A/N: Yes, I know, I left again lol. It's been busy and lots of life stuff has been happening, what can I say? I still intend to read other stories; now I may have a bit more time to do so. :)
Anyway, this story has been sitting in my files since 2012. Any similarities between it and other stories is purely coincidental - I hadn't been around here for quite some time when this idea hit me, and I wrote it up on my own. I last looked at it a year ago. And now, here it is. :)
Anyway, I'm finding it hard to type with gel nails (even if they are shorter than some people get lol) so I'll direct you to the story now. Please leave a comment if you wish. Enjoy! :)
Disclaimer: I don't own the show, characters, recognizable names or places. I only own my original characters and my idea.
When the Past is New Again
Chapter 1
-Twenty Years Ago-
Sergeant Frank Reagan let out a tired breath. He had spent the entire day explaining to the families of the multiple murder victims that the man responsible had been arrested. Teenager, actually. The young man was only eighteen but he had committed the crimes of adult men twice his age; he had been one of New York's most wanted serial killers, and Frank had finally caught up to him. The kid didn't even seem to care; in fact, he'd spent most of his time bragging. Frank shook his head as he changed out of his uniform.
Frank smiled at his friend and fellow sergeant, Greg Caldwell. "Hi, Greg. What's going on?"
"Nothing. Just wanted to congratulate you on your big arrest this morning. I'd say this could even bump you to Lieutenant."
Frank smiled. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."
"I'm not… Sir."
Frank chuckled. "Well, all we know right now is that Tyler Klondeski won't be killing anyone else."
"No… but he still has to go through trial."
"Yeah, but do you expect him to walk?"
"No. Evidence is solid and he's confessed. He's even led our guys to where he buried the bodies."
"Then he won't be killing anyone else."
Greg nodded. "I've got to go, Frank. Congrats again. Now, go see your family. You've earned more than enough time, go spend it with them."
Frank smiled. "See you later, Greg." He watched as Greg walked out of the locker room. He sobered; his family had been at the top of his list of worries. With a serial killer on the loose, he had been reluctant to let his wife and children out of his sight. The victims had varied in age, and had been both male and female. The youngest victim was twelve years old, only two years older than his youngest son.
At least he didn't have to worry any more.
Perry Klondeski stared at the TV screen in disbelief. His son had just been sentenced to life without parole. He'd never be able to see him again; his own run-ins with the law kept him on the down-low. He didn't want to be seen anywhere near a jail cell. He stared at the officers that had gathered, where one was being interviewed by the media.
It was all Frank Reagan's fault.
Two years had passed since the Klondeski kid's arrest. Frank had been promoted to Lieutenant less than a week after the arrest and conviction. A month ago, he'd been promoted to Captain. As he sat at his month-old desk, he had to admit he wasn't having nearly as much fun.
A knock sounded at his office door. A secretary poked her head inside.
"Sir? Commissioner Reagan wants you in his office immediately."
Frank stood. "Did he say why?"
"No, Sir."
Frank nodded. This didn't sound good. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, Sir."
Frank headed out into the hallway to the elevator. He took the slow ride up to the top floor, his mind buzzing with possibilities. Finally, he stepped out and headed towards the Commissioner's office. He stepped into the waiting area, the secretary giving him a small smile.
"Sir, the Commissioner's waiting for you. Go right in."
"Thank you."
He stepped up to the door, knocking first before gently pushing open the door. He stood patiently, watching his father's back as Henry stared out the window. He was tempted to clear his throat, but Henry turned around right at that moment.
"Francis." Henry greeted.
"Have a seat."
"What's wrong, Sir?" Frank asked, keeping up the formalities. His father looked so grim that he was sure he'd done something wrong. He sat cautiously, swallowing nervously. "You look like you have bad news."
Henry sat across from him. "Why would I have bad news, Francis?"
"Because the look on your face is the same one you'd get when I did something wrong. It's the same face as when you told me that Grandma had passed away."
Henry nodded, glancing at his hands. "You're right, son… Tyler Klondeski died this morning in a gang fight. He was with his group in the courtyard when a fight broke out between two sets of gang members. He was stabbed several times with a smuggled weapon, and there was nothing that could be done for him."
