Rewrite of 200, just a oneshot unless you guys want more?

"Your code now." The thickly accented captor spoke from behind her with a gun trained on the back if her head. "Or this time she loses more than a baby."

"Go to hell." Matt grunted.

"Your code!" Askari screamed.

"Did you tell them I was pregnant?" JJ directed to Matt in nearly a breathy whisper.

"Of course not." Matt insisted. "I never told anyone."

"Okay." JJ breathed. "That's enough. Come out." JJ said.

"Who you talkin to?" Askari questioned still firmly training the gun on her head.

"Not to you, to your boss." JJ said near tears. "Come out and face me you coward." JJ cried and was startled as someone beckoned to her call. A door was slammed open, a figure walked through. Hesitantly, JJ turned her head as Hastings entered the room with a silly grin on his face.

"How did you know?" Hastings inquired.

"Askari couldn't possibly have known I was pregnant. I didn't tell anyone, not even my husband. I only told Matt." JJ said, still fighting tears and speaking through a weak and croaky voice. "It was right before you came and gave me that message from the BAU. How long were you listening before you approached?"

When Hastings failed to answer, JJ continued on.

"I was right about there being an inside man."

"And look what it cost you." Hastings retorted.

"You can threaten to kill me. Matt won't give you what you want." JJ said with all the strength and courage she could muster.

As Hastings made a slow descent to her captive position, she realized the mistake in her words, and quickly swallowed a large gulp of fear.

"She's right." Askari said.

"Don't I know it." Hastings said as he made his way to the chains and roughly pulled JJ up to a standing position.

His eyes found her curves and trailed her bruised body. His quickly glanced at Matt with a silly grin on his face.

"But I also know you Matt. And what line you won't let me cross." Hastings said as his hands found their target and began to caress her rear curves with lust, creating a grim glare from Matt. JJ's breath quickened as his hands continued to roam. Matt looked away with regret on his face. "But I get it, Jareau is yours now. And I don't blame you, she is an attractive woman." Hastings said as he grabbed her cheeks and forced her face towards his own.

"Don't touch her you sick son of a bitch!" Matt cried.

"No more games." Hastings replied, releasing his grip on JJ. "I want INTEGRITY. She's the price." Hastings glanced irritably at JJ. Hastings once again grabbed JJ's cheeks and forced her to look at him.

"Maybe, I can make you..." Hastings raised her shirt and caressed her flat stomach, "another one." Hastings met her eyes with a greedy smile and JJ but her lip and glared back into his disgusting eyes.

Hastings continued roaming JJ's body with his hands, every now and then sending a dirty look towards Matt, followed by a lustful smile. His hands found the buttons of her shirt, and slowly began undoing them. This released an emotion in JJ she found highly unpleasant. She sniffled as tears filled her eyes and threatened to fall.

"Take your time Matt. I've been thinking about this for years." Hastings said with a slight chuckle as his hands found the next button on her blouse.

"Matt don't. I'm fine." JJ said, slightly cringing as she heard the break in her voice. "I'm fine." JJ said defiantly, Hastings bony fingers found her pant button and broke the flimsy thing easily. "I'm fine." JJ said again, quieter.

Hastings was effectively breaking her.

JJ squeezed her eyes at the uncomfortable and rough touch of a man she used to trust. She stared at Matt's turned head, silently begging him to stop this. How far was she willing to go to keep her country safe? Was it worth being...raped?

The tears finally fell down JJ's sore face. What would Will think? How would he ever be able to look at her again?

"I'm fine." JJ said again, even softer.

"No you're not." Matt replied. His head was still turned from the disturbing sight of Hastings removing JJ's clothing. His voice was breaking, his heart was breaking. HE was breaking.

JJ didn't answer as Hastings finished off her buttons. The blouse hung loosely on her shoulders and hung wide open exposing her bear stomach and plain black bra. JJ was horrified, but was grateful Matt kept his eyes away from the horrid scene.

"Please." Matt begged through his own silent tears.

JJ gasped as her pants were dropped to the floor, revealing her black underwear matching her bra. Hastings dropped to her ankles and roamed the velvety soft skin with rough fingers as he slowly took her pants off her ankles and through them to the side of the room. His grin was large and wide now, this was about more than just the security code. He wanted JJ.

Hastings moved behind her, his hands never leaving her body, as he violently ripped her blouse off, leaving her in her bra and underwear, violently exposed and horribly embarrassed. JJ's tears were silently streaming uncontrollably.

"Okay, okay." Matt broke down, his sobs were heart wrenching.

"Matt." JJ breathed hard.

"Just stop." Matt said, ignoring JJ. "I'll do it, just stop."

Hastings seemed to consider it for a moment.

"Too late."

Hastings ripped her underwear off in one rapid motion, emitting a scared scream from JJ. Her sobs were no longer silent, as Hastings eyed her most private parts. Parts only meant for Will. Her thoughts traveled to Will and that handsome smile of his. His dark eyes and the way he made her feel loved each time she was around him. She hadn't ever loved a man more than that southern hunk. Now she might lose him, that was a thought JJ couldn't come to terms with, it only created a breaking in her heart.

"Stop!" JJ screamed.

This outburst caused Hastings stop. At first he looked angry, but soon the glare turned into a seductive smile. He was pleased with her reaction, this only further turned him on.

Matt had fallen to the floor in uncontrollable sobs. JJ had never seen him so "upset". She matched his reaction perfectly and cried, she yelled for Hastings to stop, but deep down, she knew nothing at this point would stop the raging lunatic before her.

She saved her energy and stopped screaming, she was reduced to uncontrollable sobs as Hastings proceeded on with his threat. He fulfilled every last word and more as his erection found her hole and violently slammed into her repeatedly. JJ screamed out each time he thrust. She screamed for Will, for mercy, and for hope. Maybe after all this was over she would still survive, she was holding out hope on her team.

She wasn't ready to go just yet.

Hastings finished his despicable act, he lowered JJ to the ground and left the room with Askari, leaving the two prisoners to process what had just happened. JJ cuddled into a fetal position, sobbing silently and whispering Will's name. She wanted nothing more than for him to hold her and solace her in this terrible time.

"Please. Will." JJ sobbed.

Hope you liked, please review!