A/N Oh My Gosh, the end of another story, I liked this one and will be dipping back into this verse sometime in the future. I like the new team set up. so we will see.

Thank you to everyone who followed, favorited, reviewed, viewed or just plain peeked at this story. I appreciate you all.

Disclaimer, I don't own it...but maybe someday...always have hope people.

Chapter 11

Hetty sat as Deeks adjusted the bed to be able to talk to her. Kensi kissed him and took the children out of the room so that they could get something to eat, Callen and Sam going with her to keep Deeks' mind at ease.

"You wanted to talk to me Mr. Deeks?" Hetty asked, adjusting her chair to face him.

"I can't go back to LAPD…Kensi needs to get back to work, as soon as Cal is old enough, she misses it so much, but I won't be able to be your liaison, I sent Bates my badge. He couldn't wait to get me out of his hair." He sighed.

"Did you think about signing the other papers I had for you Mr. Deeks, I still have space for another Agent?" Hetty smiled.

"Really? You want me as an Agent?" he asked surprised, "I just thought you'd take Kensi back and I'd work from home with the kids."

She smiled at him, "What did you do while you were away? Or were you planning on getting a private eye license."

Deeks smiled, "I was a handyman, carpenter and electrician. I was pretty good at it." He admitted.

"That will be good to know." Hetty said, "But the big question is, do you want to work at NCIS?"

Deeks shrugged, "I would like to be Kensi's partner again, but aren't there fraternization rules, I mean I am her husband and I wouldn't want to cause a conflict of interest."

Hetty smiled, "I do have a small problem that you could help me with…" she looked at him critically, "While it is true you couldn't remain on Mrs. Deeks' team as her partner, Ms Collins will be partnered with her."

"So you don't need me then?" he said

Hetty shook her head "On the contrary we do need you, Owen Granger wants to move Miss Jones into a field agent role, if you sign those papers you would be her partner, and as I know you have both worked well together in the past I think you two would be a good fit." Hetty waited as Deeks thought it through…Slowly he smiled.

"Sooooo, I would be a full NCIS Agent?" he asked slowly.

Hetty nodded, "You have learned enough in your tenure as liaison officer to be able to start straight away, well as soon as you are able too. I talked to Owen who is right now pitching the idea to Director Vance in Washington, I am hopeful he'll say yes and Owen will be flying out with the MCRT who have to deal with the little incident with Agent Dekker."

"I'm not sorry I killed him." Deeks said flatly. "Cassie may not be my flesh and blood child but I love her just the same and no one is ever going to hurt her." He looked Hetty in the eye, "So all of this is mute, unless the CIA are still looking for her, because if they are I'm taking my wife and children and we'll never come back."

Hetty smiled, "I talked to the director of the CIA this morning, when I knew what was happening to you all."

Deeks struggled to move, "You told him about Cassie?" he tried to stand up and the monitor on the wall started beeping incessantly.

"Mr. Deeks?..." Hetty put a calming hand on his arm, "I would never put her or any child in danger."

She moved back as he fell back onto the pillow breathing heavily, "I told him of the situation, he was horrified, but is satisfied that Cassie is not Casper and that the CIA had been chasing the wrong person. They have sent their heartfelt apologies for any inconvenience and a check to cover costs incurred by your family in the last few years."

"Costs?" Deeks asked.

"I think the check is for $125,000. Also they have agreed to send the price of any home that you and your family wish to buy, so when you find one let me know and we'll send them the bill." She handed him the piece of paper, "Of course, you will need to rest up before you come back."

"If Vance says yes…" Deeks said darkly, it wasn't as if he had been a full federal agent before, and he'd killed a federal agent…sort of on the premises at the mission.

Hetty's phone rang she nodded to him and stepped outside "Excuse me." She said as she left.

Kensi walked out of the bathroom a freshly changed Cal gurgling on her hip, Cassie had grabbed Callen's hand while she was in there and a small amount of tension left the child as her mother and brother came into view.

Kensi smiled, "Hey honey, you been good there for uncle G?" she asked.

Cassie nodded, "Yeah, can we go back and see daddy now? He may need us…" Cassie said her face frowning as she looked worried.

Kensi knelt down by her daughter, "Daddy is going to be ok baby, you know that don't you. All the danger is over, Hetty's gonna make it ok." She said wrapping her arm around her child and stroking her hair.

Callen knelt down and picked Cassie up, "Come on slugger, let's go and see your daddy and you can give him that bear you got him at the gift shop." He smiled at Kensi and in that moment she could see that Callen was taking his big brother/uncle roll to heart.

She smiled and nodded as Cassie rode in her uncle's arms.

Kensi stopped as they rounded the corridor and saw Hetty standing there on the phone her face looking annoyed.

"Leon, I want him, it's as simple as that, he is a great undercover operative and remember I didn't pick Dekker you did and he was a FSB double agent."

She turned away and didn't see them, "You either let me file those papers and accept him as an agent or I quit Leon." She snapped. Her shoulders relaxed and she sighed, "Thank you I knew you would see it my way…and about the other matter…Good." She smiled as she turned and saw the group in the hallway. "I have to go know." She said and closed the phone.

"Mrs. Deeks may I suggest you have a few moments alone with your husband." She said.