Frank glanced down wordlessly at his hands resting in his lap. He didn't feel all that bad about it, and that thought made him feel guilty. It was still a human life.
"You alright, son?"
"Sure," Frank said, looking up. "Thanks for telling me."
"You had hope for him."
Frank shook his head. "I have hope for everyone… but he couldn't be fixed. Nothing would cure him of his love of killing."
"But it bothers you that now you'll never know."
"And it bothers you that you don't feel as bad about the death of a human being as you feel you should."
"Francis, go see Mary and the kids."
"I still have a few hours left…"
"Go. That's an order," Henry softened. "Son, I know how worried you were about them when Klondeski was on the streets. He may be gone permanently, but you still need to see them. Go. Jamie will be out of school by now, won't he?"
"Yes, but I think he has baseball practice."
"Then go watch. I know he'd like you to be there."
Frank nodded. "Thank you, Sir." he said, standing. He nodded one last time as he exited his father's office.
Perry Klondeski stood, shocked, staring at the television in front of him. His son… his only boy… was dead. The news reporter on the screen confirmed it. His fists clenched. The kid was never as bad as they made him out to be. He was only showing his strength against those that made fun of him. He'd always said that no one liked him, that they all called him stupid and slow. They said he was cold-hearted and cruel. Perry never believed it. He loved his son, and his son loved him. He told him so nearly every day.
This was all Frank Reagan's fault.
Reagan would pay. Not now, but he would pay. He would regret the day he'd ever touched his son.
Jamie scuffed his toe in the dugout, waiting for his turn. He stared morosely at the stands. The only one who'd been able to make it to his practice was Joe. He caught Joe's eye and waved. Joe smiled, waving back, giving him a thumbs up sign.
"Reagan, you're up."
Jamie grabbed his bat, hurrying out to the field. He stood at home plate, watching the pitcher carefully. He swung, missing by a mile. He huffed, annoyed, concentrating again on the pitcher. His bat made solid contact with the ball…
He took off, barely hearing the cheers of his teammates and the crowd in the stands. Only one voice stood out.
"Keep running, son! You can get to second!"
He nearly tripped over first base as he flew past it, skidding into second. He glanced into the crowd, spotting not only Joe but his father as well. He noticed the still-startled look on Joe's face which told him that Joe hadn't expected him either. He smiled, a warm feeling filling him.
The rest of practice flew by. He barely noticed when his coach called for them to grab their things and head out. He quickly grabbed his bag and hurried over to where Joe and his father were standing. He smiled at them.
"Did you see me hit that one, Dad?"
Frank smiled. "I saw it, Jamie. You did amazing today."
"Yeah, kiddo. I wouldn't have missed it for the world." Joe smiled, pulling him into a hug.
"Dad, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be at work?"
"Something came up and I got to leave early," Frank shrugged, not wanting his sons to see his stress. "I thought I'd come by to watch you practice."
Jamie grabbed him in a hug. "I'm glad you came."
Frank hugged him back. "So am I, son."
No one noticed the camera from several feet away.
-Present Day-
The family sat around the dinner table Sunday evening. They were halfway through dinner. Conversation had quieted down and the only sound that could be heard was the clinking of forks and knives. Henry finished first, putting down his fork.
"Francis, I heard that Perry Klondeski got out the other day."
Frank kept the frown from his face at hearing the name. "Yes, he did," he answered. Klondeski had been in and out of jail for the past several years on drug charges, assault charges stemming from bar brawls, and a couple of break and enters. He was never in for very long, but Frank saw more of him than he ever wanted to.
"I hear he went bat shit crazy after his son was killed in prison." Henry continued.
Frank nearly choked on his potato. "Pop!"
"Don't you dare repeat it, Jack!" Linda snapped.
"Be quiet and finish your dinner."
"Sorry, Mom." Jack mumbled.
Erin shook her head. Frank glowered at his sons; both Jamie and Danny had let out snorts of amusement at their grandfather's words. Danny quickly stuffed a forkful of food into his mouth to stop any laughter. Jamie quickly brought his wine glass to his lips, taking a mouthful.
"What? It's true!" Henry protested. "He'd always been a nutcase, and the apple didn't fall far from the tree."
