I'm back with news and other stuff, plus the sequel to Luck. I could not wait for next Friday, so I deleted the ATTENTION thing. I have a announcement/suggestion for you guys down below, but I aim for this story 24/25 chapters, hopefully 100,000 words (Yeah right, more like -2) and I want all my great followers/fans/awesome people/everybody to come back for this story. it just worries me because I didn't have that many read the future ahead, which only had 834 views. I would like to see this story get 50,000 views, 100 reviews, and 75 followers. I promise this story wont have a 2 month of no posting, that just made me feel guilty, anyway, enjoy Long Road :).

FOUR years later


Growing up, in any other words Astrid can think of, sucks.

The few good things she can even think of about growing up, is being with her extremely loving husband, Hiccup, and having her little Brenda. she does want to forget delivering the kid, but it never leaves her mind. being that big in the stomach, and eating a little too much, not to mention having saggy breasts, she is glad that has all changed, except for the eating, she smirks at herself, eating is too much fun. but so is laying down in her bed with a sleeping family. Astrid knows that Hiccup wont be getting up anytime soon, and Brenda, well she takes Hiccups trait of sleeping in, but has Astrid's strength and agility.

Astrid gets up anyway, only to realize she slept in her undergarments and breast bindings. she sighs, and gets her clothes, which are scattered everywhere, Hiccups fault, not hers.

As she is putting on her new skirt Hiccups mom made her, she goes to look at Hiccup, but he isn't in the bed, and tickles her from behind, and she turns around, and gives a slug to the arm, that has no effect once so ever, and he smiles, fucking Hiccup, well when she thinks of saying that, it don't sound like a bad idea.

"Well good morning Beautiful" Hiccup says, and like always, she smiles and blushes, and pops right on his small lap, and gives him a nice kiss, shoving her tounge down his throat, and before she can get carried away, he stops it and it becomes a staring game. she smirks and gets off his lap, and of course, forgets what she was going to do. but he solves the problem, by putting on his boot and go feeding the dragons, so many dragons they have.

Hiccup gets to the dragon home he made where four dragons rest. he goes to stormfly first, who doesn't socialize that much with any dragon besides Toothless, who seems to be a social butterfly. Stormfly gets up and heads to Hiccup, and they have a moment before Hiccup drops a bucket of fish in her den, ad she squaks and chows down. then he heads to the Night fury den, which holds three dragons. Toothless sees his buddy, and gets up from his mate and little dragon to meet with Hiccup, and they have a moment, in which Hiccup promises a fly later, and he drops two buckets of fish down to feed three. The Albino dragon stares at Hiccup with huge pupils, which usually means they are calm, and happy, so he smiles, waves and gets back to business.

Hiccup Is aware that he has a new apprentice that needs to learn how to fix things in the forge, because Gobber has given the forge to Hiccup, who was going to get it at some point anyway. so Hiccup heads down there, but decides to head to his father to get breakfast.


Brenda wakes up and starts crying while Astrid is making breakfast for the kid, Astrid sighs, and heads toward their toddler. Brenda has blonde hair, but has Hiccups brown eyes, and his nose. she really needs a babysitter, not because she is really busy, but mainly because Brenda doesn't really like Astrid doing things for her, she doesn't mind Hiccup, but for some reason, doesn't like Astrid that much, but Brenda also loves Fishlegs, who watches Brenda whenever he can.

Astrid picks up Brenda and pats her back, and trying to calm her down, while trying to make breakfast, life doesn't like Astrid this morning.

When Brenda eventually calms down, all she does is get off of Astrid, and crawls away. Astrid rolls her eyes and tries to finish making breakfast, but it got burnt, so Astrid stares at it for a moment, and for about two minutes, Astrid throws a fit, cursing the air out, and when she calms down, she realizes she threw the pan she was cooking on, which almost makes her throw another fit, but she calms herself, and grabs the pan, and tries cooking again. Brenda is in Astrids bed jumping on it, great. Astrid finally makes the brat breakfast, and Brenda eats it all before Astrid cleans the pan she was cooking on.

Fishlegs knocks on the door, and Astrid signals for him to come in. "Hey fishlegs, whats up?" Fishlegs sits at the table, while Astrid is on the other end.

"Hey Astrid, and I came wondering if I can take Brenda, so she can have a sleepover with my daughter?" Astrid laughs and nods. "Sure you can, just make sure she behaves, even though she did come from me". Fishlegs laughs, but Brenda comes and sits on Fishleg's lap, which she considers Fishlegs as her uncle, and Hiccup keeps it that way.

"But remember Astrid, she did also come from Hiccup, so she is in the middle". Astrid smiles. "Ill see you around Astrid" Fishlegs finishes, and leaves with Brenda. finally, she can sit down, and starts braiding her hair, and gets her new red shirt, because she is going with Ruffnut to dinner later, and she needs to have her hair done, besides, Astrid doesn't really like it down her back anyway.


hours later


Around when she finishes braiding her hair the new way she likes to do it, Hiccup arrives home, but looks clean from coming from the forge, and doesn't smell like ash or metal, she shrugs the thought off. Hiccup comes to her, and sits down next to her.

"Where did the little you go?" Hiccup asks, and she laughs, "She is sleeping over fish's house again. "Well don't you have dinner with ruff?". Astrid thinks, yeah she does, but does she want to go?

"Yes I have dinner to go to tonight, I wish you could go though, but its a girls dinner". Astrid says, and Hiccup thinks for a second.

"Well, we have a while before you go, why don't we do something?" Hiccup says, and Astrid stares at him. "Like what?" Astrid asks, thinking of two different things.

"Well what we always do when we have the house to ourselves" Hiccup says and grabs Astrid to put her on his lap. its gonna be a good night, but then theres the dinner.


This is chapter one, it isn't my best, but wait till we get in the story, I cant wait. and for the fans that think I deserve to have you all, and want updates on every story I do, follow me on twitter kyle11055 or just type in kyle11055, you can ask me questions there, plus have updates on when I post things. have a great weekend to all those who read this, and follow this story up :)