"Is he ok?" she asked worried.

"Tell him Leon said yes and he'll be fine." Hetty said and turned as Kensi handed Cal to her and went inside.

Kensi pushed open the door and looked inside, "Marty?" she said quietly, it felt strange to be using their real names now, but she did anyway.

"Kensi?" Deeks looked over at her, "Where are the kids?"

Kensi smiled "Outside with Callen and Hetty, Hetty said to tell you Leon said yes."

Deeks grinned, "Really?!"

Kensi cocked an eyebrow at him, "What exactly did Leon say yes too? And why did Hetty say you needed to talk to me."

"It's over Kens…The CIA aren't looking for Cassie anymore, they've called off the hunt, said it was an FSB plot or something, I wasn't really listening to Hetty…not after she gave us this…" he handed the cashiers check to her, and grinned.

"That's…WOW!" Kensi said.

"There's more, the CIA are willing to buy us a house…Hetty's going to look for one with us, she has contacts." He grinned.

"So…what now?" Kensi asked sitting on the edge of his bed and holding his hand.

"We leave, find a home, move back…go back to work…"

"You left LAPD, what are you going to do?" she looked worried.

Deeks grinned, the full out shit eating grin he would give her when he had something planned.

"What?" Kensi asked him.

"I'm gonna be an NCIS agent."

"But…the rules we can't work together…" she looked worried.

Deeks took her hand, "You're gonna be partnered with an Agent Collins a woman I think and Nell is getting full field agent status, so she'll be with me, we will be on the same team though." He told her.

Kensi smiled and kissed her husband not hearing the door opening behind them.

"Momma, Daddy…is it ok? Are you going to be alright?" she asked clinging onto the bear she had brought for her father.

Deeks glanced around his wife and smiled at his daughter, "Hey munchkin, how do you fancy living by the beach?"

The happy squeal that Cassie let out could be heard from outside and Callen, Sam and Hetty grinned.

"I think they are staying." Callen remarked.

It took a week for Gibbs and his team to clear Deeks, mostly thanks to some information that Tony DiNozzo dug up while talking to the LAPD officers.

Callen stood in the bullpen and shook Gibbs' hand as he, Bishop, McGee and DiNozzo said their goodbyes.

"Are you leaving?" Kensi and Deeks asked as they arrived for their first official day back at work.

Gibbs smiled and pulled Kensi into a hug, "Welcome back Agent Deeks." Then he turned to Marty, "Welcome to NCIS Agent Deeks…" he grinned at Callen, "I'm so glad this is your problem Son."

Callen shrugged "What problem?" he said as he watched Kensi and Deeks take their desks.

"Kens? Deeks? You foresee a problem?" he grinned.

Both agents shook their head, "Nope…not with work, but we are moving this weekend Agent Gibbs, if you feel the need to stay and help?" Deeks grinned.

"You found a house?" Tony asked, he and Deeks, mostly because of their cop background had become good friends.

"Hetty found it, right on the beach, with a private beach of our own. Cassie loves it and the room we picked for Cal is beautiful, you'll have to come out on vacation." Deeks offered.

"Thanks man." Tony grinned.

"Cool….Coz I fully intend to pick your brain about some of these courses Hetty's got me on." Deeks showed Tony the list. "Forensic science, Criminology, profiling, Computer science…"

Tony smiled, "These are easy I have masters in each of them, feel free to call anytime bro." he grinned as McGee looked stunned. "You'll make a great agent Deeks," Tony said encouragingly.

"I hope I'm as good as you someday." He said.

Gibbs patted DiNozzo on the back, "You do and maybe you'll be Callen's SFA." He grinned, "Gear up, time to go home."

Tony waved goodbye and grabbed the copy of Sniper Monthly that Callen held out to him. "Thanks!" he mouthed as he walked out with the team.

Mae and Nell took their desks and greeted Kensi and Deeks good morning.

"Morning Partner…hope you slept well?" Deeks grinned.

Nell smiled back, "I did thank you Deeks, and I got my car detailed."

Deeks paled, "the mini?" he asked.

Nell smiled, "Nope. Apparently Hetty was concerned that you wouldn't fit in the car, so we upgraded to an Aston Martin."

"Sweet!" Deeks grinned looking over at his wife, who was swinging a key on her finger.

"NO!" Deeks shook his head, "No…you can't not our car…No…you could take the SUV…" he suggested.

Kensi smiled a smug grin, "But honey, the Nanny has the car, and you know that Hetty gave us this as a wedding present."

"Not the Cobra…" Deeks dropped his head in his hands "Kill me now!" he groaned.

Callen and Sam laughed as Mae looked at a picture of the car they were using for work.

"Sweet!" she grinned echoing Marty's sentiments.

They turned as Eric whistled over the balcony and headed back into ops.

"Come on then Agents, back to work." Callen said as they headed up the stairs.

Hetty watched as the new team got to work. Things felt right again in her little world.

She smiled as she thought about the look Callen and Sam were going to give her when she told them they were going to help Kensi, Deeks and the children move from her house in Encino to the large one next to her on the beach in Santa Monica, after all she wanted to keep her grandchildren close.

She sipped her tea and smiled as they group trouped down the stairs and with happy, banter and a familiar determination all six of them set off to solve the next case.