An odd gurgle could be heard coming from Jamie's direction. Frank sighed, glowering at him again as he watched his son mop up his chin. Danny snorted into his food. Even Erin tried to keep the smile from her face as she watched her youngest sibling redden.
"Sorry, Dad," Jamie mumbled. Frank couldn't help but give him a smile.
"At least the boy thinks I'm funny," Henry defended himself.
"Yeah, well the situation isn't funny," Frank told him. "And I need each of you to remember that. It's a tragic situation, not a comedy routine."
The rest of the family sobered, glancing at each other. They nodded, turning again to concentrate on their food.
Frank turned. He'd been staring out the front window into the street below for the last several minutes. He could hear the sounds of the rest of his family cleaning up the kitchen. "Yeah, Pop?"
"It still bothers you."
Frank shook his head. "What bothers me, Pop, is the fact that Klondeski spent years after his son's death wandering the streets and bothering people, but never enough to be arrested. Then over the last few years, he's been doing petty things… and each time I have to face him," Frank sighed. "He attacked someone with a beer bottle in the same bar I was in, at the same time that I was in there. He broke into Greg's house. He didn't even steal anything."
"Greg Caldwell?" Henry asked. "Didn't he retire several years ago after his eyesight started getting bad?"
"Yes, that's him."
"Maybe Klondeski wants to get under your skin."
"Well, it's working then."
"Then just ignore him. With the path he's taking, he'll be gone before you know it."
"Well, it's true, Francis. He's an alcoholic and a druggie."
"He's angry."
"If you don't let it bother you, he'll leave you alone."
"Sure," Frank answered, giving him a smile. He didn't believe a word of it.
"Hi, Jamie. Come, sit for a while."
Jamie shook his head. "I've got to go soon, Dad. I work the early shift." He sat down on the edge of the couch. Everyone else had packed up and left a few minutes ago, but he wanted to spend a bit of time with his father. He knew something was bothering him. "This Klondeski guy seems to get to you."
Frank nodded. "I shouldn't let him bother me, son. Don't worry about it."
Jamie shrugged. "Can't help it."
Frank smiled at him before his smile sobered. "You know a little about the case, don't you?"
"Yeah. Klondeski's son was a serial killer?"
"Yes. He was only eighteen but he'd killed ten people. His last victim was a twelve year old boy," Frank looked away. "When I saw the boy… I saw you."
"He looked like you… same hair colour, same build… he may have been two years older, but he definitely wasn't bigger." He looked Jamie in the eye. "Jamie, the entire time I searched for Tyler Klondeski I worried daily about your mother. I worried about each of you… I didn't want to let you out of my sight but I couldn't keep you all inside without raising suspicions. I was barred from saying much about the case. Your mother could tell something wasn't right, but she never questioned me. I don't think you kids understood much."
"Danny did."
"He overheard me talking to Pops about it. I forbade him to say anything. He promised he wouldn't."
"He kept to his word."
"I know," Frank nodded. "It was only after Tyler had been arrested that I let anything slip to your mother. I told you very little about it because you were so young."
"Doesn't matter, Dad. I get what serial killer means. I knew it even then… it was all over the news."
"Tyler's father, Perry, also led a life of crime, though he's never killed anyone."
"Gramps was right then… the apple doesn't fall… sorry, Dad," Jamie smiled sheepishly, noticing the look his father shot him. "Go on."
Frank couldn't help but smile. "Just between you and me, your Grandfather's right. Don't tell him that. It'll undo everything I've been trying to teach him."
Jamie grinned. "Sure, Dad. Look, I have to go. I'm already dreading my alarm in the morning."
Frank smiled. "Goodnight, son."
"Night, Dad."
Jamie turned back only steps away from the door. "Yeah?"
Frank studied him. He'd said the same thing to each of his family members as they left. Not that they knew what he was talking about. "Be careful."
Jamie studied him back before giving him a small smile. "I will, Dad. Take care."
"You too, son. Sleep well."
Frank sighed as the door shut behind his son.
Klondeski stared at the pictures before him. A desperate hate grew inside him, filling him.
Yes, Frank Reagan would pay.
It was time.