Chapter 1 – Welcome to Disney University

Elsa's POV

Our car pulled into the parking lot of Disney University. I could feel my hands tremble, I hate new people. Actually, I hate people overall, except for the girl that was currently sitting on next to me. Not for the first time in my life I was glad that I had my sister with me. Anna, was sixteen years old and looked absolutely stunning. Her ginger hair was falling down her back in soft waves, her blue eyes were sparkling. She had a black skater skirt on with a white shirt, she rolled her sleeves up. I had my ice blonde hair in a side ponytail. She let me wear my favourite pale blue high waisted jeans but had to forcefully made me wear a tank top. Okay, maybe it was warm but I don't like showing skin, especially to strangers. Did I mention that I didn't like people?

"Come on Elsa," Anna gave my hand a comforting squeeze, "Let's go ."

"Arendelle sisters!" called a cheery voice from the office. I sighed and got up, Anna was so excited: she was jumping around happily. Since I'm already here I might as well pretend like I'm happy, I thought to myself as we neared the office. Behind the glass sat a pretty woman, she had dark blonde hair that looked almost ginger, she was all in pink and had a huge smile on.

"Hi, I'm Giselle! Can I please have your name, age and what you will be studying!" She said in a sing – song voice. Anna smiled at her,

"I'm Anna Arendelle, sixteen, and I will be studying music!" she said equally cheerfully.

"That's great, here's your key your room number is 364, your roommate is Merida Brave, enjoy your time at Disney University!" Giselle passed Anna a small silver key, my sister gave me a small smile and walked down the hall. Okay, Elsa, time to be independent. I put on a smile,

"Hello, I'm Elsa Arendelle, seventeen, I'm studying Business and drama." Giselle rummaged through her drawers,

"Okay Elsa, here's your key, room number 365. Just a few rules since you're a somophore, you can't have any boys in your dorm room past 8pm, unfortunately," Giselle winked at me and I couldn't help but giggle, "You can't leave the building after 10pm and no alcohol, drugs or cigarettes, obviously. Your roommate is Rapunzel Corona. I hope you enjoy your time at Disney uni!" she passed me the key and with a grateful smile I walked down the hall, trying to ignore the eyes I could feel following me. I eventually reached my room and walked in. It was huge with two king sized beds. Half of it was already occupied. There was a purple duvet over the crispy white sheets, numerous paintings placed randomly around the room and a chameleon in a glass case on one of the nightstands. Oh Gods.

"Omg, Hi! You must be Elsa!" I turned around and saw a gorgeous girl with really long blonde hair and sparkling green eyes, she was wearing suspenders and her face was splattered with paint. I immediately felt calm in her presence, I don't know why,

"Yeah, and you're Rapunzel, right?" I offered her my hand and she shook it excitedly,

"Yes! Hey I put some of my paintings up I hope you don't mind?" She asked nervously laughing,

"You drew this?!" I asked in astonishment looking at the closest one which seemed to be of her looking up at lanterns in the night sky, it looked so real, I thought she bought them.

"Yeah, I'm an art student."

"They're amazing, I totally don't mind if they stay!" I said laughing, Rapunzel relaxed, "So Punzie, who's this little fellow?" I asked walking over to the chameleon,
"That's Pascal! But I sneaked him in so please don't tell Esmeralda!" Rapunzel took Pascal out of the case, he changed his colour to hot pink,

"Sure, course I won't. Who's Esmeralda?" I asked as I started unpacking my clothes, most of them were blue. Rapunzel sat on her bed and started sorting through her books, I spotted the whole Harry Potter series amongst them,

"Oh Esmeralda is our RA, like the mother of our floor. She's really cool but she has to stick to the rules; pets aren't allowed," her phone rang interrupting her. She gave me an apologetic smile before picking up, "Hiccup? Hey! Yeah sure I'll be down in a second, the cafeteria? Okay. Wait, hey, can I bring my new roomie? She seems cool! Okay, yeah, okay, love you too bro." Rapunzel put her phone away and looked at me with a smile, "Hey do you want to go to the cafeteria with me and a bunch of my friends? It will be fun, please come!" she smiled sweetly, I sighed, you just can't say no to this girl,

"Fine, but can my sister come with us?" I asked, I didn't want Anna to think I ditched her.

"Sure the more the better!"

Anna's POV

I entered my room and was met with a shock: the whole room was strewn with clothes, books and other stuff. A girl with a mass of red hair sat on one of the beds and was frantically searching through a heap of clothes, she stopped when she saw me,

"Hi! I'm Anna!" I said cheerfully, sitting on the other bed,
"The name's Merida, don't touch my stuff and we will get along," the girl said with an innocent smile. I laughed,

"Okay, don't worry I won't," I began unpacking thinking about how Elsa was getting along. I know she hates new people, I hope her roommate is someone nice. Me and Merida got along alright, we swapped remarks as we unpacked, but I was too worried about Elsa to properly engage in a conversation. Suddenly our door burst open and no other that my own sister, Elsa, walked in laughing hysterically. Another girl entered, probably her roommate, and she was also laughing like a maniac. I sighed in relief, they seemed to be doing great.

"Merida, get your ass up, Hic called!" the blonde girl yelled at my roomie before turning to look at me, "Hi Anna! I'm Rapunzel and you're going out with us!" before I could protest Elsa giggled and grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at Elsa who seemed to be in a really good mood. It was weird, she's usually quiet when she has to meet new people, but she seemed to really get along with Rapunzel, they talked like long – lost best friends.

"We're going to meet some fine ass boys," Merida said winking at me, I grinned. Yes. Boys.

A/N : Next chapter I'm gonna introduce Jack and I'm planning on making him and Elsa get together pretty quickly, so don't worry romance is coming. Sorry if this was short