(Greetings all! This is my first submission to this site; I hope that my first contribution is worth a read! Cheers to any new friendly faces eager to help a casual writer on her way.~)


What does it mean to us?

To be able to see, feel, think and create things- real or fake, good or evil.

As kids, we loved that kind of stuff. We relied on things like the tooth fairy and Santa Claus to make wishes and believe the unseen.

To believe...

That's where everything moulds itself right there. Belief.

Knowing we can believe in things- even if they are not real- really dives us deeper into childhood's innocence.

This, of course, included our own fantasies of our favourite things actually coming to life- being presented to us- in the flesh.
Books, movies, TV shows, video-games; we all have admittedly awaited a pokemon to appear in our backyard, or get a letter from Hogwarts, or get thrown into the world of Disney and My Little Pony.

Of course, these silly fantasies eventually end. All things have to end someday- but never the memory. We will still look back at it and laugh; whether it be from embarrassment, stupidity, or joy.
We will always dream about such things, but we all know they will never happen.



What does it mean now?

Much more.

Please, mark my words, do not- EVER- stop believing.

...because right when we think something will never happen,
it will.


And you won't be ready.