a bit and that was enough for all of you to forgive me.

Disclaimer: I do not own Love Live!

Honoka now lay on the bed with all of her clothes stripped of her body. Eri was up on top of her, fully clothed. There was cake next them which held purpose in Eri's eyes.

Eri retrieved some cream on the cake and held out her fingers before proceeding to what she was about to do.

She smeared Honoka's upper body with cream, her neck, her collarbone, and most importantly her breasts.

But it didn't stop there, Eri got off of Honoka and spread Honoka's legs a bit, enough to smear cream on the most important part of Honoka's body.

Honoka shivered at her touches and gathered enough courage to ask Eri.

"W-what're you going to do to me Eri-chan?"

Eri only grinned mischievously before spreading Honoka's legs even further.

"Why, I'm going to eat you of course." She said playfully before licking-

"Eri-chan, are you okay?" A voice, Honoka's voice no doubt woke her up from her dream, or fantasy.

She was in her bed, in new clothes and a wet cloth that fell from her forehead when she sat up.

"How, how did we get here?"

"Did you forget? After something happened at our karaoke booth, you passed out and I had to take you home."

"Ehh?" Eri was shocked, it seemed like everything that happened so far was a dream. No wonder why it felt to good to be true.

"Remember, there was cord on the floor and as you were going to the restroom, you tripped, we accidentally kissed, bumped on each other's head, and then you passed out." Upon hearing the accidentally kissed part, Eri turned red.

"We accidentally k-kissed... again." Eri covered her mouth and turned even redder after remembering what happened, not because of the kiss, but because of the fact she passed out from a little headbutt.

"Anyways, I stayed behind and took care of you when Arisa-chan called saying she would stay over at a friend's and informed me that your parents are on a business trip."

"Oh, I see, thank you Honoka."

"No problem Eri-chan, by the way I'm staying over of the night."

"I see, okay- Wait, what?!"

"There's a really bad storm going on and when Arisa-chan called she said she took the only umbrella. So would you prefer me to run all the way to my house in the storm Eri-chan?" She pouted cutely at Eri.

"N-no, of course not, you can definitely stay!" Eri panicked after seeing Honoka's face.

"Okay, I'm glad. I'm heading downstairs to see what we can cook, Kay'." She walked out the room and headed downstairs.

"N-no way, I'm going to be all alone with Honoka. And no one will be here to interrupt us if we do anything..." Thoughts started to flood in Eri's mind, indecent thoughts of course.

"N-no, I can't do that until I've told her how I feel. But then again, Honoka is a pretty heavy sleeper, maybe when shes asleep." Eri thought and tried to plan a few things that she might do to Honoka while they are supposed to be sleeping.

"Eri-chan, can you come downstairs!" She snapped out of her fantasies as she heard Honoka yell from downstairs. She immediately went downstairs to see Honoka in their kitchen.

"There you are, so what do you think we could make with this?" A few meats and vegetable were visible from where she was and could tell that they have the ingredients for curry.

"There's some instant curry roux(mix) in that cabinet, so let's make that." She pointed to the cabinet near the open fridge.

"Okay then." Honoka got the curry powder from the powder from the cabinet and they started preparing the food.

After they finished preparing the ingredients, they continued on with cooking the curry. When they were done cooking they sat down at the table and ate.

After they finished eating, Honoka went to wash their dishes and from the kitchen that nearly made Eri pass out.

"Eri-chan, we should take a bath right now." Eri instantly spit the water she was drinking and looked at Honoka.


Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I've updated this chapter and the fact it's pretty short probably doesn't make up for that. But I will try updating all my stories to the best of my abilities. Review your thoughts about this chapter and tell me why you think Honoka asked such a thing.

Thanks for reading and BYE BYE!:D