This is the last chapter and it's gonna be pretty short.

The boy with the white hair zoomed through the snow clouds, his staff firmly in his hand. The snow was falling and he needed to get home, soon. He flew on and suddenlt out of nowhere a dragon appeared.

"Need a lift, Frostbite?" Asked the boy on the black dragons back, grinning. The dragon snorted, a thin veil of smoke coming from his nose. The boy with the white hair rolled his eyes,

"No thanks Hic." He chuckled, "Wanna race?"

"Betcha," Hic answered, "But don't think you can beat me and Toothless," he patted the dragon's back. The white haired boy smirked and sped on, past the dragon and his rider. The dragon picked up speed and the two were neck to neck when they neared the ice palace. Jack flew up to the doors and smacked his hand against the door.
"I win!" He yelled triumphantly.

"No fair Jack!" Hiccup pouted, "I had to park!" he gestured at the dragon who changed into a tall boy with flippy dark hair. He ruffled Hic's hair,

"You two, we better get inside." His voice was deep, warm and full of affection. Jack hurried through the door with Hiccup on his heels, pulling his boyfriend along,

"Come on, Toothless!" The boy said excitedly. The three raced up the stairs, Hic slipped on an ice step but Toothless caught him just in time,

"Be careful," The dragon huffed. Hic giggled and kissed his cheek.

"You two coming or what?" Jack asked from the top of the stairs. They eventually made their way to the top. There was quiet a crowd outside the room. A boy with dark brown hair and a goatie was pacing nervously outside the door.

"Jack!" He seemed relieved to see the other boy, "They won't let me in!"

"Aw calm down Eugene," A tall, stocky boy with blonde hair was leaning against a wall, his eyes closed, "You'll see them soon enough."
"What no!" Eugene huffed,

"I wanna go in!" Jack whined,

"You two better calm down," A dark skinned girl threatened, glaring at them. She stood next to a tall boy with blue hair,

"Oh come on Esme!" Eugene gave her the puppy eyes,

"Aster, bro, tell her to let us in!" Jack added, looking hopefull.

"Nope." The blue haired boy, Aster grinned. Jack groaned but just then two girls exited the room, huge grins on their faces. One had ginger plaits and the other a mass of curly red hair.

"You lot can come in now," The ginger said happily, going to hug the blonde boy,

"Thanks Anna," Jack and Eugene hurried towards the doors,

"Better be quiet, or I swear I'll kick your butts from here to next Tuesday." The red head growled,

"Okay, okay, Mer, calm down!" Jack held his hands up in surrender as he and Eugene burst through the door.

There were two twin beds next to eachother, occupied with two tired looking woman. One was holding one bundle, the other two. Eugene hurried to the one with the two. She had short brown hair and sparkling green eyes,

"Twins!" Eugene's eyes lit up as he looked at the babies. They both had long, golden hair. One was currently screaming and the other one looked asleep. Eugene carefully picked up the screaming baby,

"There there sweetie," he cooed and the baby calmed down, blinking it's huge brown eyes at Eugene, "daddy's here!"

"What should we call them?" The girl asked, cuddling the sleeping child to her chest,

"How about Max and Pascal?" Eugene asked,

"We can't name our son after my pet chameleon!" The girl scoffed, "How about Max and Flynn?" She asked with a smile.

"Oh Rapunzel! You're amazing!" Eugene leaned down and kissed her affectinatley on the cheek. Punzie giggled.

Meanwhile on the other bed sat a girl with pale blonde hair. Jack leaned over her.

"Oh, Elsa," He breathed. He had their baby in his arms. It was a girl, with white hair and huge blue eyes.

"I think Winter is a great name for her." Elsa whispered. Jack nodded, his eyes twinkling with love and happiness.

"Yeah." He whispered. The calm atmosphere was broken when the crowd from outside pilled in. The next hour passed with people holding Winter, Max and Flynn in their arms, cooing and congratulating. Elsa smiled at Jack and Jack smiled back at her, pulling her into his arms. They watched as Kristoff awkwardly held Winter in his arms, looking huge next to the tiny baby. But Winter onto snuggled into his chest.

Nobody remembered the University. Only Jack and Elsa. They remembered Pitch and the fight and how they died. Now everyone was back, Kida got together with Milo, the greek. Eric and Ariel had a baby girl called Melody. Pocahontas and Kida opened a nursery together. Gru and the minions visited often and so did Peter. All was well. Jack leaned down to kiss Elsa on the cheek. Everything would be fine. They were together now.

~ Fin

So here it is. The end. I feel empty, with nothing more to write. I think I made this happy enough. I was thinking about writting another story this time about eveyone's kids but I don't know. Ideas guys! Give me ideas!

I would like to thank the following people:

Chinaluv - for sticking with me through all of this.

my ideas of life - for deep conversations and awesome reviews.

shobbs10 - for all that time spent fangirling.

ShezaRoxiela - for being awesome.

Analest - for being my darling, through all of this.

and finally oOoPoPcAnDY - my sister. I wouldn't be able to do this without you and your support. Thanks so much.

Thankyou all for being here for me, reading and reviewing and being awesome. I feel like I'm saying goodbye to my friends, but it's not goodbye - not really. I'll write again, after I get myself together. Buy anyway, yeah, thankyou darlings. You rock.

Fly on.